Question for all you FORMER sneakerheads

Im still into shoes but not like in HS... I just get what I want now... before most of my purchases used to be impulse buys.. its all good though all the moneyi used to spend on sneakers i spend on liquor and weed now..
Originally Posted by yungmatt

Thats definitely the reason with SOME people..... But your not gonna get hardly anyone on here to agree with you on that.Thats just life though.... Its like the idiots that drive around in $1500 souped up '95 honda civics talking about they like "fast" cars then see a $120,000 M6 and they say "nah Im not feelin that,thats not they style"

matt, you keep me
Buying, and collecting sneakers just became useless after a while. In alcoholic terms, I got off the wagon, about a year ago right after I bought andimmediately sold my Atmos AF1. Now with no urge to purchase sneakers, I've got the saving bug, and in about a month and a half, I'll be completelydebt free.
Originally Posted by rsdplaya

Originally Posted by yungmatt

Thats definitely the reason with SOME people..... But your not gonna get hardly anyone on here to agree with you on that.Thats just life though.... Its like the idiots that drive around in $1500 souped up '95 honda civics talking about they like "fast" cars then see a $120,000 M6 and they say "nah Im not feelin that,thats not they style"
matt, you keep me
I agree. Dudes on here are so "beyond" sneakercollecting but then spend half they check on liq every weekend. Im like, who are you
fooling? Why are dudes confusing maturity for finding cheaper hobbies?
How can u not be a sneakerhead and know about this site
I think we need to define it
I don't get everything they put out but I check for the latest releases and get what i like
I don't think u need a 100+ collection to be a sneakerhead
Originally Posted by yungmatt

Originally Posted by geminifly

Originally Posted by msDUNKtastic

geminifly wrote:
I don't completely understand the ideology of stopping sneaker collecting because your "grown".
There's several people in their 30's and 40's (JD, Fat Joe, Jay and a host of others) that still collect shoes

I think it's a matter of you being broke or your interests changing or as someone stated before, that your not happy
with what's being produced. But the idea that your a college freshman so you can't collect sneakers cuz your
getting your grown man on is a stretch. I don't play video games anymore but it's not because I'm "grown" (23 btw),
its because I don't have an interest in them. but Im not going to think that someone who is 25 years old and plays
COD4 is immature, thats ridiculous.
If you look at the reasons they were into shoes in the first place.Then you'll see the reason they think that way.It seems as if alot of people in this thread got into sneakers either to stunt while they were in hs or because they thought it was cool.I don't buy as many shoes as I used to because there is so many kids collecting sneakers now that when I do find a old pair of those shoes I loved as a kid.There like $400.Gone are the days when you can search ebay and find those shoes your favorite sports star wore back in the day for a good price.I simply cant afford to spend that much.Glad to see Nike retroing some of the shoes I've always loved.
this is exactly my point. It has much more to do with not being able to afford them or general lack of interest due to shoddy retroes than it does with actual maturity. Collecting sneakers doesn't make you immature, collecting them when you can necessarily afford to does.
Thats definitely the reason with SOME people..... But your not gonna get hardly anyone on here to agree with you on that.Thats just life though.... Its like the idiots that drive around in $1500 souped up '95 honda civics talking about they like "fast" cars then see a $120,000 M6 and they say "nah Im not feelin that,thats not they style"


Originally Posted by geminifly

Originally Posted by KwestMajik

Originally Posted by geminifly

I don't completely understand the ideology of stopping sneaker collecting because your "grown".
There's several people in their 30's and 40's (JD, Fat Joe, Jay and a host of others) that still collect shoes

I think it's a matter of you being broke or your interests changing or as someone stated before, that your not happy
with what's being produced. But the idea that your a college freshman so you can't collect sneakers cuz your
getting your grown man on is a stretch. I don't play video games anymore but it's not because I'm "grown" (23 btw),
its because I don't have an interest in them. but Im not going to think that someone who is 25 years old and plays
COD4 is immature, thats ridiculous.
and JD,Fat Joe,and Jay are HORRIBLE examples.
I'm just saying.
Are you saying this because of their level of income or because you don't respect their collections?

Hes DEFINITELY saying that because of their level of income

I think he's saying that because of their income level, as well as the fact that these guys are in the entertainment business. The average cat who'sworking a 9 to 5 does not wear Jordans to work every day.
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