Rap About Nothing: Hip Hop Chat Thread

God ain’t give us semen to just be tossing to the wayside like that :lol: :lol:
But you kinda right, sometimes i look back (or left, right or in front of me) and think to myself "the amount of semen i unloaded on this ***** *******, i could have had a whole family.
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Or you got luck, plan bs, and a couple Abortions here and there :lol:

Trust me. I had my scares.

I think the biggest success was NOT getting burnt. I wake up thankful everyday.

But YOU wouldn’t know.

Real ****. I had ONE scare with this.
Raw dogged this joint in college and went to the free clinic on campus.
You know how your mind start playing tricks on you.
It's all fun & games until you have to get a urethal swab.
I was burning for a week straight only for everything to come back negative.
Real ****. I had ONE scare with this.
Raw dogged this joint in college and went to the free clinic on campus.
You know how your mind start playing tricks on you.
It's all fun & games until you have to get a urethal swab.
I was burning for a week straight only for everything to come back negative.

Man, I remember this chick told me to get tested one time, cuz she caught the clap.

In my mind I was like….WELP! I knew this day would come. Was playing with FYE! I just knew in my mind that this was it :lol:.

Went up there nervous as hell. Whole time, I had NOTHING. Told myself I’d never smash another chick raw…..

I lied to myself :lol:. But moral of the story is….Still made it out unscathed. I be in good spirits, because it’s a lot of **** in life, a ****** just escaped and got lucky on. I chalk it up to a good immune system and the universe just looking out every now and then. Take the good with the bad.
I can't trust anyone that doesn't like Future tbh.

Like why are you being a contrarian just to be one for? That's like saying you don't like Michael Jackson.

Ion listen to dude but imma give em a shot based on the hype in here.

And ion fkc wit mike jack either. 🤷🏾‍♂️
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Ain't never been burnt, but a joint gave me a UTI and I was ready to flip
Same, those antibiotics really ****ed my stomach up.
To be fair, i gave it to her being a little too wild then got it back from her.
You can't win every battle

Same. Them antibiotics had me eating 32ozs of yogurt in one sitting trying to get my stomach right. I was happy as hell it wasn't a STD, but I was HOT. This was off the first and only link too.
Mess with enough women they start to give you presents.
I got 3 but really should’ve had like 7 already. Love my kids but worst decision you could make if you out here single and getting bread. If I could redo things I would not have these lil spoiled expensive mf’s again :smh:
Speaking of 🐐 tho, his uploading of older stuff on YouTube is messing with me.


I litteraly gasped seeing the new album cover as if it was that new new before realizing i got played 😅
Same. Had my daughter this year at 32. I NEVER came in a chicks growing up.
Pull out game A1. The only women I did is now my wife.
My biggest fears was having a child with someone not stable or mentally ready to be a mother.

One of my neighbors had a one night stand with a dude on vacation & ended up getting pregnant. She kept the baby, and now she going through it. She's from Australia and super liberal and he's a huge Trump supporter and all that. She had to dish out like 17k fighting for custody cause he got some big time layer so she felt like she had to get one. Couldn't be me.

Same situation. Been smashin since the 9th grade and I was always the anti condom dude out of my crew, only thing is I would never bust inside, always pulled out, always. Similar to you I just couldnt get over the fear of having a kid with someone I wasnt serious with. Seen that story play out too many times and wanted no parts. I actually never wanted children at all, but meeting the right person changed my mindset on that. My Wife and I are married (5 years this year, but been together since 2009) and we decided to have a kid. Started busting in her December 2018, annnnnnd My Son was here December 2019 lol.

That busting inside is def a game changer tho. Im glad I did wait cuz had I been doin that ish earlier on Id have hella shorties runnin round here. It's funny cuz I never used condoms, and had my first kid at 31 years old, while all my friends who claim they be strapping up got multiple kids :lol: so somethin aint addin up.
Man, I remember this chick told me to get tested one time, cuz she caught the clap.

In my mind I was like….WELP! I knew this day would come. Was playing with FYE! I just knew in my mind that this was it :lol:.

Went up there nervous as hell. Whole time, I had NOTHING. Told myself I’d never smash another chick raw…..

I lied to myself :lol:. But moral of the story is….Still made it out unscathed. I be in good spirits, because it’s a lot of **** in life, a ****** just escaped and got lucky on. I chalk it up to a good immune system and the universe just looking out every now and then. Take the good with the bad.

Verbatim almost :lol:

I thought my life was over. To make matters worse, I guess I misheard the doctor or something because when I went to get tested...I could have sworn she said we'll give your results over the phone. When they called me back the next day and asked me to COME IN...my ******* heart dropped.

On top of that...when I go in....unbeknownst to me the doctor had an intern or some **** shadowing her for the day. My scared *** thought they was bringing in the grief counselor to tell me I got that House in Virginia. After all this....they walk me in there to tell me my results came back negative :lol:. I went from rock bottom to cloud 9 in a split second.

For another interesting tie in....the same ***** ended up dating a ***** from NT years later. (jumpman23 or some ****....the old NT'ers know him well. I told this story w/ more details once before on here in some thread)

I have ZERO idea how they met seeing as tho he was from Cali and she was from VA. The world is too small.

Never said nothing to homie either....just kept it pushing :lol::smh:
Verbatim almost :lol:

On top of that...when I go in....unbeknownst to me the doctor had an intern or some **** shadowing her for the day. My scared *** thought they was bringing in the grief counselor to tell me I got that House in Virginia. After all this....they walk me in there to tell me my results came back negative :lol:. I went from rock bottom to cloud 9 in a split second.

The roller coaster of emotions got me crying. :lol:
I thought my life was over. To make matters worse, I guess I misheard the doctor or something because when I went to get tested...I could have sworn she said we'll give your results over the phone. When they called me back the next day and asked me to COME IN...my ****ing heart dropped.
These stories too damn familiar man. The anxiety in those waiting rooms, the summers i thought were my last. A simple cough and you'd be looking for aids symptoms on the internet and whatnot
For another interesting tie in....the same ***** ended up dating a ***** from NT years later. (jumpman23 or some ****....the old NT'ers know him well. I told this story w/ more details once before on here in some thread)

I have ZERO idea how they met seeing as tho he was from Cali and she was from VA. The world is too small.

Never said nothing to homie either....just kept it pushing :lol::smh:
Now we need to know more 😂
Luckily only have 2 kids I should have about 11
Got 1 and supposed to have like 13+ I think.

I knew I was a wild ***** when I ****** my ex and came in her the day after the abortion 🤷🏾‍♂️. She said it stopped bleeding I’m like I’m in there. I had some lil abortion residue on my joint, look like lil tiny fetus fingers or something idc tho.
I'm 34 still ain't go no kids and not rushing or thinking I need to. Last relationship I was she wanted a kid and she had her good qualities but I ain't having kids with no chick that be having wild mood swings and playing lil games I already know where that road leads to if you bring a child into it.
Mess with enough women they start to give you presents.
I got 3 but really should’ve had like 7 already. Love my kids but worst decision you could make if you out here single and getting bread. If I could redo things I would not have these lil spoiled expensive mf’s again :smh:

I want kids but I like expensive s***. Don’t want to be out here with my kids fresh and I got to wear tattered old BS clothes.

When my finances allow me to keep me and my progeny fresh, cool, but for now I only got enough dough for me to be fly only :lol:
I have ZERO idea how they met seeing as tho he was from Cali and she was from VA. The world is too small.

Also 100% this. I'll never forget some dude posted a pick up line thread in General and posted pics of the chick that he used it on. I ended up knowing the girl. IDK if he hit, but I ended up smashing a couple times some months down the road. Never mentioned it to her.



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