procrastinators UNITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! vol. whos got hw?

Jan 8, 2003
2 assignments due for ecology
3 page essay+power point on Bank of America for Finance

Econ hw
2 English Worksheets+read
Marketing/Careers do a resume


what you guys got?
man i used to procrastinate alot but i learned to hop on and do my shhhh on time

got a 12 page IR paper due next week but finished it yesterday

best feeling in the world knowing i got nothing to do but NT and cod4 for the next week while folks are sweatin the last week
I got a D.U.I. and go to this group class and we had to admit our flaws and I got yelled at because I said my only flaw was procrastinating
Gotta check in smh... i say every year im going to do diff and yet i fall victim to everything else but school
tryna transfer to another catholics HS so i need to fill out the applications and essay by the 15th....lot more work than it sounds
yep yep count me in, but the way i see procrastination is - i already know im going to be doin it late but theres only 2 things i can do about it- do all theeasy stuff first OR get my mindset ready and just tell myself "i plan on waitin til the last minute and when that happens, dont complain"
Me. Ive been up since 7am didnt go to school and Im just now starting my hw and studying for 2 test and its 1230 am and I gotta be up at 6
english paper
group presentation
theatre essay
theatre exam
four newspapers to read
spanish hw

I'm checking in big time (sometimes I find myself doing the homework in the class it's due before the teacher collects
) I definitely have to break that pattern though.
Checking in. Not really due til Monday but I have alot of stuff to do next week I need to knock some of these joints out before I get tired from work on theweekend:

CHEM HW and Lab
Study Chapter 1 & 2 of Public Relations text for quiz
Find a good superbowl ad and write a paragraph about it (should be fun)
Quant Ch 1 and 2 HW
definitely lol. i have been putting off work for the whole week.

Essays, Lab, Math equations to practice, Management project, History presentation

I am at an all time high of straight laziness.
Astronomy - Problem set
Sociology - Bunch of readings
Poli Sci - Hella readings
Math - HW
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