Realtalk.. Who On NT Carries A Knife

i aint a chump
I carry a Swiss Army knife, but not like an actual knife. I've cut myself messing around with those actual knives too many times
I used to carry one. But I don't rilly need it anymore. I might have to cop a new one tho.
i have my consealed weapons permit so when i was in scholl i always carried a 9 and good thing i did cuz 1 night 2 jokers try to rob me. i pulled it out andthey took off
if ur worrying about whether or not you need to carry a knife, chances are youre probably not going to use it
only thing i carry is a blow at these *%@%+!%
*blows whistle twice* aye come here !@%#+

im serious tho
Originally Posted by mikykr20

i have my consealed weapons permit so when i was in scholl i always carried a 9 and good thing i did cuz 1 night 2 jokers try to rob me. i pulled it out and they took off
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I swore you couldn't carry guns in schools?? unless you in onethe University's that have allowed it now...[/color]
I don't currently carry any weapons but as soon as I can afford the gun I want I will at least have it in my car.

- Tical.
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