Question & Answer Game on Facebook = EPIC WIN.

Oct 15, 2001

I got damn near 250 inbox messages and counting. Brutal honesty got all the fat and ugly chicks deleting me and all the rest loving me.

Get with it. This lowkey revived Facebook for least for a day. make a status telling people to ask you questions via inbox and then you answer the question in a new status without saying their identity. People got offended quick.

Q: Would I have to be sexually involved with you before I became ur girlfriend?
A: Would you buy a car without a test drive?

Q: heyy; jw if u thought i was attractice:smile:?
A: Ask your...husband?

Q: would u let me give u some fire dome
A: Survey says...? {X} *crowd sighs* <---This girl was DREADFUL.

Q: When you think of "making love" someone asked you to describe it in one word...what is the first word that would come to mind and that you would tell them?
A: Suck.

Q: i kno i been a stranger ever since u added me so if i start commentin sum pics n writin on ur wall jus to say wat up would u return da favor

Q: Rate me?.....and just so u know your a ten not just bcuz of looks either:wink:
A: Thanks...but you're a 7.

Q: Hypothetically speaking..would u talk to me??
A: I used to talk to your sister though...

Q: Rate 1-10
A: How about you ask that dude kissing you on your neck in your profile picture.

Q: What would u rate me? And y did we ever stop texting each other?
A: You have a 1 month son. You have a 1 month son.

Q: What would a lady have to do to get yo attention
A: I answered this. Scroll down. You lost my attention holding that baby of yours in your profile picture.

Q: U seem honest... do u think im cute
A: I'm sure someone does.

Q: Why are so cute lol..
A: Why are so dumb?

Q: your are very handsome so my question is don't you get tired of ugly females trying to talk to you lol.
A: I really want to ask, "Seriously...could you picture me and you walking hand in hand in the mall without getting funny looks?"

Q: is it possible for me to get to know you?
A: I can get to know ME...but I'm not interested in YOU.

Q: what about dating someone from ohio that is not that far from Indiana?
A: Yeah...but it won't be you. No hard feelings.

Q: Do you remember what happened the night that u came over my house?
A: That was yeaaars ago...but no. I DO remember what happened in my driver's seat though. Right on.

Q: How can I get 2 knw u better?
A: You have a newborn in your profile picture. Are you serious? Next...

Q: What should I do? Should I admit I've made mistakes? Should I get my tattoo removed?
A: Die LeBron. Remove your tattoo.

Q: Do u only like prissy chicks?
A: Not calling you fat but...I don't like fat girls. That's the only "chicks" I dodge. I'm not a big guy. I can't be dominated like that.

Q: So umm when are we gonna get to know each other?
A: With all these damn questions you're asking, I guess right now.

Q: When am I gone hook back up with u?
A: You're in a relationship. I saw you at Dave and Buster's with him

Man...a lot of examples from me.

I got damn near 250 inbox messages and counting. Brutal honesty got all the fat and ugly chicks deleting me and all the rest loving me.

Get with it. This lowkey revived Facebook for least for a day. make a status telling people to ask you questions via inbox and then you answer the question in a new status without saying their identity. People got offended quick.

Q: Would I have to be sexually involved with you before I became ur girlfriend?
A: Would you buy a car without a test drive?

Q: heyy; jw if u thought i was attractice:smile:?
A: Ask your...husband?

Q: would u let me give u some fire dome
A: Survey says...? {X} *crowd sighs* <---This girl was DREADFUL.

Q: When you think of "making love" someone asked you to describe it in one word...what is the first word that would come to mind and that you would tell them?
A: Suck.

Q: i kno i been a stranger ever since u added me so if i start commentin sum pics n writin on ur wall jus to say wat up would u return da favor

Q: Rate me?.....and just so u know your a ten not just bcuz of looks either:wink:
A: Thanks...but you're a 7.

Q: Hypothetically speaking..would u talk to me??
A: I used to talk to your sister though...

Q: Rate 1-10
A: How about you ask that dude kissing you on your neck in your profile picture.

Q: What would u rate me? And y did we ever stop texting each other?
A: You have a 1 month son. You have a 1 month son.

Q: What would a lady have to do to get yo attention
A: I answered this. Scroll down. You lost my attention holding that baby of yours in your profile picture.

Q: U seem honest... do u think im cute
A: I'm sure someone does.

Q: Why are so cute lol..
A: Why are so dumb?

Q: your are very handsome so my question is don't you get tired of ugly females trying to talk to you lol.
A: I really want to ask, "Seriously...could you picture me and you walking hand in hand in the mall without getting funny looks?"

Q: is it possible for me to get to know you?
A: I can get to know ME...but I'm not interested in YOU.

Q: what about dating someone from ohio that is not that far from Indiana?
A: Yeah...but it won't be you. No hard feelings.

Q: Do you remember what happened the night that u came over my house?
A: That was yeaaars ago...but no. I DO remember what happened in my driver's seat though. Right on.

Q: How can I get 2 knw u better?
A: You have a newborn in your profile picture. Are you serious? Next...

Q: What should I do? Should I admit I've made mistakes? Should I get my tattoo removed?
A: Die LeBron. Remove your tattoo.

Q: Do u only like prissy chicks?
A: Not calling you fat but...I don't like fat girls. That's the only "chicks" I dodge. I'm not a big guy. I can't be dominated like that.

Q: So umm when are we gonna get to know each other?
A: With all these damn questions you're asking, I guess right now.

Q: When am I gone hook back up with u?
A: You're in a relationship. I saw you at Dave and Buster's with him

Man...a lot of examples from me.
I came home rather late and my news feed is filled with garbage statuses posting the Q & As. I get the game but to play you just start messaging ppl asking them questions expecting honesty right? So you just start or you gotta add an app?
I came home rather late and my news feed is filled with garbage statuses posting the Q & As. I get the game but to play you just start messaging ppl asking them questions expecting honesty right? So you just start or you gotta add an app?
Q: In the bedroom with a female what is a must have
A: Her...vagina?

Q: Wud u take me down? Lmfao
A: You're bigger than me so you'd probably take ME down.

Q: what if i wanted to talk to u like that? What would you say?
A: I've known you for a minute and you haven't said anything yet so I'm not going to give you the satisfaction of knowing if you can have me whenever you feel like it.

Q: Do you think girls who LOVE Sports is attractive:smile:
A: Hell yeah! Kick back, watch the game, smash at half-time. Everybody is happy.

Q: Do you like to have sex slow or hard
A: Both. Gotta switch it up or I'll be looking over your shoulder watching ESPN.

Q: When u tried to chill was u attracted to me or just trying to get some? Lol
A: I usually have sex with people I'm attracted to...idiot.

Q: I'm gonna ask but I'm scared!! Do u think I'm attractive?
A: Your child is 24 days old. Sit down. Have you even healed yet?
Q: In the bedroom with a female what is a must have
A: Her...vagina?

Q: Wud u take me down? Lmfao
A: You're bigger than me so you'd probably take ME down.

Q: what if i wanted to talk to u like that? What would you say?
A: I've known you for a minute and you haven't said anything yet so I'm not going to give you the satisfaction of knowing if you can have me whenever you feel like it.

Q: Do you think girls who LOVE Sports is attractive:smile:
A: Hell yeah! Kick back, watch the game, smash at half-time. Everybody is happy.

Q: Do you like to have sex slow or hard
A: Both. Gotta switch it up or I'll be looking over your shoulder watching ESPN.

Q: When u tried to chill was u attracted to me or just trying to get some? Lol
A: I usually have sex with people I'm attracted to...idiot.

Q: I'm gonna ask but I'm scared!! Do u think I'm attractive?
A: Your child is 24 days old. Sit down. Have you even healed yet?
you're workin your way we need pics to go with all the questions...

especially shorty that just had the kid?
you're workin your way we need pics to go with all the questions...

especially shorty that just had the kid?
this game just helped me pull a superbad !+*+@, & 2 new lil freaks who wanna just get bust down
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