Report Card Unapreciation thread

Straight A's

I'm a HS Junior btw.
First 3 years of high school it was unappreciated because i would get report cards that was lower than my potential. I would barely pass some classes. But nowim a senior and first 9 weeks got that 4.0
very much appreciated for me
Pre AP world history 97
Pre AP Algebra II 97
Pre Ap Chemistry 98
Football 100
Photography 100
Health 100
Pre Ap English II 98
Football 100

I have all A's except one class. Don't you hate when it's that one class that brings you down, and when you commit more time to it, it brings yourother grades down?
heres mine

English - A

Spanish - A

Portfolio- A

U.S, History II- D-

no word of a lie lol speakin about my portfolio class any1 else gotta present that portfolio@%!!+ 2 graduate? i guess passin just ain't good enough anymore
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