Real Talk: How is LeBron not MVP?

MVP = Most Valuable Player

It honestly shouldnt have anything to do with how good the team is. MVP to me is an individual award and should be handed out to the 1 player that if youremove them from the team the team dramatically gets worse.

thats why Kobe should have been MVP the past 2 seasons.
you cant win mvps while sitting on the sidelines.

you also cant win mvps if your team dont make the playoffs...

the only time a player deserves to be mvp IMO when his team isnt in the top records is when he dramatically improves his team's win/loss record. orturnaround...
It honestly shouldnt have anything to do with how good the team is. MVP to me is an individual award and should be handed out to the 1 player that if you remove them from the team the team dramatically gets worse.

thats why Kobe should have been MVP the past 2 seasons.
a) didn't the lakers have a winning record without Kobe the past 2 seasons? B) Do you have any idea how ******ed it would be to award theMVP on the basis of not how well a player or a team plays, but how bad a team plays without them? That logic doesnt make sense. Why should the NBA rewardpeople for jacking up shots and not getting teammates involved(except Lebron in this case)?
LAt year I thought he would get it for sure..

put NASH on the Cavs in place of Lebron and see if we get anywhere...
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