Realizing you gained weight and now you have to work out again...FTL

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

jailblazer wrote:
AllDay AllNight wrote:
solesavage wrote:
mytmouse76 wrote:
i've been losing weight and i don't know how...i havent been to the gym in a year and i eat horrible (bout to change that)

i'm like 108 now...

go get a physical. Thats not normal. You might have a serious health problem

Real talk. This is a sign of diabetes.

or maybe a tapeworm

diabetes and tapeworms? i only lost like 5 guys are scaring me

you're dieing.....

if anybody takes me serious youre a slow @$%
word.. i came into college at 135- fall 2005. i topped out my sr year at about 167- jan 2009.

having munchies late at night because of certain smoking activities doesn't help either. I'm back down to 145 though so i'm happy
I've been packing on the pounds the last six weeks. It's what graduation will do to you.

But I'm still working out heavily, so it's not nearly as bad as it could be.
lol.. i doubt i would ever lose fire, since i switch up alot

bulk- 4 months of mostly weights
clean bulk- 4 months mostly calisthenics
cut- 4 months mostly cardio.

different routine stretch's with each lol.

i would probably get tired if i kept the same routine year round though.

since i see stat's here

220, 5"11..

started my cutting phase this june... trynna hit back down to 2 flat.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

diabetes and tapeworms? i only lost like 5 guys are scaring me
My fault, I thought you were saying that you were in a similar situation to the guys who are gaining or losing 25lbs in a few months.

That is NOT healthy.
to the OP, I feel you.....ever since I got comfy with my girl (before I gave her the boot) I was steady gaining weight, now I have to drop nearly the sameamount as you.....its not that hard, just up your level of activity and cut back on the BS....should be easier now that there is only baseball towatch.....good luck
I used to weigh 200 lbs in high school, after i got down to like 165 lbs, over time I gained some weight. now i am 205 lbs
but it doesn't look as bad aswhen I was 200 lbs i'm not chubby, a little more solid now but I want to get down to about 180 lbs again.
Originally Posted by CIDMAN911


Yea man I was 225 when I got into college 3 years later im 275...

Im back in the gym and it feels good... havent really changed eating habits just been eating less...and drinking lots of water..
Damn.. I have trouble putting ON weight.

Although not bad lately, 5'9 145lbs 13% bf.. starting to eat healthy now.
i lost alot of weight going into high school

gained most of it back during grade 12 and the year after high school

today, ive lost most of it due to diet, drinking lots of water and basketball. about 40 pounds

i was maybe 10 pounds away from my early hs weight, but i think i just started gaining again

I was 175 at the end of '08... now i'm about 188 now (give or take). Pretty happy on my progress.

I wanna get to about 195+ by Fall

Adding muscles FTW
Originally Posted by Ouch my feet

I noticed that as long as I keep some sort of physical activity in my weekly routine I can stay at my weight even though I eat horrible. 30 min a day really does make a difference.

I hate running so im going to take up long distance cycling on a track bike for the summer, change things up a bit.

same here.. took a weightlifting/bball class at my local college that lasted maybe 1 hour three times a week. By the end of the semester and no change in mydiet, I had lost 10 lbs.. Add in a moderate diet change and that may be at 20lb loss. An extreme turnaround couldve netted about 30.. I could never see peopleGAINING tons of weight if just alittle bit of effort was made to exercise.. im talking minor.. you ever seen a fat homeless man?? BAD GENES
since were on the topic of working out and such, how good of a workout is swimming? it seems everyone has their own opinions on it.
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