Pretty stupid but never eating chocolate again or anything that contains it

The average person swallows 8 spiders a year while sleeping. Are you going to quit sleeping too?

That doesn't even take into account the bugs that the average person swallows a year while sleeping...

or the average bugs that poop in your mouth while you're sleeping...

or mate in your mouth while you're sleeping...

Better get a dental dam OP. Them bugs... they outchea.
i wonder how a spider got up in my mouth...

Google facts on twitter dismissed this as a myth.
i'll still eat chocolate, no dambs given. As long as i see no cockroach legs in my cookies or candy i'm straight
your avi 
People kill me with this, there's thousands of things you should be more concerned about being in your food than microscopic insect parts.

Changes are you've eaten microscopic pieces of human poop because you didn't wash your hands well enough before you ate. How does that make you feel? :lol:
Read an article years ago that says almost everything packaged that's sold in the grocery store has some kind of insect parts or tiny dose of rodent poop in it. Impossible to keep food 100% uncontaminated from nature. Doubt you'll start boycotting grocery foods.
i hope you dont like cereal either because it contains rat feces

theres maggots in canned mushrooms , rat hairs in peanut butter

fruit flies in tomatoes , parasites in fish etc
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