Real mature discussion. Why do you believe in what you believe?

I'm a born again Christian, but I was raised in a home where I was never taught about Christianity, God, Jesus, the Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit or anything particularly spiritual.

As a kid I used to stay a friends house on some weekends and they would take me to church Sunday mornings when I stayed there, but I didn't really pay attention nor do I remember what happened those times when I went to church.

When I moved over here to Puerto Rico, I went to the Catholic church, but I got bored and didn't go that many times.

Then I began going to an Evangelical church, but was a kid and not really into that.

Then I began going out with the daughter of a Pentecostal church pastor and when we broke up, I went to church to win her back. That day I must say I felt something I had never experienced before which was the presence of God. It was pretty surreal. To keep it short, I converted to Christianity that day and began going to church regularly and I got the girl back, but months later we broke up, but I feel so in love with God and found new interest in God and everything related to the church and my faith began to grow to the point where I'm a Christian still even though I lost what I had originally gone to church for.

To keep it short, I go to church to please God and myself, as I've had personal experiences with God.

So yeah, I don't go to please anyone humanly, just because that's what I like and am interested in.

Feel free to mock or say/do whatever you want, don't care, though I just thought I'd share my personal experience and the reason of my beliefs like it was asked for in this thread.
Might be a weird question but does the fact that God is believed to be a male figure play in the minds of women? Do women secretly feel inferior because of it?

The same way I heard some minorities subconsciously feel inferior to whites since the general picture of Jesus is a white male figure?
Might be a weird question but does the fact that God is believed to be a male figure play in the minds of women? Do women secretly feel inferior because of it?
The same way I heard some minorities subconsciously feel inferior to whites since the general picture of Jesus is a white male figure?

Very good questions. James brown said its a mans world. and us minorities know its a white mans world.
in conclusion, it seems that either ;
a. the majority of NT are non-believers
b. a lot of the believers stay mum on voicing their religious beliefs to save being dragged into a debate
either way, i'm really surprised how ubiquitous the notion of not believing in God and Jesus is on NT, considering the population of Christians in the world. I definitely thought it would be the other way around.

It is a mixture of both a and b, and the simple fact that there at least 3 threads like this are in the general archives and people don't want to google. :lol:

I think Christians take their title just like a jew takes a birth right.
Someone who never prays, never reads the bible will check Christian on a box or pick it on Facebook.
I think the population of practicing Christians is a fraction of the numbers reported.
So?  Many people would say that God is doing the same thing now, and has been for centuries.
yeah, i'm just telling you what some people believe regarding christians that accept the bible and science. argue with them if that bothers you.
What evidence do you have that they clash?
if god created humans as they appear today, humans did not evolve from other apes.
Can you post that poll?  Also, reference this chart which disagrees with what you said 
you can search around on google if you're curious. also, the chart you provided lists a percentage for acceptance of those ideas.

as for the chart you provided, my original post mentioned being taught about a young earth and that evolution is false. i think that indicates what type of creationism i'm referring to. what you posted seems to provide a percentage for the people that accept those ideas as well.
So their bone to pick is more with the Bible, not the Bible going along with science.  It doesn't bother me I was just looking for elucidation.

As for the second part, you sound like a young earth creationist or gap creationist 
. Just kidding.  But if you look at the other two types, they would say that they go along with evolution. So that's not true.

I looked but I couldn't find it.  I just find it... interesting.. that you would provide your conclusion from the poll without allowing others to discern a conclusion from the information.
So their bone to pick is more with the Bible, not the Bible going along with science.  It doesn't bother me I was just looking for elucidation.
the source of the problem is the bible, yeah.

As for the second part, you sound like a young earth creationist or gap creationist :lol: . Just kidding.  But if you look at the other two types, they would say that they go along with evolution. So that's not true.
again, i was just presenting the views of others because you asked.

I looked but I couldn't find it.  I just find it... interesting.. that you would provide your conclusion from the poll without allowing others to discern a conclusion from the information.
my conclusion comes from information i've seen scattered throughout the internet over the years. i'm not going to bother trying to find it all because i never intended to get into this discussion. i tried to provide for you an idea of how many people subscribe to the view because you asked. i didn't intend for a gallup poll to be my only source of information. i suggest you research the topic further if it interests you.
Originally Posted by Master Zik View Post
As dismissive as their beliefs may be, I'm not ready to dismiss the ppl no matter how disgusting and ugly they may act. The sooner all ppl get on the page with certain things the better off we'll all be.

To be clear though, I was never arguing whether or not those ppl were worthy of talking to. You were speaking as if they did not exist or because you have not encountered them they're not apart of the problem or should be considered.
I'm confused about your first two sentences, but I'd sincerely like to know what you mean by them.

My tone may have made you think that, but I wasn't saying that. I know they exist, and have encountered them. I just know that people are stubborn and bull-headed by nature, so attempting to engage them is tantamount to casting pearls before swine.
You said those ppl were not worth talking to. I disagree. That's what I meant by those first two lines. If that's how you handle them/it (that situation) that's you, doesn't really address what I said previously.
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again, i was just presenting the views of others because you asked.
That's fine.  I had trouble discerning what you believe from what you're telling me others believe because you said it so matter of factly that I attributed it to you.  That's why I was asking those questions.
You said those ppl were not worth talking to. I disagree. That's what I meant by those first two lines. If that's how you handle them/it (that situation) that's you, doesn't really address what I said previously.
That's fine.  I had trouble discerning what you believe from what you're telling me others believe because you said it so matter of factly that I attributed it to you.  That's why I was asking those questions.
oh, yeah. my mind is kind of all over the place and i often have a hard time remembering what i said, how i said it, etc. i guess i'm just lazy and don't bother checking. i apologize for that.
I was born Muslim. Went to Islamic school at a young age and was brought up in an Islamic household. I never really believed in Islam. I went to prayers just to avoid the hassle with my parents. When I started college I went back and really did my research on Islam. I thoroughly went over it, questioning it, critiquing it, and turning over every rock i could. Did I find some things that don't make sense to me? Yeah I found quite a few. But I found that I became really passionate about the religion and started practicing again. The things that dont make sense to me I still think about but to me they are minor compared to the rest of the religion.

Fast forward to today and I am a devoted Muslim. I plan on raising my kids as Muslims and conducting my life in an Islamic way. I'm a believer that religion isnt about going to church, or praying. If you are not 100% convinced about what you are doing, your not religious. Your only fooling yourself. That's why I applaud the people in this thread that after critically thinking about it decided they were not meant for religion. I did the same and decided being a Muslim was right for me.
I'm only halfway through, but it's been a great read. The stories seem very genuine.
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