PS3 - Call of Duty: Black Ops - Official Thread - Season 1 Belongs to Team 8. CHAMPIONS!

Originally Posted by henz0

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by henz0

the amount of times I've died from dudes that are stunned/flashed/concussed whatever is getting ridiculous

You talking about the ones who "look" stunned but its just their player covering their eyes?
BOTH. But I was talking about them actually being stunned by me.. Whenever that other @!*@ happens I always say " how the ++@* this _ hit me and he's not even looking "

And when the shoe is on the other foot, I can never do %!*!
Donut, Bobby, Burrack, Dhuang, Dw(something) , and Quent
Sniper Lobby was fun as always 

there wasnt a game where "This dude December...." wasnt said like 10times during a match 

Quent , 

@ Burrack "quick scoping" with his infrared Fal. 
@ him using 2nd chance for a round. 
Originally Posted by aveezytheBEAST

Originally Posted by Proshares

Originally Posted by aveezytheBEAST

That golden G11 is

Finally beat a party of NTers lastnight. Needless to say i slept GREAT!

 That game on Firing Range was a crock of %%%*, some dude stayed in the middle trailer behind his MS until he got his Rolling Thunder
.  I was wondering why you bounced after that game.
Man JP was my nemisis on both games. I felt like i was forced to run n gun
 Luckly dude carried us with early killstreaks n yea I was definatly callin it a night after that W

I'm all run and gun...I can't help it
Originally Posted by Proshares

I was sitting there like "Yo, these dudes can't be serious about running the sniper lobby."
i go yo Bobby dont got a bolt action
my dude Illo said yo Bobby just run around and pick someones sniper up

[h1]Activision to PS3 Black Ops Player: Shutting Down PSN Servers an Option[/h1]
January 18, 2011

If you have already read our story about Call of Duty developer Infinity Ward blaming Sony for the rash of hacks and exploits,then you get a good sense of how the PS3 Call of Duty community feels.They are pissed off, frustrated and feel like no one wants to helpthem. No doubt, Infinity Ward and Treyarch are equally frustrated withthe problems they have encountered on the PS3 related to Call of Duty:Modern Warfare 2 and Black Ops.

If you need further evidence of that, this blog postby Jason Koblovsky sums up the level of frustration that every playerfeels. The blog post focuses on the author's problems playing a decentonline multiplayer game of Call of Duty Black Ops on the PS3. Usershave been complaining about problematic multiplayer connections overPlayStation Network for quite some time, and Koblovsky felt it was timeto reach out to Activision. Here is how Dov Carson, SeniorTester/Senior Support Representative at Activision responded:
Well I have nothing else to offer and I too follow forums and have manyfriends who play and enjoy the game for all of its features. As an avidgamer, I would also disagree with any legalities involving a singleaspect of a game as online experience may change at any time. Thepublishers have the right to shut down the servers for their game atany time as well which based on the number of reported posts from usersmay be a viable solution over the free PSN.

In any event, if you would like to send your game disc into us, we can either;

a) Exchange for a sealed (unopened) copy of the game that you can take back to the retailer

b) Swap for another platform

c) Exchange for another Activision title of equal or lesser value.

These are the options that we are able to offer to you as a one time courtesy.

Let us know how you would like to proceed.

You can read Koblovsky's angry response on his blog,but the title of his post and the venom in his words are evidenceenough that he was not satisfied with the answer. In fact, it would notbe a stretch to say that he was deeply offended by it.

Isreplacing the game enough for consumers who simply want to play Call ofDuty Black Ops online on their platform of choice (PS3) or is thisparticular player's response beyond the pale? After all, some mightargue that Carson was simply doing his job and stating facts. Mostgames that offer multiplayer warn that the "online experience maychange at any time."

On the other hand, when players read thatthe "online experience may change at any time," they do not expect itto mean that the "online experience may stop working at any time."Activision promised free online multiplayer, and for many players itwas their core reason for purchasing the game in the first place. Bymany accounts, they did not deliver that promised feature on the PS3...

Wewill leave it to you to decide, but one thing is certain: Sony,Activision, Treyarch, and Infinity Ward need to address this issue in away that is going to satisfy PS3 owners.

I am convinced more and more everyday that everyone that had a hand in putting black ops together never played the game on ps3 themselves before the game came it. Like they just ported the 360 version to the ps3 and said +%@# it, it will work.

Someone popped the champagne after the 360 version was done.

"We still have to work on the PS3 version!"

"You can't put champagne back in the bottle....... ah, %!%# em. Port it."
Originally Posted by empirestrikesfirst


Someone popped the champagne after the 360 version was done.

"We still have to work on the PS3 version!"

"You can't put champagne back in the bottle....... ah, %!%# em. Port it."

Dudes got millions from us PS3 users but are having this many issues?

Come on KZ3, you'll off a fine alternative.
That response pretty much guarantee's that I will never buy another Activision game again. The 360 had the same issues the PS3 did, but that %@*@ was fixed in like a day. It's been months on the PS3. The IW name wont fool me in to buying the next COD. The ones who laid the ground work for MW+MW2 are gone anyways, and 3arch just doesn't give a !#@@ about the PS3.
Why is everyone upset with Black Ops? Is their hacks going on? Can someone fill me in? I just played & all was fine to me....

SND with most of us running around with the spas, priceless

taking a L in GW full party of 9 Dom, ridiculous

i hate playing dom with NT !@#$ is always too close
i need a party of 5-6 to run dom exclusively from now on
Originally Posted by HTXMade

xbox 360 ftw


I'll personally never buy a treyarch game again..its pathetic that this long after release you cant count on a party staying together or getting a full 6v6 game.

When all of NT goes crazy wen we first see that MW3 trailer yall kno yall goin be hyped

Donut wassgood wif some demo?
Originally Posted by ChicagoKid23

SND with most of us running around with the spas, priceless

taking a L in GW full party of 9 Dom, ridiculous

i hate playing dom with NT !@#$ is always too close
i need a party of 5-6 to run dom exclusively from now on

NT dont know how to play Dom. Only a couple of us can run it. Dudes be doing stupid *@#+.
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