PS3 - Call of Duty: Black Ops - Official Thread - Season 1 Belongs to Team 8. CHAMPIONS!

So who showed up and who didn't? Just advance teams off whoever no showed and forfeited...this +@%$ needs to end quick.

Was Team 3 vs. Team 1 the only games that got played?
3 sweeps 3-0 and moves on...

Props to Team 1 for most of their team showing up.
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

So who showed up and who didn't? Just advance teams off whoever no showed and forfeited...this +@%$ needs to end quick.

Was Team 3 vs. Team 1 the only games that got played?
3 sweeps 3-0 and moves on...

Props to Team 1 for most of their team showing up.

Good stuff gentlemen... I'll be back on soon.
Originally Posted by pootaing

the chip is team 3 vs 8, no one else showed...can we just run that @$% tonight?
I'm down to run that tomorrow at 11pm est if everyone else is. The remaining captains need to get in here and forfeit though...
Damn I didn't even know everyone was playing tonight....(well supposed to I guess

So are we running a CoD 4 tourny? If so I need to jump on that Amazon deal
For future reference we should just run a season with 2 conferences, the 4 teams with the best records move on to the playoffs, or if you wanna make it even faster then the 2 best records move on to the finals and we call it a wrap. If there are teams with identical records then you look at who won the season match-up and that team moves on (or you have a 1 game elimination match with those 2 teams).

If you do more than that it drags and this happens.
Originally Posted by pootaing

the chip is team 3 vs 8, no one else showed...can we just run that @$% tonight?
We'll do this next sunday. It was gonna be our 2 teams most likely anyways. 

Team 8 won btw. So yeah
I don't give a +%@+, if y'all doing it next Sunday just do Team 4 vs. Team 3 first since you guys are still undefeated. That ain't gonna keep it going that long.
welps, gg tonight... good riddance the season is over. 
i will still keep blkops but i regret trading in RDR and MW2 for it.

and i thought i seen donut on tonight y didn't team 4 play?
Originally Posted by Proshares

I don't give a +%@+, if y'all doing it next Sunday just do Team 4 vs. Team 3 first since you guys are still undefeated. That ain't gonna keep it going that long.
Do whatever yall gotta do.
All i know is that Team 8 is gonna show up on sunday for the championship game vs whoever. 
I'm not gonna buy cod4 for another season. History will repeat itself, again. Unless there is something at stake, there really is no point.
team 4 should not have to play team 3 imo it should be team 4 vs 8
because we in the same conference
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