real talk nt..could you say a prayer for my dad?

Originally Posted by Klipschorn

Hope everything is good with your dad and fam. Keep us updated, hopefully with good news.

still in the icu. he's having fluid drained from his belly. almost stable enough to get his upper gi to see what was causing the bleeding. they think itsan ulcer. hopefully comming home soon. prob starting hospis.
Your pops is in my prayers son, sorry to hear that
Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

Originally Posted by Tfromthe617

i'm not even religious but my spirits and best wishes are with you and your fam. you guys need it.

i seriously hope the best for you guys.
^^ x 2. I hope for the best in this situation for you bruh
x3, stay strong.
I kno i posted earlier in the thread.. but man... seein this title seriously makes me "

Keep ur head up fam.
Hes in my prayers AirJordan....My mom was just diagnosed with Skin cancer, which spread to her Colon.. I still dont think its really hit me yet.. I feel yourpain man. Keep your head up.
Originally Posted by Air ih Zona

Prayers don't work, homie.
but i do hope he'll be okay
Really aint the time for all that.

God Bless man and I hope you and your family can come together and find the strength to get passed this. It'll be hard but I'll pray for you.
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