Real Talk: How is LeBron not MVP?

Feb 3, 2002
Maybe my opinion is a little biased because I live in Cleveland and go to almost all the games over here, but thats my honest question. He's been out a fewgames, they've lost em all. They are a lottery team without him. I'm looking at other MVP candidates from this year and past years and all thesupporting casts can hold their own. PHX w/o Nash, SA w/o Duncan still has Manu, Parker etc. Can someone answer with good argument who is more valuable totheir respective team than LeBron James is to the Cleveland Cavaliers?

1. He doesnt play in the following cities...Orlando, Salt Lake City or Boston
2. His sorry team is under .500
He putting up very nice numbers...and he is no doubt one of the best players in the league...but until his team finishes top 2/3 in the conference, i doubt hewins the award...word to Kobe in 05-06.
Can someone answer with good argument who is more valuable to their respective team than LeBron James is to the Cleveland Cavaliers?
I've been wondering the same thing in regards to Kobe during the 05-06 season.
Not if the team doesn't do well. His numbers are CRAZY and he's clearly the most valuable individual on any one team (more than Kob now)... but as Isaid elsewhere on a team that isn't good, so it doesn't really matter.
^^^ word dude is playing great ball right now but can he can keep it up all season if so then yea he should win MVP.
im reading what everyone is saying, but how much does the teams record have to do with it in the end? Tonight Bron is out and they lose by 20 to the Nets, hesin and theyre looking at a W at home for sure. To me, if you are the most valuable player on the team, you can look at how your team plays with and withoutyou. With Bron, Cavs are a good team (NBA Finals, ECF Champs, whatever the road they took, they still got there). Suns without Nash KILL Cavs without Bron.Spurs without Duncan destroy Cavs without Bron. I see the gap with and without Bron and its huge. I dont know why record has as much to do with it as my otherargument. Not tryin to bring up Kobe arguments, but I dont get why the record is such a huge thing.

EDIT: You mean little boo-boos like Oregons QB? Or boo-boos like Greg Odens legs? low blow, sorry had to do it
Cavs don't have a good record. And how does it make sense for him to deserve an MVP with his team's record but Kobe not ot have gotten it in 05-06?
Originally Posted by belle155

EDIT: You mean little boo-boos like Oregons QB? Or boo-boos like Greg Odens legs? low blow, sorry had to do it

Torn ACL's =/= a jammed finger.

But good try, sport.
Originally Posted by belle155

im reading what everyone is saying, but how much does the teams record have to do with it in the end? Tonight Bron is out and they lose by 20 to the Nets, hes in and theyre looking at a W at home for sure. To me, if you are the most valuable player on the team, you can look at how your team plays with and without you. With Bron, Cavs are a good team (NBA Finals, ECF Champs, whatever the road they took, they still got there). Suns without Nash KILL Cavs without Bron. Spurs without Duncan destroy Cavs without Bron. I see the gap with and without Bron and its huge. I dont know why record has as much to do with it as my other argument. Not tryin to bring up Kobe arguments, but I dont get why the record is such a huge thing.

EDIT: You mean little boo-boos like Oregons QB? Or boo-boos like Greg Odens legs? low blow, sorry had to do it

Son, did you just compare a sprained finger in which may I add on his non-shooting hand, to a torn ACL and microfracture????
The "take him out of the equation" argument makes absolutely no sense to me... I don't see why people use it to make their points.

Why would anyone care how valuable a player is to a lottery team? To a team that barely makes it to the playoffs in the 7-8 seed?

Nobody. Amazing players on bad teams are pretty irrelevant. They may be valuable to them, but what does that value really mean if the team went nowhere?

Kobe the past few years has proved this. The Lakers were never a factor. Kobe was clearly the best individual player in the league... but he was the bestindividual player in the league as a part of a mediocre team.

The Lakers would have won less than 10 games either of the last 3 seasons without him. Same situation you're thinking of. Who really cares?

Not to mention, that's just some hypothesis, not reality.

So, why would anybody consider Lebron for MVP if his triple-doubles and amazing individual play got the Cavs a mediocre record? Itobviously didn't do anything team-wise. And the NBA is made up of 30 teams... Lebron is just one player.

If the Cavs turn it around, he definitely will be considered though.
no, i was poking fun at the other NTers post. I know plenty about anatomy and physiology.
I'm aware of the extent of all those injuries.
Do not be alarmed.
I am educated.

Lebron killing my fantasy team with this damn finger injury
In my opinion the MVP award is somewhat of a joke and has been for a while......It doesn't actually go to the "mostvaluable player" to their team or the best player in the NBA.....It goes to the best player on the best team......If the MVP was actually the mostvaluable player to his team, Magic wouldn't have gone 7 seasons before finally winning his first MVP in 1987, Jordan would have at least 8 MVP's, Kobewould've won in 05-06, J. Kidd would have at least one MVP, Pippen would have won MVP in 1994......I can go on and on......
MVP SHOULD NOT BE BASED on how hard a team would fall if that one player wasn't there. Above all, it's a hypothetical situation THAT IS NOT REALLYHAPPENING.

It should go to the player that has vaulted ONE of the best teams to their status. I believe that's how it's been the past few years. In the aboveexamples, J Kidd and Magic would've qualified because they were integral parts to actually good teams.
Cause his team isn't one of the elite, same reason why Kobe wasn't in 2006.
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