RealTalk: Your President Wants To Raise My Taxes to Close to 60%

Originally Posted by dgk3188

rich people complain too much.

shut up


you would be *****ing just as much as him

Originally Posted by MexicanSoul

Originally Posted by UTVOL23

Originally Posted by MexicanSoul

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by MexicanSoul

I doubt you'd feel it. You make 250k a year...use your brain and hire a good accountant to keep you right at or slightly above what you're being taxed now.
250,000 a year is not as much as you think, especially after taxes. If you have a wife who isn't working or doesn't pull in much and kids to support, you don't have all that much left over.

And there isn't much an accountant can do to help you there, except using tax shelters which are becoming or already have been illegal. And i guess there's always tax evasion, have fun with that.
I'm in principal makes 100k, average teacher makes 40k(where I fall after taxes)...250k a year is plenty. The rich cry when taxes go up but are quick to praise a flat tax? C'mon now. If you can't make 250k float then you're doing something wrong.
Umm you are damn right I am gonna complain I spend 35 yrs of my life excelling in high school, undergrad, med school to make sure I get the residency of my choice with 250K in debt. your damn right I want to make over 250K and I think I deserve every bit of it. I dont believe I should have to give over half of it back in taxes oh yea and then factor in malpractice insurance which wont be coming down anytime soon since that would require tort reform and all the lawyers in office would never go for that.

This healthcare plan would begin serious rationing of care and you would not be able to receive all the tests etc that you can now because the govt wouldnt approve and say they are unneeded. What does the government run well without wasting money every which way. I dont want my healthcare run by the government, and they say you can keep your private insurance but they would eventually be pushed out because they cant compete with the govt run plan.

cry me a river. You chose your profession for the wrong choice it appears by wanting 250k a year or "deserving"...who said you "deserve" 250k just because you spent 250k for education? People get rich off the poor..been like that since day once and it will continue to be like until the earth ceases to exist.

This topic goes both ways. You're complaining now but why didnt you make There was never a thread about Real Talk:Bush wants to lower my taxes.
lol and just how is this guy getting rich off the poor?

and why the hell would he make a thread complaining about bush lowering taxes? you're making no sense.
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

lol and just how is this guy getting rich off the poor?

and why the hell would he make a thread complaining about bush lowering taxes? you're making no sense.
I'm speaking in general terms. More toward the "reform" pharm techs are in bed with the doctors; the insurance companies are in bedwith the doctors so I feel that some sort of reform is needed.

I bring up lowering taxes because when someone makes minimum wage is getting taxed higher...the "rich" were being taxed less. Bush pretty much gavethem a handbook on how to avoid high taxes.
Originally Posted by MexicanSoul

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

lol and just how is this guy getting rich off the poor?

and why the hell would he make a thread complaining about bush lowering taxes? you're making no sense.
I'm speaking in general terms. More toward the "reform" pharm techs are in bed with the doctors; the insurance companies are in bed with the doctors so I feel that some sort of reform is needed.

I bring up lowering taxes because when someone makes minimum wage is getting taxed higher...the "rich" were being taxed less. Bush pretty much gave them a handbook on how to avoid high taxes.

How is raising taxes a reform?
It's the oldest trick in the book.
Although I thought the Robin Hood politics of Obama's were in fact just a ploy, Obama supporters can't complain it's what you guys asked for
People making minimum wage are unlikely to pay any INCOME TAX! In fact 43% of wage earners are paying NO income tax at all while the top 20% pay over 86% ofthe taxes so how exactly are they paying more in taxes if they dont pay any to begin with?
Originally Posted by 718stylez

Originally Posted by 718stylez

in many ways our political appetite mirrors our personal resolve.

i guess as a history buff i look back at previous american generations who sacrificed for the sake of the country. in the civil war 2% of the entire population died, that would be around 7 million dead in todays numbers. During WWII there were rations and entire generations were asked to put there personal dreams and ambitions on hold for country. Yet seemingly now, things are less about the greater good of the community and more about individual wants. I'm not naive i know that there's always been those who have put personal interests ahead of the pact, but i guess they are now a growing/more vocal block.

it's easy for us to sacrifice in the face of immediate danger. wars, terrorism etc are graphic enough to jolt us out of complacency and into sacrifice. if we were bombed tomorrow and had to go to war no one would think twice about a 5% increase in taxation, let alone 1.5%. Yet more people have died do to heart disease than have died in war. throughout this whole debate on healthcare, i have not heard what is in the best interest for the COUNTRY. What is good for the largest amount of people out there? instead its broken down into tribalism with the patients, hmos, insurance companies, poor, middle class and wealthy all going to battle to protect their fiefdom. no ones willing to look out and sacrifice for others.

i lived in NJ for years and now NY. these states pay more to the government in taxes than they get back. this has pretty much been the case since i can remember. yet you rarely hear people complaining about states like Louisiana and Mississippi that regularly take more federal dollars than they earn. Is that fair? No. But i recognize our union is a lot stronger when Louisiana and Mississippi are taken care of.
So your comparing temporary changes during tough times to a permanent change that could affect multiple generations? What you say sounds all rosy and kosher but we eventually have to face reality. This plan is not going to sustainable unless they drastically lower the price and don't raise taxes.

For the good of the country? sounds like nationalistic propaganda to me. Whats best for the country is whats best for its future generations. Loading massive amounts of debt onto future generations stands to only lower the quality of life as time progresses.
everything the federal government does is for nationalistic purposes by virtue of it being federal. national healthcare is no more propaganda than a national guard. i think there are certain issues which mandate gov't intervention because the problem is too large to solve individually.

And interesting that you think those sacrifices were temporary. considering how the military industrial complex has managed to consume more and more of our national debt in the years after our greatest wars, i'd say they were/are pretty permanent. yet let someone talk about curbing defense spending in any meaningful manner and you'd hear about it loud and clear.

The armed forces serves to protect the freedom and liberty of every United States citizen. With out it we would not be able to defend ourselves. Idon't support the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan but with threats such as North Korea and Iran becoming more serious I don't think that now is the timeto slack on national defense. Military funding over the years has found cures to countless infectious diseases, and brought along technologies such as GPS andthe internet. It also goes toward the treatment of those who have served their country. To compare that to an amenity such as single payer health care islaughable.

Single payer health care is not the end all be all in health care reform. There are cheaper alternatives but nobody wants to pay attention or discuss them.There several examples of the negative effects that single payer health care causes just look up Tennessee's stint with single payer or the state ofEuropean Health care.

while debt is a very real issue for future generations to deal with i just cant agree that its more important than healthcare. without your health, nothing else really matters. ironically, most people go into debt and bankruptcy due to overwhelming medical costs.

Health care is more important than the quality of life of generations? Whats is the point of "free" health care when the government is taxing 60% ofyour income? And don't say your good because you make under 250k a year. Your income taxes may not rise but your cost of living will. The more governmenttakes the more it spends its a never ending cycle that history has shown us over and over, but you should already know this because your a self-proclaimedhistory buff.
You can definitely live very good off 250k+ with taxes rising.

My roommates dad is an NBA ref who makes around 300-350k a year. His wife doesn't work and he has a 7-year old daughter and a son in college. He pays forhis son to go to school becasue he doesn't have scholarships, while his daughter is in private school. He basically buys them whatever they want for themost part and is living very good. It's just all about how you save when you first start out. For him to have a wife with no job, a kid in college and akid in private school, they're doing well.

The funny thing is that he supports Obama. All people with money ain't really complaining like that.
Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

You can definitely live very good off 250k+ with taxes rising.

My roommates dad is an NBA ref who makes around 300-350k a year. His wife doesn't work and he has a 7-year old daughter and a son in college. He pays for his son to go to school becasue he doesn't have scholarships, while his daughter is in private school. He basically buys them whatever they want for the most part and is living very good. It's just all about how you save when you first start out. For him to have a wife with no job, a kid in college and a kid in private school, they're doing well.

The funny thing is that he supports Obama. All people with money ain't really complaining like that.
It's not up to folks to speculate how much is too much or if a certain amount can be lived off of comfortably.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

You can definitely live very good off 250k+ with taxes rising.

My roommates dad is an NBA ref who makes around 300-350k a year. His wife doesn't work and he has a 7-year old daughter and a son in college. He pays for his son to go to school becasue he doesn't have scholarships, while his daughter is in private school. He basically buys them whatever they want for the most part and is living very good. It's just all about how you save when you first start out. For him to have a wife with no job, a kid in college and a kid in private school, they're doing well.

The funny thing is that he supports Obama. All people with money ain't really complaining like that.
It's not up to folks to speculate how much is too much or if a certain amount can be lived off of comfortably.
This. Cost of living is also a lot higher in some places than others.
Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

You can definitely live very good off 250k+ with taxes rising.

My roommates dad is an NBA ref who makes around 300-350k a year. His wife doesn't work and he has a 7-year old daughter and a son in college. He pays for his son to go to school becasue he doesn't have scholarships, while his daughter is in private school. He basically buys them whatever they want for the most part and is living very good. It's just all about how you save when you first start out. For him to have a wife with no job, a kid in college and a kid in private school, they're doing well.

The funny thing is that he supports Obama. All people with money ain't really complaining like that.
lol where are people getting all this info from?
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

You can definitely live very good off 250k+ with taxes rising.

My roommates dad is an NBA ref who makes around 300-350k a year. His wife doesn't work and he has a 7-year old daughter and a son in college. He pays for his son to go to school becasue he doesn't have scholarships, while his daughter is in private school. He basically buys them whatever they want for the most part and is living very good. It's just all about how you save when you first start out. For him to have a wife with no job, a kid in college and a kid in private school, they're doing well.

The funny thing is that he supports Obama. All people with money ain't really complaining like that.
lol where are people getting all this info from?
Believe it or not..there are a few rich folk who dont have their heads up their +*$%!.
Originally Posted by swizzc

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

You can definitely live very good off 250k+ with taxes rising.

My roommates dad is an NBA ref who makes around 300-350k a year. His wife doesn't work and he has a 7-year old daughter and a son in college. He pays for his son to go to school becasue he doesn't have scholarships, while his daughter is in private school. He basically buys them whatever they want for the most part and is living very good. It's just all about how you save when you first start out. For him to have a wife with no job, a kid in college and a kid in private school, they're doing well.

The funny thing is that he supports Obama. All people with money ain't really complaining like that.
It's not up to folks to speculate how much is too much or if a certain amount can be lived off of comfortably.
This. Cost of living is also a lot higher in some places than others.

Forgot about that. 250k in NY compared to 250k in TN is a BIG difference.

My bad.

lol where are people getting all this info from?
I'm just saying he's not the only person I know that's comfortable with what's going on. I do know some people with money whodon't like it though most definitely. But, its definitely a split opinion about it.
Originally Posted by MexicanSoul

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

You can definitely live very good off 250k+ with taxes rising.

My roommates dad is an NBA ref who makes around 300-350k a year. His wife doesn't work and he has a 7-year old daughter and a son in college. He pays for his son to go to school becasue he doesn't have scholarships, while his daughter is in private school. He basically buys them whatever they want for the most part and is living very good. It's just all about how you save when you first start out. For him to have a wife with no job, a kid in college and a kid in private school, they're doing well.

The funny thing is that he supports Obama. All people with money ain't really complaining like that.
lol where are people getting all this info from?
Believe it or not..there are a few rich folk who dont have their heads up their +*$%!.

You care to name any names?

I'd give you 2:1 that those same rich folks that say they don't care about higher taxes use every loophole inthe system.

This guy Franklin Roosevelt is outta his mind! Social Security, national fire fighters and police officers, and paying farmers to stop growing food while thiscountry is in a depression? The nerve of this guy talking about a New Deal! Sheesh!
Originally Posted by MexicanSoul

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

You can definitely live very good off 250k+ with taxes rising.

My roommates dad is an NBA ref who makes around 300-350k a year. His wife doesn't work and he has a 7-year old daughter and a son in college. He pays for his son to go to school becasue he doesn't have scholarships, while his daughter is in private school. He basically buys them whatever they want for the most part and is living very good. It's just all about how you save when you first start out. For him to have a wife with no job, a kid in college and a kid in private school, they're doing well.

The funny thing is that he supports Obama. All people with money ain't really complaining like that.
lol where are people getting all this info from?
Believe it or not..there are a few rich folk who dont have their heads up their +*$%!.
resorting to insults already? weak.

give me one good reason why someone should have to give away more than half of their salary? please, enlighten me. it's such an absurd concept. i can'timagine anyone would think that to be ok if they weren't already accustomed to high tax rates like we are.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by MexicanSoul

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

You can definitely live very good off 250k+ with taxes rising.

My roommates dad is an NBA ref who makes around 300-350k a year. His wife doesn't work and he has a 7-year old daughter and a son in college. He pays for his son to go to school becasue he doesn't have scholarships, while his daughter is in private school. He basically buys them whatever they want for the most part and is living very good. It's just all about how you save when you first start out. For him to have a wife with no job, a kid in college and a kid in private school, they're doing well.

The funny thing is that he supports Obama. All people with money ain't really complaining like that.
lol where are people getting all this info from?
Believe it or not..there are a few rich folk who dont have their heads up their +*$%!.

You care to name any names?

I'd give you 2:1 that those same rich folks that say they don't care about higher taxes use every loophole in the system.
That or they are multi multi millionaires. It makes a difference when you are just above that set "rich" threshold vs if you are20X-100X that threshold
Originally Posted by MexicanSoul

Originally Posted by UTVOL23

Umm you are damn right I am gonna complain I spend 35 yrs of my life excelling in high school, undergrad, med school to make sure I get the residency of my choice with 250K in debt. your damn right I want to make over 250K and I think I deserve every bit of it. I dont believe I should have to give over half of it back in taxes oh yea and then factor in malpractice insurance which wont be coming down anytime soon since that would require tort reform and all the lawyers in office would never go for that.

This healthcare plan would begin serious rationing of care and you would not be able to receive all the tests etc that you can now because the govt wouldnt approve and say they are unneeded. What does the government run well without wasting money every which way. I dont want my healthcare run by the government, and they say you can keep your private insurance but they would eventually be pushed out because they cant compete with the govt run plan.

cry me a river. You chose your profession for the wrong choice it appears by wanting 250k a year or "deserving"...who said you "deserve" 250k just because you spent 250k for education? People get rich off the poor..been like that since day once and it will continue to be like until the earth ceases to exist.

This topic goes both ways. You're complaining now but why didnt you make There was never a thread about Real Talk:Bush wants to lower my taxes.

Originally Posted by lawdog1

I'm living proof of everything you just said. I make a decent income, but between supporting my wife and son, repaying school loans, mortgage, etc., etc., its not like I have a whole lot of disposable income left. I went to a good accountant and there's not much he could do for me to reduce my tax liability. I have my mortgage interest deductions and that's about it.

So, based on my own personal experience, its not as easy to get around high tax obligations as some are making it out to be.
in situations like this...make your wife work. I understand and praise...hell...highly respect the fact you're supporting yours but don't kill yourself to be the sole bread winner.
Yeah, that's really not an option. She's got medical problems that prevent her from holding down a job. Believe me, she'd work ifshe could. I'm not trying to be the sole money maker to stroke my ego.
Originally Posted by UTVOL23

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by MexicanSoul

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

You can definitely live very good off 250k+ with taxes rising.

My roommates dad is an NBA ref who makes around 300-350k a year. His wife doesn't work and he has a 7-year old daughter and a son in college. He pays for his son to go to school becasue he doesn't have scholarships, while his daughter is in private school. He basically buys them whatever they want for the most part and is living very good. It's just all about how you save when you first start out. For him to have a wife with no job, a kid in college and a kid in private school, they're doing well.

The funny thing is that he supports Obama. All people with money ain't really complaining like that.
lol where are people getting all this info from?
Believe it or not..there are a few rich folk who dont have their heads up their +*$%!.

You care to name any names?

I'd give you 2:1 that those same rich folks that say they don't care about higher taxes use every loophole in the system.
That or they are multi multi millionaires. It makes a difference when you are just above that set "rich" threshold vs if you are 20X-100X that threshold

Especially the multi mutli millionaires use all the loopholes.
If they didn't then they wouldn't be multi mutli millionaires any longer.

It's all talk for the public so people like MeicanSoul can say, "see, not all rich folks want to keep their money!".
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by Chi ILL

I got paid today in they took out $200+ ...

I'm a damn near broke College student ... I don't even care that much ...

It's all good , if it's for the Public schools I'm all for it .


I also think that people in medicine are overpaid .
And why is that?

And you're a college student....of course you don't care, you have parents who support you.
I think Teachers should be paid a lot more ... that's just MY opinion though .

& don't tell me about who supports me .

Maybe it's because I've already BEEN Middle/Lower Class ... & I know how it feels to NEED help . Period .

Crazy , because I just got back from a debate with my students about Universal Health Care .

Both sides have maaaddd points ... very hard to pick & choose .
Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by Chi ILL

I got paid today in they took out $200+ ...

I'm a damn near broke College student ... I don't even care that much ...

It's all good , if it's for the Public schools I'm all for it .


I also think that people in medicine are overpaid .
And why is that?

And you're a college student....of course you don't care, you have parents who support you.
I think Teachers should be paid a lot more ... that's just MY opinion though .

& don't tell me about who supports me .

Maybe it's because I've already BEEN Middle/Lower Class ... & I know how it feels to NEED help . Period .

Crazy , because I just got back from a debate with my students about Universal Health Care .

Both sides have maaaddd points ... very hard to pick & choose .
You're a 16 year old college student? Yeah, something tells me you don't pay all the bills. No need to get defensive.

Anyway, why are people in medicine, in your eyes, overpaid?
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by Chi ILL

I got paid today in they took out $200+ ...

I'm a damn near broke College student ... I don't even care that much ...

It's all good , if it's for the Public schools I'm all for it .


I also think that people in medicine are overpaid .
And why is that?

And you're a college student....of course you don't care, you have parents who support you.
I think Teachers should be paid a lot more ... that's just MY opinion though .

& don't tell me about who supports me .

Maybe it's because I've already BEEN Middle/Lower Class ... & I know how it feels to NEED help . Period .

Crazy , because I just got back from a debate with my students about Universal Health Care .

Both sides have maaaddd points ... very hard to pick & choose .
You're a 16 year old college student? Yeah, something tells me you don't pay all the bills. No need to get defensive.

Anyway, why are people in medicine, in your eyes, overpaid?
Don't answer that Kneesh. If you do, I foresee an imminent L
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