R.I.P Kobe Bryant.

From TMZ website...

4:30 PM PT -- L.A. weather was extremely foggy Sunday morning, and law enforcement sources tell us even LAPD air support was grounded because of it. Flight tracker data shows Kobe's chopper appeared to first encounter weather issues as it was above the L.A. Zoo. It circled that area at least 6 times at a very low altitude -- around 875 feet -- perhaps waiting for the fog to clear.

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We know the pilot contacted the control tower at Burbank Airport around 9:30 AM PT, and the tower was aware the pilot had been circling for about 15 minutes. The pilot eventually headed north along the 118 freeway before turning to the west, and started following above the 101 freeway around Woodland Hills, CA.
At around 9:40 AM they encounter more weather -- as in seriously heavy fog -- and the chopper turned south. This was critical, because they turned toward a mountainous area. The pilot suddenly and rapidly climbed from about 1200 feet up to 2000 feet.
However, moments later -- around 9:45 AM -- they flew into a mountain at 1700 feet. Flight tracker data shows they were flying at about 161 knots.
I was lucky enough to get to see him play live, play as the reigning champ, play on the same floor I saw MJ on. This is too surreal still. I haven't been hit this hard by a celebrity death since Phil Hartman. Kobe was only 2 months older than me but will forever be my hero. Sports become so much greater than just the game when these tragedies occur. Stay up NT fam.
I cried on and off all day. My fiance helped me through it.

Kobe was my idol growing up.. Used to ball out practicing moves, shooting hoops past midnight in the dark at the local park as a youngsta... Everyday.

Still hoping to wake up tomorrow and get the fake news alert.. This is unreal.

Holding a very heavy heart. Rest in peace to those that loss their lives.
I hope people dont resort to this :smh:
Why are people surprised that people are trying to CAPITALIZE in a CAPITALISTIC society?! I hate that it's this way but I am not surprised. Just like the people that filled XXXtentacion dying, that's a vile thing to do but outlets like tmz will PAY for it and getting paid is how we eat. Sad but true.
Pulled out a old school jam...
So many questions and no answers just yet...
The last few words of the last verse really hits home...
One day you here the next day you gone!!!
From TMZ website...

4:30 PM PT -- L.A. weather was extremely foggy Sunday morning, and law enforcement sources tell us even LAPD air support was grounded because of it. Flight tracker data shows Kobe's chopper appeared to first encounter weather issues as it was above the L.A. Zoo. It circled that area at least 6 times at a very low altitude -- around 875 feet -- perhaps waiting for the fog to clear.

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We know the pilot contacted the control tower at Burbank Airport around 9:30 AM PT, and the tower was aware the pilot had been circling for about 15 minutes. The pilot eventually headed north along the 118 freeway before turning to the west, and started following above the 101 freeway around Woodland Hills, CA.
At around 9:40 AM they encounter more weather -- as in seriously heavy fog -- and the chopper turned south. This was critical, because they turned toward a mountainous area. The pilot suddenly and rapidly climbed from about 1200 feet up to 2000 feet.
However, moments later -- around 9:45 AM -- they flew into a mountain at 1700 feet. Flight tracker data shows they were flying at about 161 knots.
Man just reading this makes me think all of this could’ve been avoided. This **** hurts. My fiancé been comforting me since the news broke.
^ obviously im sad and devastated that kobe passed but his 13 year old daughter who died with him is even more sad.... like damb she had her whole life ahead of her and just like that its taken away smh...i am at least happy i saw kobe play 1 time at least.... i was with my friend who was a big time kobe fan and wanted to see him play so i saw him play against the nets... i forgot who the nets had on their team but they were winning the game and the lakers needed to make the last shot to win the game....the lakers had the ball and it was the last few seconds and luke walton had the ball and passed it to kobe with like 1 second on the shot clock and kobe was by like halfcourt... he caught it and bricked it hard AF... obviously the lakers lost the game and you can see kobe go off on luke like lebron at jr smith in the finals... like why did you pass me the ball so late in the shot clock and i was far from the basket lmao....
They should’ve landed at Van Nuys airport and taken a limo the rest of the way. Damn :frown:
The guy should have just bowed out and landed. I felt like I had a few dangerous situations where I would snap back to reality to ask myself "nah I can't take chances like this". If it got too rainy or foggy on the road, I slowed down to a speed that felt I safe in, I don't challenge things that put my life at risk. Kinda reminds me of how Aaliyah died.
man. Too many sad stories of small air craft tragedies. I get nervous in standard air bus and Boeing's. Why is dude in a 29 year old air craft? This all feels avoidable
You can't be afraid to live. Hindsight is always 20/20. I get what you're saying but life is sometimes unfortunately random circumstance.
Why are people surprised that people are trying to CAPITALIZE in a CAPITALISTIC society?! I hate that it's this way but I am not surprised. Just like the people that filled XXXtentacion dying, that's a vile thing to do but outlets like tmz will PAY for it and getting paid is how we eat. Sad but true.
Cause it shows the opportunistic objective nature of some people without any subjective concern. So many ways to make bread at appropriate times, and people have the nerve to profit off of death. Its a shame when some famous people are more valued after they die. This is damn pathetic and not new, but these are the snakes we live with.
whether you was a Kobe fan or not, no one can deny that Kobe was THE GREATEST OF ALL TIME HEAD TO HEAD WITH MJ


for his old lady, man losing a husband and daughter, god please strengthen her.

One thing I’m wondering is what the hell went wrong with the helicopter? Malfunction? Or something?
whatever it maybe Kobe’s family has a right to know
Evan Rachel Wood, the actress, tweeted some BS right after he passed too.

Recommend staying away from that side of twitter. They want attention bad.
I was at a coffee shop doing some work and their were women over there. when they all heard of Kobe's death they were distraught. One of the women was in her early 20s and she was like kobe was a legend he just finished playing. The sentiment was that kobe had acknowledged his shortcomings and did right by his wife / family. Deeply saddened by his loss as he had a huge impact on culture and our love for the game of basketball.
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