Raising GPA 1 whole point?????

Dec 8, 2006
Ok Im in my sophomore year in college and Im trying to raise my gpa from a 2.6 to a 3.6 I can grade replace 3 classes and im going to replace a D- and a D+ andim pretty sure I can get a A in one of the classes and a B in the other. I have about 35 credits taken right now. If I grind it out and work my butt off thewhole time and make great grades. How possible is that?
Originally Posted by dbbabd

can you please just answer the ? or @%#%

idk bro but here what you can do

add 3 points to your current GPA and that should tell you if you can or cannot raise it up 1 whole point....

its probably No.
Do the math yourself if you care so much.

Multiple the 35 hours by whatever grade you got for each of those classes and you'll get your total grade points. Then estimate the rest of your hours incollege and what grades you would get for the classes, and then average it all out and see what you can get.
You can do it, but damn that is a hell of a jump.

A 3.6 is almost an A- average. You'll have to get mostly As, but it's possible.
It is really tough I was in the same situation as you last year.
For all of 2009 I managed to get all A's except for one B, and my GPA jumped up by .6.
It could be done though if you basically get straight A's
Does your school have a GPA calculator?

If so, do a scenario analysis on an Excel spreadsheet. It will keep you better informed and may motivate you.

Some other advice: strategize. Know what classes you're getting into and know your teachers (ratemyprofessors.com or ask around). Make sure the timing ofyour classes is as least stressful as possible.

You still have plenty of time to do well. Good luck.
its possible, I started with a 2.7 freshman year and graduated with an overall 3.8
Originally Posted by dbbabd

Ok Im in my sophomore year in college and Im trying to raise my gpa from a 2.6 to a 3.6 I can grade replace 3 classes and im going to replace a D- and a D+ and im pretty sure I can get a A in one of the classes and a B in the other. I have about 35 credits taken right now. If I grind it out and work my butt off the whole time and make great grades. How possible is that?

If you can't do the calculations to determine if it's EVEN POSSIBLE, then you probably have zero chance of raising your GPA by 1.0 grade point.

So, I did the calculations for you because they were simple. Let's assume you need 120 points to graduate, I know harder majors need like 126-132, but letsassume you took a basic major with 120 credits,

Based on my calculations, you would need a 4.01 GPA from now till you graduated. Roughly all A's

Now, let's assume you can grade replace......I'm too lazy to do that calculation tonight. I don't know if you got Ds in your 4 hour or 2 credithour classes. I also realize your school might have a GPA system utilizing plus/minus points which I am not familiar with. These are calculations YOU will haveto do I'm going to make simplify this and guess.......

Grade replacing with all A's will raise your 35 Credit hour gpa to lets say a 2.9......based on my assumptions and resulting estimation. Now, you wouldneed to get a 3.88 from here on out.
Looks like we will not see you on Niketalk till you graduate.


edit: they were 3 credit hour courses, still too lazy to give you an exact definition. Shoot for a 4.0 to be safe, but you can probably get by with a 3.8 GPAthe rest of your time in school. Again, it's probably not going to happen unless you switch majors to Sports Management or Communications.
No my school doesnt have a GPA calculator.

Those classes I made a D in were 3 hour courses.

I think I can do it honestly. Because i can retake those two classes get them totally wiped off my transcript and replace them with an A/B and that right therewill raise my gpa by itself. And if I do really well next couple of semesters then I think I can pull it off.

Thanks for some of the responses
Im not doing this for a job. Im doing this to get into law school and I want to have a 3.6 gpa with a 160 lsat to get into a pretty good law school
Originally Posted by dbbabd

Im not doing this for a job. Im doing this to get into law school and I want to have a 3.6 gpa with a 160 lsat to get into a pretty good law school

Switch to the easiest major in your school then.
Since you don't have a GPA calculator, make one yourself (if you're serious about it). Email or call/talk to a counselor how they calculate GPA atyour school.

But yeah, you still have plenty of time, and like you said, you can retake those courses. It wouldn't be that hard, especially if you took summer classes.

Keep in mind, though, that after each semester your GPA will fluctuate less and less.

And keep in mind that that number is a very important one in today's economy, especially if you're notinvolved in extracurriculars.

G=estimated GPA
N=number of credits

So if u think you can get a 4.0 GPA (G=4.0) then solve for N which will be the amount of credits you need to take at that GPA for you to get a 3.6
so it'll take 74 credits with a 4.0GPA to raise your GPA from a 2.6 to 3.6 and 99 credits if u get a 3.9GPA since u need only 120 credits to graduate thenu pretty much need to get a 4.0 average no matter what or a 3.948 from now on. So the only way you can get a 3.6 is if u raise those D's to an A & a Band you get only 1 more B in the rest of your college career. Good luck.
raising a gpa a whole point is easy...if you're going from 1.00 to 2.00.

3.6 is difficult to get as is. call me a debby downer, but judging from your gpa with 1.5 years under your belt, you're not gonna get it without a miracle.
not gonna happen buddy. i know people who have never gotten less than a B/B- and still aren't sniffing a 3.6.

just worry about getting a 3.0 first.
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