Republicans..Explain this...Vol. And this is with whom you want to place your faith?

Palin is faker than a 3 dollar bill, but I'll give her credit she got her followers locked down. She reminds me of a pimp and her fans/followers the prostitutes.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Republicans..Explain this...Vol. And this is with whom you want to place your faith?

It's quite simple, FRAUDS of a feather flock together.  Only morons follow morons, hence why Sarah Palin is their leader.

QFT!!!!  so true
I'm still BAFFLED on how McCain chose her of all people.

Chick is dumb as rocks. You know damn well, she was sucking off them old Republicans to get where she is now.
I have to ask Palin: How's that quity, losey 2008 election, secret emaily, not paying your taxes thingy workin' for ya?
To be honest, I'm amazed that Sarah Palin's thoughts can fill an entire hand.
Originally Posted by Friendliest Ghost

Originally Posted by Essential1

Well can't wait till she runs in 2012 and wins the republican primary Presidency. That will be a fun year.
Well if 2012 really is the last year ever then yes it will happen. But I enjoyed your sarcasm.
Stephen Colbert is a walking ether bomb. He can't lose an argument. I love watching him son republicans like
Originally Posted by peep tha sneaKs

It's only being brought up because of how she was so critical of Obama using teleprompters.....


Please, please don't think that all of us Republicans are like her or her little flock of sheep... we're not.
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