Recommend me a documentary

Where can i watch king of kongs fist full of quarters (if thats the name) and Assault in the ring

I liked it. Shows you another side of Ali.
From the HistoryChannel:
Nostradamus Prophecy
Edgar Cayce


Cocaine Cowboys
American Swing

-Mathew Kaufman and Jon Hart direct this documentary that chronicles the rise, heyday and decline of New York City's Plato's Retreat, the legendary sexclub that catered to adventurous heterosexual couples in the 1970s and beyond. Featuring frank interviews with former members and graphic footage of theclub's activities, the film explores how a once-thriving center of free love imploded amid drugs, tangled relationships and the rise of AIDS.

just finished watching this, it is
I second the ones that said "Man on Wire." (about the French dude that illegally walked a tight rope betweent the twin towers). Great film.

King of Kong: Fistful of Quarters was also mentioned earlier, it's
My Neighbor My Killer.

Hands down one of the most moving documentaries I've ever seen in my life. It's about the genocide that took place in Rwanda back inthe early 90's... between two tribes... The Hutu's & the Tutsis...

Originally Posted by BALLYNN

My Neighbor My Killer.

Hands down one of the most moving documentaries I've ever seen in my life. It's about the genocide that took place in Rwanda back in the early 90's... between two tribes... The Hutu's & the Tutsis...

My question is, are they still fighting?
Spoiler [+]


lol nah but forreal

lol nah but forreal this is a new one
The Devil and Daniel Johnston
No Direction Home
When The Levees Broke
God Grew Tired of Us
The king Of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters
The Endless Summer
Originally Posted by AirThompson

Originally Posted by BALLYNN

My Neighbor My Killer.

Hands down one of the most moving documentaries I've ever seen in my life. It's about the genocide that took place in Rwanda back in the early 90's... between two tribes... The Hutu's & the Tutsis...

My question is, are they still fighting?

The death count during the war amongst these 2 tribes were estimated over 5 million. At numbers such as those... do you think people wouldwant to settle for peace? It's saddening. But I do believe that they're still fighting.
-Bigger, Stronger, Faster
-Man on Wire
-Occupation 101
-Iraq for Sale
-Hoop Dreams
-Who Killed the Electric Car?
-American Teen
-Fog of War
Hoop Dreams
The Devil and Daniel Johnston
Cocaine Cowboys
Just For Kicks
King of Kong: A Fistful Of Quarters
American Drug War: Last White Hope

I've seen other good ones but can't remember right now
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