realtalk , my son T.O got abs..........pause.....

Originally Posted by B1LLY HOYLE

Well....I wouldn't mind looking like that....(all!%$#@)
i'd never wear a shirt.
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[/h1] [h1]Strength And Speed with Terrell Owens[/h1] [h1]By Mike Falcon[/h1] [/td] [td]
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Few professional football players have more nerve than San Francisco 49ers wide receiver Terrell Owens. Last season in front of the Dallas Cowboys home crowd Owens took the ball he had just caught for a touchdown, ran it to the Cowboys logo at midfield and spiked it, throwing the crowd into a frenzy. On his next touchdown reception that day, the 6'3" Pro Bowler did it again.

Terrell Owens, with 67 catches
and 14 touchdowns in one
season, is just as discipline
off the field…and in the gym.

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The 220-pounder has an equally outrageous physique, especially when you consider that he no longer works for mass because he has to remain fast, agile, and elusive. But his functional strength is amazing, and many consider him the best blocking wide receiver in football.

"He's simply terrifying when he has a blocking assignment," says Buddy Primm, Owens' private trainer, president of PTI, and the man Owens credits with maximizing his talents through training. "What's also amazing is that he has the talent to play in the NBA as well."

But Owens' biggest inspiration comes from outside the athletic arena. "Family comes first with me," says Owens. He has also been a strong voice for sickle cell aware ness, volunteering for The Sickle Cell Foundation.

Standing classic barbell curls
remain a favorite for Owens

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"It's a side a lot of people don't look deep enough to see in him," says Primm. "On the field, in the gym, or helping others --- he's an All Pro in everything he does."

Off-Season Training
Terrell's off-season conditioning program is based on a three-day primary workout schedule followed by two days of selected resistance training, and then two days of rest over the weekend.

His routine focuses on high-rep training "so there is very little pressure on his joints," explains Primm. "He's a naturally skinny guy who has worked out with weights for a long time and put on the muscle he needs to play his position. But we don't want him heavier because the additional size could affect his speed."

Owens prepares to do hanging
leg raises --- look at that 6-pack!

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A typical exercise would see him do 6 sets of the movement with a 20/20/16/16/12/12 rep scheme. But this can vary, depending on the exercise. Last year Owens worked in the 8-10 rep range to acquire a little more mass and strength, "but now it's just a question of fine-tuning what I have, and staying as quick and strong as possible."

Every day:
Cardio and Abs
Each workout begins with
some cardiovascular work, usually on the stationary bike. And each day following by ab work: On an incline ab bench Terrell does 3 sets of 15 right elbow to left knee crunches followed by a left elbow to right knee set. An 8-pound medicine ball sit-up or straight crunches on an ab machine with 3 sets of 25-30 reps. Hanging leg raises --- knees to chest --- and a variety of other ab exercises keep this part of his daily routine from becoming boring.


Leg presses result in
quad strength
which helps with
quick turns on the field

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Shoulders, Triceps, and Calves
Hammer machine shoulder
presses are usual, followed by triceps pressdowns and standing or seated calve raises. Bent over rear delt dumbbell raises or seated machine side raises also figure into the equation as an option, meaning that the day's work can be from 18-24 sets.

Hamstrings and Back
Lying one-leg curls are standard
here, followed by light lunges (really a quad stimulator), and then front lat pulldowns. All use the usual 6 set scheme with reps of 20/20/16/16/12/12. This translates into 18 sets for the day.

Quads, Biceps, and Chest
Leg presses or squats are the
rule after Terrell spends a lot of time doing incline leg presses.

Leg extensions follow. "I don't want to get too big, so I work out to keep my speed and strength rather than working for size." Standing classic barbell curls remain a favorite, but dips and the pec dec are usually done instead of bench presses for chest work. This usually works out to 18-24 sets of the high-rep work.

Lying one-leg curls isolate each leg for speed.

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This is a day when previous
bodyparts can be selectively combined. "I may do triceps pressdowns, the same as on Monday," explains Owens. Regardless of what movement he may use, the set and rep scheme remains the same.

"Typically, I may come in and
do some ab work and then go to some weight work that isn't exactly what I had done earlier in the week," says Terrell. "But if I need rest and have any hint of overtraining I'll back off."


Terrell credits PTI
founder and
Buddy Primm with
maximizing his strength
and conditioning

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Saturday and Sunday:


"I stick with natural foods whenever possible," says Owens. "Because I burn a lot of calories I don't have to get overly concerned about carbohydrates, but I keep my fats down. I have to take in a lot of protein for muscle repair."

Owens generally accomplishes that with whole foods: "You can pretty much count on me eating grilled chicken and egg whites on the days I work out." He'll also use a vegetarian protein powder based on special high-protein rice. "I eat a lot of whole food animal-based proteins which gives me a nice balance and is pretty easy on the system."

Editors Note:

Athlete was presented by Genesis Marketing and Promotions, LLC which is a sports marketing, public relations, and event promotions firm located in Boca Raton, Florida. It's primary goal is to assist athletes and entertainers such as Jessie Armstead in marketing and promoting a positive public image.
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Man you all must be insecure if you cant even say another dude has awesome abs without feeling gay.
I will say it TO's abs are incredible, and i wanna melt butter on em.
NikeTalk's homophobia is so ridiculous..."OMG, you posted a picture and saida guy has great abs! %%#!"
Dudes act like they're afraid to see a man withhis shirt off...What's worse is dudes are actually insecure enough with themselves on a message board that they have to follow everything with"pause" or "no%!#!$"...
Someone post his workout, cardio routine.

I have the new Men's Fitness mag with the T.O. feature laying around somewhere...I'll see if I can find it and post up his workouts.
The first pics wasn't working for me, but then up above the routine showed.

I wouldn't mind looking like that either or having those abs.
^ what are you shaking your head for? not comfortable enough in your shoes or something? insecurity? which is it?
Originally Posted by tylerdub

Man you all must be insecure if you cant even say another dude has awesome abs without feeling gay.
I will say it TO's abs are incredible, and i wanna melt butter on em.

U wanna melt butter on 'em!??! WTF...
Damn, dude is chiseled.....I understand his routine, but I wanna see how many meals and what he eats through the whole day.
who the hell works out with their shirt off?

i'm hoping it was just for the photo shoot, because if not, this dude is more in love with himself than i thought.

he is insanely ripped though. his body fat in that first pic has gotta be like 3%.
and while it's still impressive, getting paid millions of dollars and having your salary depend on being in elite physical shape, that sort of %$#% is kindof expected of him. at least i know i'd expect it of myself if i was in his position...
who the hell works out with their shirt off?

TO. I swear while he was with the eagles he started working out without a shirt while the media interviewed him....

.... that one press conference on his driveway was
I admire Reggie Bush's pysique.

By the way if Men's Fitness mag or whoever asks you to do a weightroom photoshoot shirtless and I was that chiseled, yeah I'd take them up on that.
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