Restroom Etiquette

Happens far too often. Alcohol is probably a major factor but just extra friendly for no apparent reason.
Speaking of Club bathroom etiquette, do y'all tip the bathroom attendant when at the club? I personally do because they usually have a damn near mini-variety store by the door. The convenience of easily accesible blunts is worth a $5 to me.
Bro, honestly I feel somewhat conned into it. Perhaps just out of guilt if I don't tip.

I mean most of us can grab our own paper towels and hand soap, but obviously upscale clubs are searching for extreme luxury and convenience.

One trip to the restroom may not require a tip, but twice or more definitely merits a couple bucks.
Someone finished taking a dump and just walked out of the bathroom like it was nothing!!!


Had me looking like
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Has anyone also had that weird encounter where you enter a bathroom and someone you know is leaving right as you're entering so you almost dap but then you do an elbow bump instead since you don't want to figure out if he washed his hands or not.

Does anyone have that rage comic where you close the door twice on someone who is taking a .... in an empty bathroom so they think that someone is still in there?

If at all possible, please try to keep at least one urinal in between us. Don't know how many times I can be the only one using a urinal with 4 open to my left, only to have the guy come and stand directly next to me.
I don't understand the logic behind this.

Go pee in the toilet if it annoys you that much.

No one will be able to pee next to you in there.
Funny Story: Buzzed up with the crew for Wednesday nights at Sushi Lounge on 46 in Jersey about two years back. Rollin' to the men's room for a leak and I get truck sticked by the door. Now I'm obviously annoyed. Out walks Brandon Jacobs. The beer muscles and anger dissipated with a quickness.
Funny Story: Buzzed up with the crew for Wednesday nights at Sushi Lounge on 46 in Jersey about two years back. Rollin' to the men's room for a leak and I get truck sticked by the door. Now I'm obviously annoyed. Out walks Brandon Jacobs. The beer muscles and anger dissipated with a quickness.

i ran into him and Bradshaw last year ( i forget where) hes a stocky dude :lol:

some dude pats him on the back with the drunk pat and Bradshaw hit him with the :stoneface: and mini stiff arm :lol:
3 shakes or else you're playing with it.

i try to get as many shakes in as possible :lol:

for some reason its hard for me to piss when someone else is next to me :smh:

went to the urinal at school library and it was covered in pubes :x
i ran into him and Bradshaw last year ( i forget where) hes a stocky dude :lol:
some dude pats him on the back with the drunk pat and Bradshaw hit him with the :stoneface: and mini stiff arm :lol:
:lol: Could totally see that, brotha. I consider myself extremely physically fit, but Jacobs is brolic/diesel.

Jacobs and Bradshaw party hop on 46 all the time, at least when Brandon was with the G-Men. Teak in Boken too. Ahmad has no shame in his game. He's hit on multiple girls I know in the North Jersey area.
I don't understand the logic behind this.
Go pee in the toilet if it annoys you that much.
No one will be able to pee next to you in there.

The image posted by 916kid explains my logic, I think that's very understandable
**** all these insecurities and unspoken rules.

My only social obligation when I use a public bathroom is not to leave a mess behind. :D
Was at a Met game with one of my boys and we were in the bathroom, next thing we know some guy taking a **** keeps screaming "J E T S JETS JETS JETS"... funniest damb thing
if you see feet pointing at towards you in the stalls, don't have to make eye contact with me through the cracks. I am taking a deuce. >:
The image posted by 916kid explains my logic, I think that's very understandable
That pic is such an exaggeration of that situation.

Just tell the dude who's about to take a piss right next to you to please move to another urinal since him being that close makes you uncomfortable.

Or just stand a couple feet away from the urinal and arch your piss stream like the mcdonald's logo so no one will piss next to you.
if all the urinals are full @ a full place like say a dallas cowboys game, do you guys wait until the bathroom emptys up or go into a stall to pee??

seems like some of you fear having to pee next to someone.
Oh, please wash your hands afterwards. I'm always shocked at the amount of people at work that don't wash their hands.
Yeah you shouldnt be talking on the damn phone, thats ****** ridiculous. And people be having full blown convos. I will text and play phone games....never talk.

ill pick up for a quick convo if im in a private bathroom (home, etc). won't take a **** in a public bathroom tho...ever.

courtesy flush is a must.

i do this at other people's houses. it really makes a diff.

my office bathroom is terrible. the urinals are MAD close to each other. i have trouble taking a piss when someone is right next to me...esp with no separator between the urinals. alcohol is a diff story ill go anywhere. i cosign that convo while taking a piss thing too, my boss tries to talk to me during and i can only :smh:
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