Racist Fraternity at the University of Oklahoma caught on tape.

Who cares about their names? These are some college frat boys who are pretty much worthless. Just a bunch of drunk idiots. Why focus your energy on them, kids with no power over you?

The real racism that oppresses minorities are those folks in a position of power. The upper management folks at corporations who don't promote people of color. The people who keep the power, and most importantly, the money, with the white. Focus our energy in that demographic. 

I could care less about a drunk frat kid. 
if you don't shut your *** up!!  ......Cops/Zimmerman take innocent black lives and the media will dig and find anything to demonize the dead black guy. They call teenagers "men" and etc...

**** outta here.....these ******* deserve to get their name soiled 
Why can't people who have had their culture systematically destroyed and kept from them get it together like people who still have their culture and native language together?
That question stupid as ****. Not even gonna take the time to explain what's been explained
It's a point I like people to think about when the thread turns into a comparative analysis on who suffered more...
In America that question doesn't need to be ask if it involves african americans. Been targeted for centuries and never got reparations like Native Americans
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Via Twitter.
Parker Rice is the kids name that lead the chant.
He went to HS at Jesuit Dallas, which doesn't surprise me at all.
In America that question doesn't need to be ask if it involves african americans. Been targeted for centuries and never got reparations like Native Americans

It's just baffling that people don't understand this point.

And I had a buddy of mine went to Jesuit. Definitely children of privilege.
An anonymous Jesuit classmate of the DB rice was quoted below (from the link on the previous page)... I know what he meant when he said "brotherhood"... :smh:

The student, who did not want his name used also said: 'We have a strong sense of brotherhood at Jesuit and that's why many won't say anything about Jesuit but there were other Jesuit grads on that bus chanting.

Your next congressman, CEO, executive VP or judge...

View media item 1440171
What on earth do these 2 have to smile about while they move out of the sae ou house?!?!? Irreverent lil b*st*rds...

View media item 1440172
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I should keep these pictures on hand in my phone in case anyone ever ask me why I never utter a word on campus except to my bruhs.

Looking at **** like that makes me just not want to talk to or deal with anyone not like myself.

Straight up.
5 More Racist Acts From Fraternity Shut Down By Oklahoma University
The Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity, from which the University of Oklahoma has recently distanced itself due to a racist video they posted online, apparently has a history of behavior like this all across the country. Here are five other stories, stretching back to 1982, that demonstrate the fraternity’s hateful past.

1. University of Cincinnati, 1982
33 years ago, the SAE chapter at Cincinnati threw a party “celebrating” Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday. The fliers they distributed told people to bring “canceled welfare checks, your father if you know who he is, and a radio bigger than your head,” according to The New York Times. It also listed a KKK hood, and a picture of James Earl Ray, the man who assassinated Dr. King, as items to bring to the party.

The school temporarily suspended the fraternity for this, and sent the issue to the intrafraternity judicial system for further action. Many felt that wasn’t enough; they wanted Cincinnati to expel the fraternity once and for all. SAE still has a chapter there.

2. University of Memphis, 2006
A white man at the University of Memphis was invited to a party at SAE, to which he brought his black girlfriend. Fraternity members at the party started taunting the couple, using racial epithets, and telling the young man that it would be better if he dated a white woman, The Daily Helmsman reported at the time.

Memphis investigated the incident, and the chapter resigned its affiliation with the university. However, another article in The Daily Helmsman says that just meant they couldn’t operate on campus. They remained in existence, just without university recognition at the time.

3. Washington University, 2013
Washington University, in St. Louis, suspended their SAE chapter in 2013 after learning that pledges were asked to sing racist slurs to black students as part of a rush event, according to The Huffington Post. The students on the receiving end of the racist acts were eating in the dining hall when a group of white male students approached them. One began reading racist lyrics off his phone, while the others snapped pictures and took video.

The university’s vice chancellor of students, Sharon Stahl, suspended SAE until the investigation into the incident was complete. That chapter, also, is still open.

4. University of Arizona, 2014
Arizona’s SAE chapter was put on suspension last November after the school received reports that they attacked a Jewish fraternity. Members of SAE went over to the Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity, where they banged on the door and shouted racist slurs. They also physically assaulted four members of AEPi.

Sadly, Tucson police did not feel that this was a hate crime, according to Tucson News Now. However, one student commented that he didn’t feel the incident was too surprising, given that this was SAE.

5. Clemson University, 2014
SAE at Clemson was suspended after pictures from a party surfaced showing members dressed in gang colors and flashing gang signs. One photo had a caption saying, “Merry Cripmas to all,” on it. The story on Fox Carolina said that minority students felt it was a direct response to some of the peaceful protests occurring on campus at the time, as well as mocking gangs.

SAE’s national board suspended all activities of Clemson’s SAE chapter indefinitely for the stunt. Clemson said that most of SAE’s officers voluntarily resigned after the stunt, and were suspended from the fraternity.

Racism and hate ingrained in SAE’s history and founding?
ABC News also reported several incidents in recent years of sexual assault by SAE members at places like Iowa State University, the University of Southern California, and Yale University. They say it’s not clear whether SAE tends to have more trouble than other college fraternities at this time, though.

Think Progress writes that SAE has strong Confederate ties. Their website proudly states that they’re the only fraternity founded in the antebellum South, and, of the less than 400 members they had during the Civil War, most served in the Confederate army. Only seven served Union forces. With racism at the forefront of the issues surrounding the Civil War, it’s not surprising that a fraternity with those kinds of ties to the Confederacy would have problems with racism, even in this day and age. It is however, quite sad, considering that this fraternity is supposed to be the fraternity of “true gentleman.”


Oklahoma Sigma Alpha Epsilon: History of Trouble Involving Other Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity Chapters
The Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity is making headlines after a video emerged at its University of Oklahoma chapter that purportedly shows SAE members singing a racist chant.

The national SAE organization has shut down the local chapter, and the university has severed all ties to it and has ordered its members to vacate the fraternity house.

This isn't the first time an SAE chapter in the United States has faced controversy over members' behavior. In recent years, there have been several incidents.

It was unclear whether or not SAE's troubles outpaced other national fraternities, and SAE's national office did not immediately respond to a question about the recent cluster of problems.

A director at the North-American Interfraternity Conference, which oversees 74 men's collegiate fraternities including SAE, said the organization does not comment on any specific member.

Here is a look at some of the recent troubles SAE has faced:

University of Oklahoma Fraternity Closed After Video of Racist Chant
Alleged Sexual Assault Reported at Iowa State University
University of Oklahoma:

A video showing individuals participating in a racist chant was posted on Sunday to Twitter by Unheard, which describes itself as "an alliance of black students organized for change within campus administration and atmosphere." The video showed young men on a bus chanting, "There will never be a n***** at SAE."

The Unheard tweet, directed at OU president David Boren, said, "Racism is alive at The University of Oklahoma."

Boren said today all ties between the school and chapter are "hereby severed," adding in a statement, "To those who have misused their free speech in such a reprehensible way, I have a message for you. You are disgraceful. You have violated all that we stand for. You should not have the privilege of calling yourselves 'Sooners'. Real Sooners are not racist. Real Sooners are not bigots. Real Sooners believe in equal opportunity. Real Sooners treat all people with respect. Real Sooners love each other and take care of each other like family members."

The national SAE organization said in a statement, "We apologize for the unacceptable and racist behavior of the individuals in the video, and we are disgusted that any member would act in such a way. Furthermore, we are embarrassed by this video and offer our empathy not only to anyone outside the organization who is offended but also to our brothers who come from a wide range of backgrounds, cultures and ethnicities."

University of Southern California:
In October 2014, the national SAE organization closed its University of Southern California chapter for reportedly violating members' health and safety, saying in a statement that it failed to "adhere to the national organization's standards and expectations."

More specifically, the national group said, the chapter "failed to adhere to the alcohol-free housing status placed upon them by the headquarters, failed to follow the membership-education program known as the True Gentleman Experience and failed to comply with cease-and-desist orders, which are temporary suspensions that halt all activity during investigations and sanctions."

The chapter remains closed.

National SAE said, in addition, that the chapter members were expelled from the fraternity.

According to USC's Annenberg TV News, the chapter had been put on probation the previous fall after someone suffered serious injuries at an SAE party.

SAE national spokesman Brandon Weghorst said in a news release, "It's unfortunate that our chapter at USC chose a path that ignored all of the resources we offer. But there are consequences for their lack of leadership and for failing to act as gentlemen."

Iowa State University:

An alleged sex assault was reported in January 2015, after the victim said it occurred at an SAE party at Iowa State University. The victim was hospitalized the next day in unknown condition, police said.

The alleged assault remains under investigation, Jason Tuttle of the Ames Police Department told ABC News today. Tuttle said the police are still interviewing the alleged victim and witnesses.

The chapter suspended the member who had been accused of assault, Weghorst told ABC News in January.

"Any form of assault or sexual misconduct by anyone is unacceptable, and we will not tolerate actions that are inconsistent with our values," Weghorst said in January. "The individual behavior of any member that deviates from our beliefs does not and should not reflect on other members, other chapters or other fraternity men."

The Iowa State SAE chapter refused to comment to ABC News today.

Yale University:

At Yale, "inappropriate comments" made by SAE members last year have led to new bans for the fraternity.

Yale SAE members who have since graduated made "inappropriate comments about a female student in the presence of other members" at a fraternity event, national SAE said this February.

According to the Yale Daily News, the university conducted a formal investigation and SAE now faces "a ban on on-campus activities, a ban on communication via Yale University email systems and bulletin boards, and a prohibition on the use of the name SAE in connection with the university." The Daily News reported that the sanctions will last until August 2016.

"Their speech was not supported nor endorsed by other chapter members," national SAE said in a statement. "While these comments were isolated actions of those two men, we cannot validate what may have been said. Regardless, we absolutely expect our brothers to act as gentlemen at all times and do not condone demeaning or derogatory language.

"Any form of sexual assault, misconduct or harassment by anyone is unacceptable, and we will not tolerate actions that are inconsistent with our values," the statement from national SAE added. "Their individual behavior deviates from our beliefs and should not reflect on other members, other chapters or other fraternity men."

Loyola Marymount University:

In November 2014, an alleged rape took place at an SAE party at Loyola Marymount University, according ABC affiliate KABC in Los Angeles.

SAE members were named in the allegation, according to SAE headquarters.

Weghorst told ABC News today that LMU's SAE was a colony at the time and working towards getting its charter.

"Once we learned of the investigation, we closed that group," Weghorst said. "They will not become an SAE chapter."

The LMU Department of Public Safety refused to comment, and calls to LMU Media Relations and the Los Angeles Police Department were not immediately returned.

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I should keep these pictures on hand in my phone in case anyone ever ask me why I never utter a word on campus except to my bruhs.

Looking at **** like that makes me just not want to talk to or deal with anyone not like myself.

Straight up.

As wrong as this thought process is, I feel you bruh
I should keep these pictures on hand in my phone in case anyone ever ask me why I never utter a word on campus except to my bruhs.

Looking at **** like that makes me just not want to talk to or deal with anyone not like myself.

Straight up.
As wrong as this thought process is, I feel you bruh
Worst part is, I know how irrational it is... But my mind and body gives me the feeling that its perfectly justified.

And I really don't have a problem with it anymore. I use to try working on it... Forget it now. Keeping my circle the same its always been.
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