Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by mco85

Take away Obama out of what you just said and all you really mentioned are actors and athletes and the fact that we are physically (not mentally) respected. I think that sums it up right there

As an African American, I realize that untill 13% of Fortune 500 CEOs are black or leading Scientist,Engineers, and Doctors are getting world recognition turning out useful inventions/patents and research papers many of these "achievements" are essentially worthless.

Leading Actors, Athletes.......who cares
. Outside of sliding charity money, what contributions will they make to advance society? A lot of people still see African Americans as entertainers. Hopefully Obama and others will inspire our generation to supersede this stereotype. We need to excel in academic and professional environments.

Please though for sake of being taken seriously, do not use actors, musicians and athletes as a component of your argument for black achievements because from my personal experience, nobody outside the AA community will take your argument seriously. I'm going to do me.
Read this OP, I don't you know how successful some our your fellow African Americans are doing. Quit dwelling upon the negatives and startpraising the positives. Don't let the negatives things reflect on how you feel about your nationality/ethnicity as a whole (ATLien, I got you
Originally Posted by 51and3rd

Originally Posted by Rico x Hood

We're failing? Speak for yourself my dude. Get outta here with that nonsense. An by the way what are you doing to help advance then reace? Other than complaining about %@!+?


I'm not speaking for myself because its not all about me... I'm doing ok myself but I'm only in the position to help my other friends out and I can honestly say I am making a difference in their life. And as far as you telling me to stop complaining do you want me to shut up and be cool with my people being the laughing stock of the world..... News Flash................ NOBODY TAKES THE BLACK COMMUNITY SERIOUS!
^^^ I understand what you are trying to say. Unfortunately, to many blacks are in denial and only "do them". Our bigest problem as acommunity is we don't share information and show or help the lost to develop a plain to succeed. Plain and simple, our community lacks the compassion forone another that the Asians,Indians, and hispanics have for each other. I do my part and I see you do yours....
Originally Posted by 51and3rd

Originally Posted by snaggykicks

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by 51and3rd

(I'm black if that matters

Why are we having such a hard time waking up? We are really two steps away from running the world. We are physically respected by all other races, we have a black man in office, we are dominate in all major sports. (Football, basketball, golf, tennis) We have some of the best actors (Will and Denzel). Not raciest but we are probably the biggest trend setters in the urban and suburban area. But yet we have nothing of our owns. Asians own the hair and nails bit, even tho its us who are spending the major money on both things. Indians own all the corner stores in all the hoods I've been to. And til this day the white community are well far off in just the stand point of a living situation. We have been here for hundreds of years so why are we still failing as a whole?
So your idea of success as a a race would be for us to build more corner stores and nail saloons?
I think he was just makin a point on how we put our money into making other races progress with our money..i think
THANK YOU. I think some of you are reading too hard and not thinking hard enough.

I love how you completely missed the point I was tryna make that bodegas and nail saloons are a bad example? I may be wrong but I feellike you're not thinking big enough and losing sight of what truly matters.... something that I feel plagues the black community. Get your head out of the"HOOD", if you will.

1. Obama being in office does not give black people any more power, they need to take it themselves. Stop waiting for someone to come save you like JesusChrist.

2. Dominating in sports/acting does not give a race that much education however does.

3. BDW black actors are not any more respected than white ones.......For every Denzel.....there's a Tom Hanks
, Brad Pitt, the guy from there will be blood
, Tom Cruise

. The Chinese and Russians won't let that happen
DaNiKeRhiNo wrote:
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

mco85 wrote:
Take away Obama out of what you just said and all you really mentioned are actors and athletes and the fact that we are physically (not mentally) respected. I think that sums it up right there

As an African American, I realize that untill 13% of Fortune 500 CEOs are black or leading Scientist,Engineers, and Doctors are getting world recognition turning out useful inventions/patents and research papers many of these "achievements" are essentially worthless.

Leading Actors, Athletes.......who cares
. Outside of sliding charity money, what contributions will they make to advance society? A lot of people still see African Americans as entertainers. Hopefully Obama and others will inspire our generation to supersede this stereotype. We need to excel in academic and professional environments.

Please though for sake of being taken seriously, do not use actors, musicians and athletes as a component of your argument for black achievements because from my personal experience, nobody outside the AA community will take your argument seriously. I'm going to do me.

Read this OP, I don't you know how successful some our your fellow African Americans are doing. Quit dwelling upon the negatives and start praising the positives. Don't let the negatives things reflect on how you feel about your nationality/ethnicity as a whole (ATLien, I got you

Either I'm confused or you are?
I'm reading that he thinksbeing a successful entertainer is not important. He's saying we need to get our grown man on basically. So he's not saying we're doing good at all.If I'm mistaken please correct me.
Originally Posted by 51and3rd

Originally Posted by s0leFUNK

Man... I was gonna stay out of this thread but maybe I'll wake some people up...


Go out into the world and do you. Stop asking what another man can do to make you look good. As you can tell from his campaign, Obama aint give two %!#*@ about being the first black president. The man just wanted to be president. Athletes are doing what they do for either the money or because they have a passion for what they are doing. Go out there and do you. Point blank period

Thats exactly whats wrong with us. Like it or not we are a community and we are all in this together. Stop with the I'm me bs and help figure out whats going on. Indians and asains come over here owning everything we know..... and thats not a problem to you? I know my first post was kinda out there but forgive me, im not good at putting thoughts or ideas on paper but this aint every man for himself. Thats problem #1
Ain't NOTHIN wrong with me, brutha. It's folk like you that fail to realize that a community is made up of INDIVIDUALS. So, if"we" are a bunch of underachieveing individuals then "we" will be considered an underachieving community. Substitute"underachieving" with "achieving" and its the same logic. So hence my statement, if you go out and do you then problem solved. Stoplooking for excuses and start looking for a dream or somethin...

Again, just cause I look like you dont think I am you. Aint nothin wrong with me, I'm happy doin me whether "we" underachieve or not cause Immacome out on top.
Originally Posted by 51and3rd

DaNiKeRhiNo wrote:
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

mco85 wrote:
Take away Obama out of what you just said and all you really mentioned are actors and athletes and the fact that we are physically (not mentally) respected. I think that sums it up right there

As an African American, I realize that untill 13% of Fortune 500 CEOs are black or leading Scientist,Engineers, and Doctors are getting world recognition turning out useful inventions/patents and research papers many of these "achievements" are essentially worthless.

Leading Actors, Athletes.......who cares
. Outside of sliding charity money, what contributions will they make to advance society? A lot of people still see African Americans as entertainers. Hopefully Obama and others will inspire our generation to supersede this stereotype. We need to excel in academic and professional environments.

Please though for sake of being taken seriously, do not use actors, musicians and athletes as a component of your argument for black achievements because from my personal experience, nobody outside the AA community will take your argument seriously. I'm going to do me.
Read this OP, I don't you know how successful some our your fellow African Americans are doing. Quit dwelling upon the negatives and start praising the positives. Don't let the negatives things reflect on how you feel about your nationality/ethnicity as a whole (ATLien, I got you

Either I'm confused or you are?
I'm reading that he thinks being a successful entertainer is not important. He's saying we need to get our grown man on basically. So he's not saying we're doing good at all. If I'm mistaken please correct me.

He's just saying don't limit your knowledge to just thinking being an actor or entertainer is great success. Being a scientist, CEO,doctor, Engineer is far more beneficial when it comes to our image to the world as a whole.
AntonLaVey wrote:
I love how you completely missed the point I was tryna make that bodegas and nail saloons are a bad example? I may be wrong but I feel like you're not thinking big enough and losing sight of what truly matters.... something that I feel plagues the black community. Get your head out of the "HOOD", if you will.

1. Obama being in office does not give black people any more power, they need to take it themselves. Stop waiting for someone to come save you like Jesus Christ.

2. Dominating in sports/acting does not give a race that much education however does.

3. BDW black actors are not any more respected than white ones.......For every Denzel.....there's a Tom Hanks
, Brad Pitt, the guy from there will be blood
, Tom Cruise

. The Chinese and Russians won't let that happen

1. If the nail shop thing was a bad example or good example the point is that you do get what I was trying to say no matter how I said it! Don't have to bedifficult.

2. True but i believe that entertainers are probably the most influential people in the world. More so then a lot of peoples family so we do sit in a highpower position.

3.See 2.

4.Thats neither here nor there the fact is that we are still not respected and have enough man power and knowledge of how this world works not to be incontrol.
I agree that you would like to see black people make moves in all aspects but I think we are too brainwashed by that. White people are other races aren'tgoing to take us seriously. That maybe true but if your making money to support your family and can help your community like Hova said thats the win win. Whocares if its in entertainment? Thats a way to get people cause most of time people saying that negative look at where they are. Even if they are doing goodits just a way to get you to do what they want you to do. Other races get paid off entertainment also and I don't see them complaining.
Originally Posted by Super Producer J

Originally Posted by Super Producer J

The most opulent black community is here in the US. Our African brethren aren't anywhere near us. And here, in America, we are I think the minority of the minorities, or close to it. With that said, excelling in the sports and entertainment arenas is not enough. The black man's (man and woman) focus should be in the business world and the professional world, accumulating wealth and land, and keeping that wealth recycling through the community. However, once again, our numbers here are too small to "catch up." However, because our numbers are so relatively small, it should make it easier for "us" as a race to, percentage wise, pull ahead.

I can't speak for the entire black community, but the greater focus has to be on education, and IMO that is not happening. This kind of talk only leads to more of a schism between the human race.
I completely missed this comment. I also agree with the comment 100%
s0leFUNK wrote:
Originally Posted by 51and3rd

s0leFUNK wrote:
Man... I was gonna stay out of this thread but maybe I'll wake some people up...


Go out into the world and do you. Stop asking what another man can do to make you look good. As you can tell from his campaign, Obama aint give two %!#*@ about being the first black president. The man just wanted to be president. Athletes are doing what they do for either the money or because they have a passion for what they are doing. Go out there and do you. Point blank period

Thats exactly whats wrong with us. Like it or not we are a community and we are all in this together. Stop with the I'm me bs and help figure out whats going on. Indians and asains come over here owning everything we know..... and thats not a problem to you? I know my first post was kinda out there but forgive me, im not good at putting thoughts or ideas on paper but this aint every man for himself. Thats problem #1

Ain't NOTHIN wrong with me, brutha. It's folk like you that fail to realize that a community is made up of INDIVIDUALS. So, if "we" are a bunch of underachieveing individuals then "we" will be considered an underachieving community. Substitute "underachieving" with "achieving" and its the same logic. So hence my statement, if you go out and do you then problem solved. Stop looking for excuses and start looking for a dream or somethin...

Again, just cause I look like you dont think I am you. Aint nothin wrong with me, I'm happy doin me whether "we" underachieve or not cause Imma come out on top.

No you are whats wrong with us my friend. So do you think you are who you are because your just the man.... NO! So if everyone thought like you then my greatgrand parents should of sat they %## on the back of the bus! That was the dumbest thing I've heard. Instead of feeling yourself so much take a look back atwhat THEY did to help US out. This #$+! aint a you and me thing bra its a US thing.
Originally Posted by 51and3rd

s0leFUNK wrote:
Originally Posted by 51and3rd

s0leFUNK wrote:
Man... I was gonna stay out of this thread but maybe I'll wake some people up...


Go out into the world and do you. Stop asking what another man can do to make you look good. As you can tell from his campaign, Obama aint give two %!#*@ about being the first black president. The man just wanted to be president. Athletes are doing what they do for either the money or because they have a passion for what they are doing. Go out there and do you. Point blank period

Thats exactly whats wrong with us. Like it or not we are a community and we are all in this together. Stop with the I'm me bs and help figure out whats going on. Indians and asains come over here owning everything we know..... and thats not a problem to you? I know my first post was kinda out there but forgive me, im not good at putting thoughts or ideas on paper but this aint every man for himself. Thats problem #1
Ain't NOTHIN wrong with me, brutha. It's folk like you that fail to realize that a community is made up of INDIVIDUALS. So, if "we" are a bunch of underachieveing individuals then "we" will be considered an underachieving community. Substitute "underachieving" with "achieving" and its the same logic. So hence my statement, if you go out and do you then problem solved. Stop looking for excuses and start looking for a dream or somethin...

Again, just cause I look like you dont think I am you. Aint nothin wrong with me, I'm happy doin me whether "we" underachieve or not cause Imma come out on top.

No you are whats wrong with us my friend. So do you think you are who you are because your just the man.... NO! So if everyone thought like you then my great grand parents should of sat they %## on the back of the bus! That was the dumbest thing I've heard. Instead of feeling yourself so much take a look back at what THEY did to help US out. This #$+! aint a you and me thing bra its a US thing.

thats the difference get civil right we have to work as a GROUP point blank period...but there are no more civil rights to gain (onpaper) become more successful/respected as a group we have to achieve and become better as individuals...theres nothing wrong taking pride in thesuccesses of someone that looks like you...but just because a (half)black guy is president-elect doesn't make YOU or I any more presidential than we werein October...the point is get off your @#$ stop seeing white people do this, Asians do this, Indians do this and just do something for you stop trying toorganize an entire group of people to copy an entirely different group of people...if you go and become a CEO of a fortune 500 company of course your family(black) and friends (not only the black ones) will naturally rise with can offer jobs and help them and their quality of life improves as well...thatis how it don't try and uplift an entire community you uplift youself and your family/friends rise with you...
this whole if one of us succeed we all succeed black community mentality is part of what is holding us back....there is nothing wrong with having unitythroughout the race but seriously outside of looking similar and maybe having similar experiences there is nothing tha separates us from ourwhite/middle-eastern/hispanic/asian counterparts...
Yall are crazy. Now that we have a new generation of smarter black parents. Kids are going to start growing up with education as a child instead of trying tofigure out everything on their own, because their parents only graduated high school. Even though there were a lot of intellectual blacks back in the day thereare more now, which will help build a strong foundation from now on.

The bad thing is we do have a lot of unsuitable parents, but whats race doesnt. We just have to many, as time goes on it will change though.
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