Raising a pitbull

Apr 8, 2007
i just got a pitbull hes about 11 weeks old. whats the most important thing i need to know
killers aren't born, they're made.

your dog won't be aggressive if you don't teach it to be aggressive.
take him to the vet initially, an exam to make sure hes healthy (no worms or parvo which are highly common in puppies)
get him started on his series of Da2pp shots, de-worming, and some heart worm preventative.
I say expect to spend at least $100

my work website has alot of new owner info and informs alot about puppies
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Engage in fistcuffs with it daily.
If you need someone to watch your pit, take it to the Bad Newz Kennels...I heard they are very reputable

best advice in here:

take him to the vet initially

also, if you don't want your dog to be aggressive, then you need to raise it properly....also, it's a good idea to socialize your dog from a youngage...the sooner you do so, the better
Dog training is a 100% must with your pitbull, after you're done with one training course, you're encouraged to take them to a second.

Also Pits need to be walked twice a day on very long walks to work out there aggressiveness. \

Never let your pit run free at a park, that's asking for trouble, never take your pit to a school when children are present they will call the policequick.
yea socializing is best, not cause the breed itself (I have a pit and didnt start socializing fully until he was 3 and hes never been dog, leash, or foodagressive)
just for the stigma of having a pitbull. The dogs behavior is a reflection of your actions and temperment, if you bring agression and hate near him they pickup on it.
nothing special cause hes a pitbull...just a normal dog......
in my line of work Ive been bitten or snapped at more times by a chihuahua than a pitbull.
Basic Obidence is great for all dogs . APBT's are great to own i suggest getting a few books on them so you can get a beter understanding of the breed .Make sure you give him plenty of excercise because Bulldogs where/are bred for performance so a long walk , flirtpole , tug of war , ball chasing they willenjoy . Just have fun with the dog they are capable of learning anything its up to you on what you want to teach him/her
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

If you need someone to watch your pit, take it to the Bad Newz Kennels...I heard they are very reputable


my uncle breeds pits, they're good dogs, loyal and protective. they just get a bad rap b/c the same traits that make them good dogs also make them goodfighters. I know plenty of people with pits and have never had a situation with them. Like was said, you have to exercise the dogs because they are easier totrain when they're tired. You have to be CALM and ASSERTIVE dealing with dogs. If you ever watch the show "Dog Whisperer" Cesar has a good bookon dogs called "Be the Pack Leader" I recommend it.
take it to puppy dog training class at petco or petsmart. its pretty cool. i got my 9 month pitbull in it now.

And what someone said above. Killers are made not born so if you treat it right it will be pretty cool and chill.
keep your valuables off the floor/out of reach. They're very curious when they're young and will %#%+ your stuff up one way or another.
The best dogs ever made.I got 3 pits and they are like my kids.since your new to the game go out and get pitbulls for dummies.That book teaches you a lot abouttraining and all that.Good luck
Like people said, make sure he works off all that energy cuz they are very energetic dogs and the pent up energy eventually turns into destructive/aggressiveenergy. Allow him to interact with other dogs and people so he is ok with everybody. Also, make sure to interact him with people of all races, cuz my last dogwas very aggressive torwards black people cuz the owners before didn't socialize them with black folks. And yeah get him completely checked at the vet. Mydog just got its rabies shot last week and before that got done with his 3 DAPP shots.

Here is my dog at 8 weeks, the day i got him. he is weighing about 12 pounds in this picture i think. He is half APBT and half Staffoshire Terrier:

he is 4 months now and weighs about 35 pounds.
Best dogs ever! Loyal, protective, and fun to play with. Make sure you feed him lots of chicken, cooked of course, and mix it with his regular food. I fed mydog a lot of chicken and it made his muscles nice and strong!!! Within 6 months, depending on how you feed him, he should weigh around 40-50 lbs. Make sure youfeed him milk for the next month. Keep him in good shape and teach him that when you say STAY...HE STAYS!!! you gotta be aggressive with him but not overlyaggressive. I knew a guy who had 2 pitbull brothers and they ganged up on the other one, my friend was punching the two that were attacking the other one andthey didnt care and kept on fighting.

Def. take him around other dogs especially when he is young. Socializing with young kids is very good to at a young age so that he learns that kids areharmless and cannot do anything to hurt him or be threatened by them. I had a 4 year old and a 1 year old around my pit and he would lay there as they wouldsmack him around and pull on his ears. Most of the time when pits attack kids and people is because of a lack of socialization!!! Good luck and make sure yourdog doesn't become another statistic!!! post picks when he gets older.
Do everything that everyone is saying in this thread and you will have yourself a mighty fine dog my friend. Feed him lots of chicken, probably grilled butwithout any seasonings or anything like that. just str8 up chicken. DO NOT FEED HIM RAW MEAT! ESPECIALLY IF THERE IS BLOOD STILL IN THE MEAT!! That is a bigNO NO. Give him chicken to build up his muscles and mix it with his dog food. Warm milk mixed with his food is good for the first month. SOCIALIZING is amust!!! Try to take him around young kids too when he is still young. it will show him that young children are harmless and cannot really hurt him. My pitgrew up around 2 children and he was great with any children he encountered. Good Luck and make sure your pit doesn't become another statistic!!!
Pics? I want one but i'm sorta scared, imma do ALOT of research and reading up before I get one tho and probably be around someone elses first.
Originally Posted by mextra45

Actually GhettoKamel , a Raw diet is probably the best thing you can feed a dog , it doesnt have all the crap in it that kibble has as dogs dont need grain they are carnivores and they stay healthy longer ill try to find link so you can read up on it

found some http://www.leerburg.com/diet.htm


You are correct. I never messed with the raw meat because i was afraid i would forget blood in his food. Eukanuba is actually one of the best types ofdog food that is actually good for them. I used to mix chicken with the dog food and my dog went nuts for it. Damn near would piss himself.
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