Quentin Tarantinos Movie Thread - “THE MOVIE CRITIC” cancelled

Yeah getting tossed into the car like that was kind of odd. But I think that’s again part of the dreaded “subverting expectations” thing. Everyone knows that Bruce Lee was badass, kicked people’s asses offscreen. So to see that happen kind of pokes a hole in the mythology but also makes him seem human. It also makes Cliff look good, like he’s a guy who can handle himself if he can go toe to toe with Lee.

What you saw as humanizing, I saw as turning Bruce Lee into a complete joke. This Bruce come off as an arrogant prick who got his *** whooped by a regular white Joe.
What you saw as humanizing, I saw as turning Bruce Lee into a complete joke. This Bruce come off as an arrogant prick who got his *** whooped by a regular white Joe.

I don’t think they tried to portray Pitt as a regular Joe from jump. He was a stuntman and from I can stereotype them as they shouldn’t be regular Joes
What you saw as humanizing, I saw as turning Bruce Lee into a complete joke. This Bruce come off as an arrogant prick who got his *** whooped by a regular white Joe.

It's not just about making him seem more human, it's also about showing us what we weren't expecting, much like the ending. We all know what happened to Sharon Tate irl, we all know Bruce Lee could kick anyone's *** irl. All the same, this movie is a fantasy based on some real people. No matter how many characters, real or imagined, the real heroes are Rick and Cliff, two people who didn't exist. I don't think Tarantino's aim was to piss off Bruce Lee fans, especially since he's clearly one (ie Kill Bill). It was to just create a fantasy version of Hollywood, using real and imagined people. I think he assumes the audience is aware that this portrayal of Bruce Lee is absurd and over the top therefore it shouldn't be taken seriously.
I haven’t watched the film, but my understanding from the reviews and vids I have watched discussing the film Pitts character is far from an “regular white joe”

Essentially he’s the real life version of the characters Leo’s character portrays on film.. but Leo is the movie star
LOL @ QT putting hidden meanings in to his movies that he likes women's feet.

No :rofl:

QT likes feet and cant hide it.


:wow: I never put it together. Again, you sho right!
Do we really know Bruce can kick anyone’s ***? Was there ever proof of this?
I seen it more as this was the real behind the scenes to Lee.

Also Pitts character I believe was in the marines or army. Dude had hands as you can tell.

And does Tarantino try to hide it?
My dude for sure is embracing it.
Witnesses of what?

The Wilt game actually happened.

Questioning if Bruce can kick anyone's *** isnt the same thing as questioning if Wilt scored 100 in a game.

Bruce fighting folks. You do know he was pretty much a gang banger, right? You think they’re out there shooting each other in 1950s China? If you wanna win the fights, what you gonna do? But the fact that you believe Wilt dropped a hundred with no footage(which I am not doubting), let’s me know that you’re going to choose to believe whatever you want regardless so....aight
Damian Lewis could be Steve Mcqueen's son but what was up with that awful hairpiece they gave him. Totally took me out of that scene.
Y’all reading too much into that BL scene

It wasn’t to make BL look bad at all, SMH
Bruce fighting folks.
Just cuz ppl saw Bruce fight doesnt mean he cant take a L.

Again, this is why this is nothing like Wilt scoring 100.

One is an event, many agree happened on a certain date, against a specific team, with detailed stats along with reporters and fans account of the game.

But sure I'm believing what I want to believe :lol: Cuz the other option is it didnt happen and there was a massive conspiracy to pretend it did.

For some reason, you're making this about if you didnt see it yourself then you're just believing whatever you want. That's shaky unreliable logic.
No one said he couldn’t take an L, dude questioned could Bruce kick ANYONES ***. As in the old “he really couldn’t fight, he was just an actor.” Before you question someone’s logic, make sure you’re actually following the conversation.
Am I wrong in saying there was no plot? A majority of the film was "a day in the life of..." with some craziness going down at the end.

Weird that the hippies would plan to attack 6 months after Charles' visit to the house and Brad's visit to that ranch.

All that said, I was still entertained. I always enjoy QT's characters and dialogues.

Also, Jackie Brown is top 3 QT to me. It has the best soundtrack (I like 60s 70s soul music) and it aged well.
The plot is Rick's comeback. He starts off thinking that his career is done and over the course of the movie, he works his way back into Westerns until that night when tragedy almost struck and he was able to turn that event into a huge networking opportunity with Sharon Tate and presumably Roman Polanski, a Hollywood power couple. Cliff is the guardian angel/fairy godmother who made it all happen. Everyone lives happily ever after.
Am I wrong in saying there was no plot? A majority of the film was "a day in the life of..." with some craziness going down at the end.

Weird that the hippies would plan to attack 6 months after Charles' visit to the house and Brad's visit to that ranch.

All that said, I was still entertained. I always enjoy QT's characters and dialogues.

Also, Jackie Brown is top 3 QT to me. It has the best soundtrack (I like 60s 70s soul music) and it aged well.
It helps to understand the timing of the attacks if you’re familiar with the real life situation and whybthey went there in the first place. There was so much he could’ve done with Tate and the Manson family and he throws it all aside to jerk himself off onto Margot’s feet.
No one said he couldn’t take an L, dude questioned could Bruce kick ANYONES ***.
One is directly tied to the other since this is about a scene in the movie where Bruce is depicted a certain way that some are questioning.

Also, asking could Bruce kick anyone's *** has nothing to do with you bringing up there were witnesses to his fights or other irrelevant **** like he was "pretty much a gang banger" :lol:

Before you question someone’s logic, make sure you’re actually following the conversation.
I would tell you the same since your replies have been irrelevant to the conversation. You're completely ignoring where this conversation stemmed from to bring up erroneous **** that doesnt add anything to the conversation.

And again, I will reiterate, questioning if Bruce can kick anyone's *** is not in any way the same as questioning Wilt's 100 point game.
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