Recording People and Posting it On Social Media (Stolen)

Oct 13, 2001
I have a bone to pick with one of my friends who ive asked REPEATEDLY not to put me in her Snapchat videos....and she continues to do it...then when i put my middle finger up or im not paying attention to her recording she gets mad like i purposely mess up her snaps lol...I don't get where folk don't get everything you do doesn't have to be posted on social media.

For those of us who have Snapchat, post videos on IG/Twitter/FB, do yall warn/tell ppl you are recording them beforehand or just film?
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should ask the person for consent first and then put it, if they didn't consent and still insist to put it on net then have to blur their faces (respect privacy) but of course some ******s will do it anyway without people permission
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Only time I really post anyone else is on IG. I always ask if it's okay with them.
It is very annoying i usually end up leaving the room/walk away from the camera.

My brother is the perpetrator and he has been doing it since myspace days. :smh:
Went to Vegas and hot boxed the bathroom and the homie wanted to post on the gram. Had to tell his *** quick not to do that.
There's a few D'Angelo Russells in one of my crews.

Needless to say, when I hang with them, they know to leave the phone in the cars.
The social media driven world we live in now its disgusting sometimes

Going out to a club lounge or bar and everybody all in their phones :smh:
Big pet peeve of mine especially when someone does it of my son. Really gears my grind.
It's nothing worse than being somewhere chilling minding your business and a ***** pull out his camera and start recording. Time and a place.
I can't stand this crap! I don't understand why some folks think EVERY moment of there life needs to be posted on social media. I had a friend that was constantly putting our group on IG when we went places, we cut him off because we told him to stop repeatedly and he wouldn't. That **** gets on my nerves!
The social media driven world we live in now its disgusting sometimes

Going out to a club lounge or bar and everybody all in their phones :smh:

**** is dead trash.

People living through screens, likes, and snaps.
Only happen one time time this year.. Happen last week.. I just heard.. "You're going to be on snapchat" I then proceed to politely( :rofl: ) tell the person not to do this..
My dad is guilty of this. He'll take vids and try to post on Facebook to random *** people I don't care to know. He's one of those people who need attention all the time regardless of who the audience is. Type to walk into the restaurant and make a series of loud comments to get people's attention.
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My dad is guilty of this. He'll take vids and try to post on Facebook to random *** people I don't care to know. He's one of those people who need attention all the time regardless of who the audience is. Type to walk into the restaurant and make a loud serious of comments to get people's attention.

When dealing with females that like taking random selfies, I always say, "Stop. Put that away" BUt of course they make it seem like you are a jerk or don't want to have fun. But why would I want to be in your pictures? 

It always ends up being a, battle with that.
Hell nah none of my people dumb enough to do some ignorant **** like that.

If you call me, i dont even want you to ask me who is wit me.

Its like a unspoken rule.
Not sure why it really matters. As long as they don't record you doing something private or that you don't want people to see.

People see you all day long in public any way what's the difference from that and social media? I've even had a face mask on facetiming my boy and he screenshot and post to his instagram. It was well received.

INB4, "it's the principal' etc... You guys are just a bunch of fun suckers.
I remember my side joint trying to sneak a pic of me when I used to drive with her back in the day. Ended that early
Not sure why it really matters. As long as they don't record you doing something private or that you don't want people to see.

People see you all day long in public any way what's the difference from that and social media? I've even had a face mask on facetiming my boy and he screenshot and post to his instagram. It was well received.

INB4, "it's the principal' etc... You guys are just a bunch of fun suckers.

Ill play

At my company they research potential candidates social media. One guy had a myspace profile from maybe 08 with pictures of his friends and they were throwing up what can be perceived as gang signs. Needless to say he didnt get the job. And that is only one example

Look at these stories where when something happens to someone (killed by cops, suspect in a crime) They pull the worse picture of you off of the internet to paint the picture they want of you.

I only want to control what image is portrayed about me to the world so ask me before u take a picture or post something that doesn't come off the internet
maybe I'm just old but i don't know anyone that will whip out their phones and start snapchatting...

if any IG photos are involved, they are typically group/posed photos and not candids, which i excuse myself from...
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