Jul 20, 2008
(I'm black if that matters

Why are we having such a hard time waking up? We are really two steps away from running the world. We are physically respected by all other races, we have ablack man in office, we are dominate in all major sports. (Football, basketball, golf, tennis) We have some of the best actors (Will and Denzel). Not raciestbut we are probably the biggest trend setters in the urban and suburban area. But yet we have nothing of our owns. Asians own the hair and nails bit, even thoits us who are spending the major money on both things. Indians own all the corner stores in all the hoods I've been to. And til this day the whitecommunity are well far off in just the stand point of a living situation. We have been here for hundreds of years so why are we still failing as a whole?
We're failing? Speak for yourself my dude. Get outta here with that nonsense. An by the way what are you doing to help advance then reace? Other thancomplaining about %@!+?

Originally Posted by 51and3rd

(I'm black if that matters

Why are we having such a hard time waking up? We are really two steps away from running the world. We are physically respected by all other races, we have a black man in office, we are dominate in all major sports. (Football, basketball, golf, tennis) We have some of the best actors (Will and Denzel). Not raciest but we are probably the biggest trend setters in the urban and suburban area. But yet we have nothing of our owns. Asians own the hair and nails bit, even tho its us who are spending the major money on both things. Indians own all the corner stores in all the hoods I've been to. And til this day the white community are well far off in just the stand point of a living situation. We have been here for hundreds of years so why are we still failing as a whole?

I stopped reading right there...

I woulda said not this guy again but I think youve heard that enough from me already
Take away Obama out of what you just said and all you really mentioned are actors and athletes and the fact that we are physically (not mentally) respected. Ithink that sums it up right there
Originally Posted by 51and3rd

(I'm black if that matters

Why are we having such a hard time waking up? We are really two steps away from running the world. We are physically respected by all other races, we have a black man in office, we are dominate in all major sports. (Football, basketball, golf, tennis) We have some of the best actors (Will and Denzel). Not raciest but we are probably the biggest trend setters in the urban and suburban area. But yet we have nothing of our owns. Asians own the hair and nails bit, even tho its us who are spending the major money on both things. Indians own all the corner stores in all the hoods I've been to. And til this day the white community are well far off in just the stand point of a living situation. We have been here for hundreds of years so why are we still failing as a whole?
Not in men's.
Man... I was gonna stay out of this thread but maybe I'll wake some people up...


Go out into the world and do you. Stop asking what another man can do to make you look good. As you can tell from his campaign, Obama aint give two %!#*@ aboutbeing the first black president. The man just wanted to be president. Athletes are doing what they do for either the money or because they have a passion forwhat they are doing. Go out there and do you. Point blank period
I'm not exactly failin', but I can understand you....I guess. I don't agree all like that, but who am I to try to change your opinion...
Because we spend to much time trying to be different and empowered and not enough time trying to get money. I'm saying be proud of where you are from butat the same time don't be separatist, don't' integrate but don't segregate either. Everyday I'm bombarded with black pride stuff, how aboutperson pride how about we drop the label of black and white and Asian and Indian and everything else and get more concerned with Green, getting money solvesall ills in capitalism anyone that tells you otherwise never had to live without. Money isn't everything but it can def solve any problem you have.Let's focus on money, not nationalist and for darn sure not overly zealous black pride, keep it to a min. and focus on money because in the society we livethat is what matters. ..I'm black if that matters.
The most opulent black community is here in the US. Our African brethren aren't anywhere near us. And here, in America, we are I think the minority of theminorities, or close to it. With that said, excelling in the sports and entertainment arenas is not enough. The black man's (man and woman) focus should bein the business world and the professional world, accumulating wealth and land, and keeping that wealth recycling through the community. However, once again,our numbers here are too small to "catch up." However, because our numbers are so relatively small, it should make it easier for "us" as arace to, percentage wise, pull ahead.

I can't speak for the entire black community, but the greater focus has to be on education, and IMO that is not happening. This kind of talk only leads tomore of a schism between the human race.
Originally Posted by 51and3rd

(I'm black if that matters

Why are we having such a hard time waking up? We are really two steps away from running the world. We are physically respected by all other races, we have a black man in office, we are dominate in all major sports. (Football, basketball, golf, tennis) We have some of the best actors (Will and Denzel). Not raciest but we are probably the biggest trend setters in the urban and suburban area. But yet we have nothing of our owns. Asians own the hair and nails bit, even tho its us who are spending the major money on both things. Indians own all the corner stores in all the hoods I've been to. And til this day the white community are well far off in just the stand point of a living situation. We have been here for hundreds of years so why are we still failing as a whole?
True, except men's tennis
Originally Posted by s0leFUNK

Man... I was gonna stay out of this thread but maybe I'll wake some people up...


Go out into the world and do you. Stop asking what another man can do to make you look good. As you can tell from his campaign, Obama aint give two %!#*@ about being the first black president. The man just wanted to be president. Athletes are doing what they do for either the money or because they have a passion for what they are doing. Go out there and do you. Point blank period
QFT, no more generalizing, everybody is an individual.
not from where i am. while yes there is a considerable amount of work to be done, the black community is decent. i know plenty of young black professionals,people who went to college and have big dreams and incredible work ethic and dont wanna be in entertainment or sports. you have to look beyond the media, justbecause they aren't put up on the nightly news doesn't mean we aren't there.
Originally Posted by 51and3rd

(I'm black if that matters

Why are we having such a hard time waking up? We are really two steps away from running the world. We are physically respected by all other races, we have a black man in office, we are dominate in all major sports. (Football, basketball, golf, tennis) We have some of the best actors (Will and Denzel). Not raciest but we are probably the biggest trend setters in the urban and suburban area. But yet we have nothing of our owns. Asians own the hair and nails bit, even tho its us who are spending the major money on both things. Indians own all the corner stores in all the hoods I've been to. And til this day the white community are well far off in just the stand point of a living situation. We have been here for hundreds of years so why are we still failing as a whole?

You really think so??? I go to work everyday in a majority white area of my city ( I work in customer service) and I get shown everything but respect. You makeit seem like black people don't want to own their own business yet you don't really realize how much harder it is for us to put in place everythingnecessary for us to own one. However, you also make it seem like all of the opportunities that are afforded to Asians, Indians, and other immigrants are alsooffered to us. It's sad but it's the truth. Alot of African-Americans are getting money in alot more ways than owning nail shops and corner stores. Wehave blacks that are doctors, lawyers, CEO's, etc. Some of us are failing but not all of us.

BTW, the man in your avy is part of the reason why some of us are failing.
Originally Posted by 51and3rd

(I'm black if that matters

Why are we having such a hard time waking up? We are really two steps away from running the world. We are physically respected by all other races, we have a black man in office, we are dominate in all major sports. (Football, basketball, golf, tennis) We have some of the best actors (Will and Denzel). Not raciest but we are probably the biggest trend setters in the urban and suburban area. But yet we have nothing of our owns. Asians own the hair and nails bit, even tho its us who are spending the major money on both things. Indians own all the corner stores in all the hoods I've been to. And til this day the white community are well far off in just the stand point of a living situation. We have been here for hundreds of years so why are we still failing as a whole?

Yeah but black people have excellent soul food restaurants.

I also enjoy your bbq techniques
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