Rick Santorum: Women aren't able to handle the rigors of combat...Thoughts?

I...think my perspective has changed...

...I really don't know if I'd want women ALL the way up there...for the sake of the mission...but then again, I don't want to prevent them having the chance to be up there.

Whats the best SOLUTION here? Especially for the military guys on NT...Should women have the opportunity at all?
Currently, whats the most elite of a unit that women can join?

I think its just preventing that slippery slope that people want to avoid...like over time, what if we forget about women entirely?
I dnt know if any of yall are in the infantry, but theres no.way id want a woman next to me in combat. The main reason being that most are not physically strong enough to carry an adult mens weight if you get injured on the battlefield.

Sn. Katy perry was just outside my window 2 days ago recording a music video protesting this
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

SneakerHeathen wrote:

AntonLaVey wrote:

AR Guy wrote:

Neither does combat.

�� Damn funny how women Muslim women have "equal" rights when it comes to fighting for their cause

Hell even children can become effective soldiers and they are physically weak


that's laughable.

look at their casualty rates.

pawns and martyrs are more like it.

Either way you look at it, their women are fighting the good fight and clearly handling the rigors quite nicely. I think as combat continues to modernize women will continue to have bigger and bigger roles in combat.



C'mon, we all know those women collapsed at the knees in agony right after that photo was snapped. Look at all that gear. That has to weigh like 75 pounds!!!

By the way, I've seen women, again who generally look pretty petite, do the ruck sack runs with no problem when I used to work at an A.I.T unit. You guys are really overdoing the assumed lack of physical strength argument. This ain't rasslin'

your trippin bro...i weigh 165, and i had to carry a 260 lb marine in full gear to an evac site that was a km away...physical strength has alot to do with it. women have a place in combat, but not in the infantry
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