repaying student loan vol. how much do you owe?

Jan 25, 2006
so i finished school a few weeks ago (in canada we end in late april), and i owe $2400.

it's not much, i took it out because i was an idiot and spent it on stupid $%$*. my dad said he'll help me pay it off
so i'm paying $1400 this week if i have time to go in before the interest all adds up. i just wanna get it off my chest..

Pay that straight up in one payment.

Man, I got $19k in loans, that will be calling in 6 months.
I only have 6K left at a 3% rate.

I'll pay it off eventually.

Besides my mortgage it is the only debt I have.
Too much.

Staying current FTW.

I'm really trying to pay off this entire debt in the next 3 years.
Man I owed like 18K. I paid it off within a year. Already had money saved up so I would just "donate" whole checks to paying back those damn loans ASAP.
100,000.00 right now but i think I'm going to school the rest of my life so I dont have to pay it back
6K that I wasted. As stated in my "Anyone wish they could start their college career over?," that will be paid off before I venture back into school. Hopefully (no, Undoubtedly!) my plan works out & I will earn good enough grades at the CC level to get scholarships/grants.
I am not even trying to think about repaying loans right now, just trying to get through with this last year first.
SupremeApe wrote:

Originally Posted by PetePeteO

$210,000. Seriously, no joke. Grad school is no fun.

Man that hurts

What u in school for

   Optometry school. The upside is that I can make an upwards of 100K a year.. too bad much of it goes to loans. hahhaha.
Originally Posted by PetePeteO

SupremeApe wrote:

PetePeteO wrote:

$210,000. Seriously, no joke. Grad school is no fun.

Man that hurts

What u in school for

   Optometry school. The upside is that I can make an upwards of 100K a year.. too bad much of it goes to loans. hahhaha.

Good luck man. One of the doctors I worked for at the Optometrist's office is still paying off her loans.

65K for me. Going out of state really hurt the pockets
Owed about 35k after grad. Got a full ride for grad school so I used that time to pay off 10k. So I owe about 25k now. Looking to pay that off in a year once I start payments hopefully by September.
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