RIP George Floyd

Don't hurt yourself reaching like that with the OJ comparison as it pertains to Kobe.

You are aware that he spent roughly ages 6-13 in Italy, speaking italian, immersing himself in the culture because his dad was playing there, right? Referring to himself as Italian is not denying his African-American roots. It's acknowledging his upbringing. He's spoken at length about moving back to the states for high school and feeling like an outcast as far as not knowing the customs, lingo etc.

You're just not going to address the quote I posted where he literally acknowledged his blackness?
Don’t hurt yourself through the denial that OJ Simpson was THE BLUEPRINT for Black male athletes, one that Jordan followed To the hilt, in which Kobe, Tiger, and a few others imitated as well. Look, right now I am on my phone, cannot type out stuff as I wish, but what I will do as soon as I get to my pc, is to start a thread regarding the failure of the Black athlete politically, then who did what right, and then who did not. Kobe Bryant just like Woods, did a whole lotta wrong, then were BLATANT with it, with Kobe even ignoring the concern of his parents.
I guess I'm left wondering what is it that you want? Don't you want people to change their ways? I'm not saying I trust these people either. I want to see the system rebuilt one way or the other.
I want the influence on Black affairs by white america, to be completely eliminated. Black people owning, supporting, then being about Blackness, which is something that has been deemed illegal ever since the Dred Scott decision, then never being fully repaired through Brown v. Board of Ed and the Civil Rights voting acts.

education ether

gotta love it
Kobe $ and time:
Found the Kobe and Vanessa Bryant foundation for homeless youth in LA
-Ambassador and big contributor to after school all-starsLos Angeles chapter which serves 14,000 students in 38 schools, 99 percent of whom are young people of color
-The FOUNDING donor
contributing $1 million or more, for the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture.

wouldn´t enough signs on a fence have the added effect of blocking ¨crowd control munitions?¨

With how these protests are continuing daily and getting bigger each day, do you believe this energy will carry into November and more importantly oust Trump from office?

I got news from my views for ya cousin...if we stay on this path until November, it´ll be too late.

okay so, you´re the President of the United States in 2020...congrats! now, do you:

provide additional stimulus funding amid 1/5 unemployment to supplement lost household income from the global economic crisis and essentially pay people to demonstrate during a pandemic?


- cut off stimulus funding amid 1/5 unemployment, failing to supplement lost household income from the global economic crisis and guaranteeing nationwide bread riots during a pandemic?

also, I was asked for my perspective on the events of 2020 by some nice white folk and I LET THEM HAVE IT

Left to my own worldview, I typically don´t even classify people in my mind by ¨race.¨

I´m much more likely to discriminate against you based on your beliefs...I know plenty of amazing ¨white people,¨ like the duo who have so graciously offered me this platform today, but flat-Earthers are intellectually subhuman and should be removed from the general public for re-training.

Man, I´m a little cranked up these days...I´ll turn it down to like a 6.

Yeah tho, the point of my opening riff is that here are so many more significant details to a given Earthling that for me, the color of a person´s skin ranks around the color of their shirt when playing the Sherlock Holmes game with random members of the public: sure, a given shade could say something...but also, maybe not. Just another stat on the trading card: male, speaks English, right-handed, permanent suntan...right?

Solipsismaside, it´s become impossible to ignore since about Trayvon or so that the color of my skin is a significant detail to OTHER PEOPLE...perception being reality, that means it is a very significant detail about who I am as a person.

George Zimmerman certainly recognized the specific shade of the teenage boy he stalked and murdered on that rainy night, even in the most violent seconds of his pathetic, overlong life secure in the belief that he could leave this black body in the streets with the United States legal system standing behind him thanks to a lifetime of reassurance.

Spoiler alert: he was correct to believe this..

Watching that tragedy unfold from my suddenly divided workplace (imagine thinking there is another side to that story!) along with witnessing the naked racism unearthed in everyday society by the ascension of former President Obama, quickly made me realize that I was not entirely welcome in the nation of my birth.

Of course, my parents had The Talks with me that so many black parents have to, how life will be just a little bit harder around these parts because brown, but these were the years that cemented my eventual departure from the Old Country.

For the record, my ticket was officially punched around the time The Living Embodiment of White Privilege, a failed businessman and game show host, was taken seriously as a Presidential candidate...I arrived here in México in February of 2016.

Since that time, there have been many validations of my Decision.

Guy did end up winning the election, in case you missed it…pretty sure the entire executive branch is compromised, so that´s cool.

The plague struck, and brilliant armed civilians stormed state capitals in protest of basic protective measures.

My good judgment in abandoning the US was even reflected in something as simple as Ann Cooper (aka Dog Park K****) knowingly brandishing the power of the white supremacist American nation-state in response to the most trivial perceived slight from someone she considered beneath her.

Still, to say I had arrived in paradise would be an overstatement...sure, it was nice to get out of the burning house and take a walk to the beach, but even in my new and beautiful surroundings it was almost impossible to escape the pervasive contagion of white supremacy.

For example, Puerto Vallarta is home to a large community of people who call themselves ¨expats,¨ which for me--someone with a keen eye for such things--makes a certain statement of superiority in and of itself...someone who goes TO a poorer country and someone who comes FROM a poorer country get two different names, isn´t that cute?

I´m a writer, and was always broke, so I´m an ¨immigrant¨ too...but you get it.

By any name, the social stratification was clear. Most of the area´s prime real estate is only affordable for those who can buy more than one home, with the legion of locals that keep the attractions running and all the beer fridges full shoved rudely up into the towering hills and sprawling void beyond the carefully developed city center.

Here, moderately wealthy Americans and Canadians can take up the White Man´s Burden, leading these noble savages out of the wilderness to a lifetime of service at the newest resort, where the privileged can snap their fingers at a teenage girl for a refill on their mimosa and yell at a pool boy for extra towels.

Dirt roads and tin roofs surround a nexus of American´s basically colonialism with work uniforms, all because a couple of movie stars arrived on these shores about half a century ago and decided ¨yeah, this place should be A Place.¨

Seriously, look it´s kind of a wild story, but not why we´re here today.

Today some establishments in town openly cater to foreigners only, many venues are priced completely out of the realm of everyday earners, and disrespecting service staff is shamefully common in this community of retirees and kinda-riches.

Entitled vacationers who would ask if they should use pesos or ¨real money,¨ who demand Mexicans speak perfect English in service to them...far from universal, but shockingly common. The reality that many people that profess to enjoy life in this country really just love the idea of stretchy dollars and a servile, dark-skinned underclass was often as obvious as daylight in this sunny city by the sea.

A mixture of bemusement and disdain was palpable in many white-dominated environments, but sometimes the message was more direct than others.

Once, at a party hosted by a local ¨ex-pat¨, one woman thought it would be hilarious to suddenly start shouting ¨get away, black man!¨ as I walked into the room. She must have found my colorful sashes threatening...I guess it would have been a funnier joke if that exact attitude and the society that supports it couldn't leave me face down in the street in some places.

The episode was emblematic of practically my entire life experience...being made to feel like The Other, pretty much anywhere...after a while, all you can do is lean into it.

Eventually finding some public-facing promo work, I soon found myself in a singularly strange position. Here I was, the exact kind of person much of my prospective clientele had left the country to avoid, intruding on their spaces as something of a novelty.

I felt their fake smiles, the corrosive cordiality shown purely because I was the guy from the thing, the delightful Seussian creature here to take some pictures and make things a little more colorful. The Entertainment to go with The Help.

I think people forgot there was a guy under the face paint...I damn sure didn´t.

Nope, that guy was still black wherever he went. Once, during a shakedown, the friendly officer noticed that I was freaking right the **** out while being questioned and amicably laughed off the source of my concern: ¨Relax buddy, it´s not like this is America.¨

Please read that again: ¨[American cops shoot people like you, around the world it is known. Not like you´re going to end up dead this time, pretty lucky choice of country man! That´ll be 15 bucks please.] ¨

Suffice it to say it took more than a couple of grams to smoke off that anxiety.

..but yeah, that´s how it went for a year or two, trying to ignore the feeling that this was all there was, a somewhat comfortable and enjoyable existence with the caveat that change was not on the menu.

Sure, I didn´t have to be in the office at 8:30 Monday morning, but here I was still hoping for the thinnest tolerance from people who probably also thought George Zimmerman deserves to be walking around eating cheese fries and making memories today.

More small-minded humanoids who would be nice as long as I made them smile, but would also be happy to demonstrate that I did not matter.

My saving grace was that as an adamant absurdist, I believe that existence itself has no objective point--there IS no fairness, no justice, only stuff--and so having a few beers and enjoying the ride to the dystopian cyberpunk white supremacist future seemed like as good a use of time as anything.

...and then, 4 uniformed gang members in Minneapolis set the entire world on fire.

At a police officer´s glance, and in my mind´s eye, George Floyd could have easily been me. I saw myself slowly dying on the asphalt, a peace officer´s knee on the back of my neck strangling the lifeblood out of my system while two others made sure I could do nothing to resist and a fourth kept concerned civilians from preventing my ignominious demise.

So pardon the **** out of me if I´m beyond overjoyed to see that people around the world have had enough.

I support the demonstrations currency unfolding in the US with the entirety of my being, the depth and fullness of my mind and soul, and furthermore I could not give the foremost **** what enduring justice costs your stupid economy that you decided long ago that I should have have almost zero stake in.

Nothing in society works until it works for everyone...let every police station, sports stadium, movie theatre, office building, fulfillment center, theme park, and other piece of civil décor be burned to cinders before We the Society tolerate a single repeat of George Floyd´s state-sanctioned murder.

There were certainly people that were surprised to hear me, normally a staunch supporter of parties and pacifism, suddenly morphed into a masked revolutionary in what seems like the space of a few those people, I suggest improve your understanding of the world around you and how it affects the people you are forced to share it with.

My anger at the structure of society is not something I´m emphasizing now, but something I have had to repress for a very long time. I suspect people believe that my gregarious outlook and overall sunny disposition is one borne of ignorance, the blissful grin of an idle mind...allow me to forever disabuse you of that notion.

Being happy and black at the same time on this side of the planet is HARD ******* WORK.

It is a constant process, an almost militant commitment to gratitude for life´s small victories. I've thought about which picture I want the news to use if I´m murdered by police. I´ve developed a rich and fulfilling internal life in part as a defense mechanism for the world´s more unsavory realities. Hell...I have had to face the fact that I should probably hate you and everyone who looks like you.

Yeah, it would actually be pretty easy for me to make a case to myself to DESPISE ¨white people.¨

I think it is important to understand that my conscious decision to embrace ALL of the people in the world around me is not in ignorance of what has happened before--indeed, is still happening even as the cities of our planet burn in righteous condemnation.

It is a foregoing of vengeance, a sacrifice in the interest of maintaining a world that works for everyone that has to live in it. The people that designed this toxic system will NEVER get what they deserve for inflicting it upon the peoples they continue to victimize with warped and rapacious methods, and should feel blessed beyond belief that buildings and businesses are the target of this long-brewing backlash in full bloom.

The same way so many breathless op-eds in recent years compared men to bowls of poisonous Skittles, insisting that no sane woman would take of this treacherous indulgence at the risk of their dignity, body, and life, a cursory glance at history should dictate that I (and every thinking black person on the face of the planet) dedicate my life to the destruction of whiteness and the fall of Babylon...but because my deepest interest is in a brighter future, that is not the path I chose, nor one I endorse.

You´re welcome.

I look forward to seeing the feedback and comments from K****s across the nation.
Kobe $ and time:
Found the Kobe and Vanessa Bryant foundation for homeless youth in LA
-Ambassador and big contributor to after school all-starsLos Angeles chapter which serves 14,000 students in 38 schools, 99 percent of whom are young people of color
-The FOUNDING donor
contributing $1 million or more, for the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture.
Nope, get out of here with that people of color garbage. The African American museum had white donors as well, so I am not trying to hear that either. The ONLY reason many of these people on this forum and the like dig Bryant and Jordan? Is because neither said anything about being Black in America during the height of their powers. This s why Ali was hated, it is also why Kaep is owed an apology right now. Jim Brown WAS that dude when it came to stuff like this, but his recent turn toward Trump was quite troubling. However, he was on point about Bryant.
I guess I'm left wondering what is it that you want? Don't you want people to change their ways? I'm not saying I trust these people either. I want to see the system rebuilt one way or the other.
I guess the issue is int he wording. Acknowledge it was wrong and who was direclty affected by it and what are you going to do to change?

I love what Rasheed Wallace posted about not wanting to trust Brees for his apology. The man kneeled to win his teammates back but when asked you still saw his thoughts front and center which I have to take at face value

Don’t hurt yourself through the denial that OJ Simpson was THE BLUEPRINT for Black male athletes, one that Jordan followed To the hilt, in which Kobe, Tiger, and a few others imitated as well. Look, right now I am on my phone, cannot type out stuff as I wish, but what I will do as soon as I get to my pc, is to start a thread regarding the failure of the Black athlete politically, then who did what right, and then who did not. Kobe Bryant just like Woods, did a whole lotta wrong, then were BLATANT with it, with Kobe even ignoring the concern of his parents.
I always thought Dr. J was the blueprint Mike tried to follow
I want the influence on Black affairs by white america, to be completely eliminated. Black people owning, supporting, then being about Blackness, which is something that has been deemed illegal ever since the Dred Scott decision, then never being fully repaired through Brown v. Board of Ed and the Civil Rights voting acts.
I see where you're coming from. I'm still looking from a perspective of them controlling the system and giving us what we've been asking for. I think that may subconsciously be getting reinforced with all the propoganda on the news. But you're right, I should be looking more on how it's never been their system in the first place. Goodell shouldn't even be in position to apologize because he should've been gone a long time ago.
I guess the issue is int he wording. Acknowledge it was wrong and who was direclty affected by it and what are you going to do to change?

I love what Rasheed Wallace posted about not wanting to trust Brees for his apology. The man kneeled to win his teammates back but when asked you still saw his thoughts front and center which I have to take at face value

I always thought Dr. J was the blueprint Mike tried to follow
On court, yes. However business wise, there are quotes and articles that state that OJ hand picked Jordan to wear SPOT BILT line of shoes, that he used to wear during his NFL career. So OJ was in talks with him early on, interviewing him, advising to a degree, as OJ was tight with Ahmad Rashad as well.
Someone I know who's family member works for NYPD said "high ranking officials" are preparing to step down soon. NYPD feeling the pressure of not being able to abuse minorities in New York and get away with it. Hopefully these rumors are true because that department needs a massive retooling
I see where you're coming from. I'm still looking from a perspective of them controlling the system and giving us what we've been asking for. I think that may subconsciously be getting reinforced with all the propoganda on the news. But you're right, I should be looking more on how it's never been their system in the first place. Goodell shouldn't even be in position to apologize because he should've been gone a long time ago.
I want complete freedom for Black people, nothing less. No white influence whatsoever. To add to that, no model minority influences either. We have been denied our own talents, influences, simply to entertain and then make everyone else successful. It’s time to pull the rug from beneath all of these johnny come lately’s.
Come to Ghana if you’re unwanted – Tourism Minister to African Americans

December in Ghana when black folk from round the world come to Accra is great...It’s all luv and like a non stop party, couldn’t tell me I wasn’t in an ATL club or something :lol:
On court, yes. However business wise, there are quotes and articles that state that OJ hand picked Jordan to wear SPOT BILT line of shoes, that he used to wear during his NFL career. So OJ was in talks with him early on, interviewing him, advising to a degree, as OJ was tight with Ahmad Rashad as well.
Thanks for the info. learned something today.
Nope, get out of here with that people of color garbage. The African American museum had white donors as well, so I am not trying to hear that either. The ONLY reason many of these people on this forum and the like dig Bryant and Jordan? Is because neither said anything about being Black in America during the height of their powers. This s why Ali was hated, it is also why Kaep is owed an apology right now. Jim Brown WAS that dude when it came to stuff like this, but his recent turn toward Trump was quite troubling. However, he was on point about Bryant.

On white donors: Needs to have pure black donors to be acknowledged? If any white donors in there, illegitimate?
On being black in America: Three videos posted last page during his career, speaking on it.
Regarding your video: Since Kobe didn't call into the black athlete summit he has failed us...?
what does that even mean?m

about disbanding police? I’m sure there’re still gonna have some d head authority figures we don’t need.
what does that even mean?m

about disbanding police? I’m sure there’re still gonna have some d head authority figures we don’t need.
All those groups gonna focus lootkng an destruction there to make a example y police is needed.
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