Rap About Nothing: Hip Hop Chat Thread

What's "coming out today?" Kendricks been mainstream for like 15 years.

if you the comment i'm quoting. he thought "If you are black rapper that codes as lower class you pretty much have a free rein to do whatever."

he thought I was saying this was true for the entire history of hip-hop, im clarifying the comment was referencing contemporary times.

"coming out today" is making it clear i'm talking about contemporary music criticism.
Thats fine, but more people will making the sticking point of revealing he had a child as what made the track.

ima be honest the people I see saying that the most are the people downplaying the rest of the track

there’s a reason the culture bars and white boy jokes are hitting so hard
We discussing R&B songs played in social settings to justify something as a "rap" classic??

My day is ruined because I had to be reminded 'Practice' exists
Jcole has this same issue, way more has been written about his alleged misogyny then Young Thug for example.

by any objective measure Jcole is less misogynistic than the average rapper.
but he is treated more seriously...because imo he codes as middle class.
No, it's because Cole markets himself as a more "conscious" rapper than Young ******* Thug :lol: Nobody expects the guy who raps about gang banging and killing people to give you some deep take on misogyny, be forreal.

But also, these think pieces mean absolutely nothing in the real world. Nobody has stopped listening to any of these artists because of them, I've never heard it brought up by anybody in regular conversation. Anybody can put anything on the internet, it doesn't mean ppl care.
I’ve never seen anyone that listens to J Cole accuse him of misogyny. Have you ever listened to Young Thug? You have to critique that on a curve cuz he isn’t using real words half the time 😂




if you the comment i'm quoting. he thought "If you are black rapper that codes as lower class you pretty much have a free rein to do whatever."

he thought I was saying this was true for the entire history of hip-hop, im clarifying the comment was referencing contemporary times.

"coming out today" is making it clear i'm talking about contemporary music criticism.
You posted articles about Drake and Jcole being called misogynist, to prove a point. Did you miss all the ones about Kendrick being called a misogynist as well? What about the ones about him being called homophobic and transphobic?
All rappers get called misogynistic at some point.
You don't understand the importance of pointing out somebody that's phony. "Acting black" "begging for acceptance" is rampant right now on black america with outsiders.

ah yes because we all know when you cross 49th parallel people instantly lose the ability to understand the concept of "Acting black" "begging for acceptance"

ive never heard of those concepts untill i came to america. just totally foreign.

americans are the best:lol:
You posted articles about Drake and Jcole being called misogynist, to prove a point. Did you miss all the ones about Kendrick being called a misogynist as well? What about the ones about him being called homophobic and transphobic?
All rappers get called misogynistic at some point.

there's less of them then there is for Drake or J Cole.

and add on the fact that Kendrick bills himself as an explicitly political rapper.
imo there should be more scrutiny not less.
well yah that's my point.
Again, your point is invalid.

You spoke about how one from a perceived middle class was more heavily criticized than someone from a lower class. Your example was “J Cole is a misogynist” articles, when he’s not. It’s okay to relate with Aubrey, that doesn’t make you a bad person. Just recognize why he resonates with you.
Kennys track gets better with every play. Ima just focus on the track, because tweakin with the Drake takes. The most streamed rapper has no classics. Well wtf have be been listening to these last 16 years lmaoo. Yall got it
ah yes because we all know when you cross 49th parallel people instantly lose the ability to understand the concept of "Acting black" "begging for acceptance"

ive never heard of those concepts untill i came to america. just totally foreign.

americans are the best:lol:

For you not to understand calling phony people out shows you either not black or maybe are but have a disconnect.

Now that I'm familiar with your history it adds up

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