R.I.P Trayvon

i must be watching too much law&order but am i missing the correlation between police and prosecution in the criminal justice system?
You're conflating a bunch of arguments. Race has everything to do with this trial and everything to do with the outcome and the jury's decision.

However, race is still irrelevant for the purposes of the prosecution's case and is therefore inadmissible. I don't know what you want me to tell you, those are the rules of evidence whether you like it or not.

I'm glad someone understands it. People in here need to crack the books if they're so interested in the law.

I mean we're 200+ pages in and there's still a handful of people who haven't even grasped reasonable doubt.
i must be watching too much law&order but am i missing the correlation between police and prosecution in the criminal justice system?

Police are the dudes on the street with the uniforms and guns. Prosecution are lawyers wearing suits who say things in court rooms.
why do you say that?
He's essentially said trayvon deserved to die that night.
And he's a smug, pompous,arrogant, person who really needs to get some sense BEATEN into him.

smh, that one laker fan. no wonder yall suck
and he does not reflect the majority of laker fans.
I mean laker fans don't eem like him lol, we don't want him on our team :lol:
Here we go with Chicago again :lol:

The apathy trap :lol:

Is there something about my statement that you don't agree with or you think is false? 

If you or anyone thinks the shootings in Chicago (which have PLENTY of outrage and rallies and the like) are simply a matter of black on black crime (which also by the way is coded language when virtually ALL crime Is intraracial, like white on white crime rates are virtually the same) then you need to read a lot more on the socioeconomic issues, housing discrimination practices dating back decades, the "drug war", bank lending practices, education failures, the prison industrial complex, an plenty of other things. Like y'all throw out "well look at Chicago" like that is in some vacuum. Google and read about the things actually impacting that behind the scenes, that is simply a tragic byproduct of an entire system failing. If you want to be real, the killing of man by man has always been sport dont just target black on black as if its any different.
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He's essentially said trayvon deserved to die that night.
And he's a smug, pompous,arrogant, person who really needs to get some sense BEATEN into him.

yeah, this guy disgusts me..

I can't believe some of the filth coming out of his mouth.
so yall are saying physical characteristics dont matter correct? but trayvon martin's 6'2 physical body and fists "beating up GZ and punding his head against the cement" :rolleyes   posed a viable threat to GZ's LIFE and therefore is evidence?

But the presiding reason (ie TM's race) being as to why GZ was in hot pursuit is not admissible?

why do you say that?
He's essentially said trayvon deserved to die that night.
And he's a smug, pompous,arrogant, person who really needs to get some sense BEATEN into him.
smh, that one laker fan. no wonder yall suck
and he does not reflect the majority of laker fans.
I mean laker fans don't eem like him lol, we don't want him on our team
lol aaight then. so long as that's given.

hope bean is good for the next season.  we need that bron/bean final

word to hogan v ultimate warrior!!!!!
Why didn't trayvon have the right to stand his ground then if George approaced him? And once again we only have george's side to say Trayvon was on top of him. How do we know George wasn't on top at one point?

We dont know if Trayvon was approached by Zimmerman. We dont know if George was on top at one point. We do know that one person saw Trayvon on top and we know that Trayvon had no other injuries except the gunshot wound. So by the evidence that was there, speculating whether he was on top "at one point" is worthless. You can't connect those dots without evidence.

I live in Miami, so heard about this situation everyday. We are all lucky there was even a trial in the first place. Angela Corey, the State Attorney's office (especially the one out of Duval County) are known be corrupt. There were news stories that the State Attorney's office withheld evidence in this case since January.
It was mention that he is white so why the back and forth

Typing just to type

4 people testified on trial that the guy with the red jacket (GZ) was on top. One testified a gray jacket(TM) was on top
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It was mention that he is white so why the back and forth

Typing just to type

4 people testified on trial that the guy with the red jacket (GZ) was on top. One testified a gray jacket(TM) was on top

Those 4 people also testified in saying they did not actually see the fight, they just say the person wearing the red jacket after the gun shot was heard. So they assumed that he was on top. Why do you think John Good's testimony was so important? He was the only one who saw the scuffle.
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The prosecution would've done better going for a the manslaughter charge to begin with as oppose to 2nd degree murder.

THIS. There is no way based on past jurisprudence that they could possibly nail him for 2nd degree murder. How on earth could the prosecution believe that GZ's actions were of "depraved mind"? Maybe they were hoping for a plea bargain down the manslaughter? There's literally no other reason why I can think of that these prosecutors would try for murder 2-- the evidence wasn't there.

Pretty much. If they went for Manslaughter first and the jury didn't see him as guilty, trial over. You can't charge up. Hit him with Murder 2 and if that doesn't work, hope for Manslaughter.

I have no problem with this strategy, but it obviously is a huge gamble. This time it didn't pay off. I personally would've went for Manslaughter because the legitimate, concrete evidence suggested that Manslaughter fit the crime best. But even with the way the prosecution went at things, they could've secured a Manslaughter conviction had they actually acknowledged it in their arguments. But they made no attempt to even address it as a realistic outcome for the jury.

Prosecution simply did an awful job from the jump. I blame Corey for this one, ol' grandstanding, limelight seekin' broad. How are you gonna give a happy, smiley press conference after you just got pummeled in the courtroom?
My guess as to the prosecution's strategy is that they argue hard for second degree murder. Then, manslaughter doesn't seem so bad to the jury. It kind of allows the jury to hedge, thinking "hey, second degree murder doesn't fit, but this guy killed someone, so we will go with manslaughter." Obviously, the prosecution's plan failed, but I think it could make sense to argue hard for second degree in an attempt to make manslaughter not seem like a very harsh punishment. In other words, they wanted to make manslaughter look like a given by only focusing on second degree murder. No idea if that was their actual plan though.
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that's just another fake thing going around the internet. can't happen. won't happen. forget about it.

Oh, ok. They were talking about it on the radio saying that the federal court picked up the case originally then waited to see what the local courts do. They were saying that if they pick it up, it will be to investigate if GZ racially profiled TM.
My guess as to the prosecution's strategy is that they argue hard for second degree murder. Then, manslaughter doesn't seem so bad to the jury. It kind of allows the jury to hedge, thinking "hey, second degree murder doesn't fit, but this guy killed someone, so we will go with manslaughter." Obviously, the prosecution's plan failed, but I think it could make sense to argue hard for second degree in an attempt to make manslaughter not seem like a very harsh punishment. In other words, they wanted to make manslaughter look like a given by only focusing on second degree murder. No idea if that was their actual plan though.

I think that is what they were trying to do.

This case was simple either you believed GZ or you don't.
With all the holes in his story in the non matching forensics I don't see how anyone could believe him. And he didnt get on the stand to clarify this inconsistencies.
They been had a fed case on him they postponed it for the trial.But it won't stick because he didnt say ninja in that call.
I'm hearing that this can go to federal court. I wonder what's the chances of that though.

that's just another fake thing going around the internet. can't happen. won't happen. forget about it.

Definitely not fake. However, given the facts of this case that have been presented, I don't see how Zimmerman gets taken to federal court. Anyone with half a brain can see that the initial profiling of Martin was due to race, but proving that in court is pretty much impossible. It isn't like he busted out racial slurs while on the phone with dispatch.

Maybe the Feds know something the rest of us don't, but I doubt it. Same goes for the NAACP thing. No way the allegations stick in a court of law.
Post your map then

I can't find the map. I found a similar one, but that one is different as well. For reference, the one I saw had Martin going all the way down that first street, and coming back up the second street, basically walking to and past his destination.

Now I'm not in any manner saying he isn't allowed to walk around his neighborhood. That's not what I'm saying. But a large majority of the argument here and elsewhere is that George Zimmerman came up from behind of Trayvon Martin, and from what I had saw/read, that might not have been true. That being such a fundamental fact in this case, I obviously want to be sure before making a judgment. Problem is, no one really knows. Why? Because George Zimmerman shot Trayvon Martin and we only have his story, which is that it was he who was ran up on.

Like I've stated before, I don't think George Zimmerman is "innocent". But I believe our legal system worked in the manner it was supposed to. I also believe our legal system is flawed. I think Stand Your Ground is the biggest load of ******** the NRA and the gun-happy conservatives have ever come up with.
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