President-elect Obama at Ben's Chili Bowl vid

Originally Posted by eyes of hazel


And he smokes too.

And he had student loans.

And he washes his own clothes.


We have a "typical" American citizen as President.

Who knew we'd see such in our lifetime.
Student loans?

He also went to top tier private schools in Hawaii that were the equivalent of Woodberry Forest in VA.
He also was raised by a White Grandmother.
He also went to one of the best Ivy League schools in the Country.
He also went on to one of the best law schools in the Country.
He also went on to Head the Review at an Ivy league School.
He also was doing blow.

Lets not make Obama into something that he isnt here and act like he is coming out of the hood, because he has more in common with the majority of the peopleoutsiders "hate" in DC then with the "average Joe."Those of you who have made this guy into a blank canvas and painted him with whateverstroke you want or hope to see in a politician is just foolish.
Originally Posted by eyes of hazel

Originally Posted by iCan

this SHOULD be the spot for the DAR, word to everything opposite of what EOH says lol...

15-20 bammas at the tight *** Chilli Bowl?

In January?!?!?!?

[Rockdeep] "Negative Ghostrider."

nah bro. its NEXT DOOR to bens chili bowl.

vip sections and all. 9 Flat Screen TVs all throughout. DC's longest BAR....lounge on blast, and wings on FIRE! Rock from HELLS KITCHEN is the ResidentCHEF!

holla @ ya boy.
My bad, I thought you were talking about the Chilli Bowl. lol.

"VARISOXFAN," you have your obvious stand (reading the few of posts youdecided to do this year).

I have mine.

I can never be you, and you def. will never know my world in my rear view.

So be it.

Bush Jr. couldn't even fake intelligence, if that's who you are all in an uproar about.

My grandmother is half white. I'm from the hood. Discredit me for being 1/6th white?


Makes sense.
^Thats not what im in "uproar" about, what im saying is that I think it is pretty outrageous to paint this guy as something he is not.
Originally Posted by VARISOXFAN

^Thats not what im in "uproar" about, what im saying is that I think it is pretty outrageous to paint this guy as something he is not.

I hear what your saying, but for the most part people see Obama as "one of them" or just a common individual. Meaning someone that didn't comefrom a political family or background, ie. Bush, Clinton, Kennedy, and for all intense purposes before his run to the White House if he were just walking downthe street by himself he would be seen and more importantly treated as a black man.
Originally Posted by iCan

Originally Posted by eyes of hazel

Originally Posted by iCan

this SHOULD be the spot for the DAR, word to everything opposite of what EOH says lol...

15-20 bammas at the tight *** Chilli Bowl?

In January?!?!?!?

[Rockdeep] "Negative Ghostrider."

nah bro. its NEXT DOOR to bens chili bowl.

vip sections and all. 9 Flat Screen TVs all throughout. DC's longest BAR....lounge on blast, and wings on FIRE! Rock from HELLS KITCHEN is the Resident CHEF!

holla @ ya boy.


I definitely will be making that move and didn't Rock win the whole thing what happend?
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by VARISOXFAN

^Thats not what im in "uproar" about, what im saying is that I think it is pretty outrageous to paint this guy as something he is not.

I hear what your saying, but for the most part people see Obama as "one of them" or just a common individual. Meaning someone that didn't come from a political family or background, ie. Bush, Clinton, Kennedy, and for all intense purposes before his run to the White House if he were just walking down the street by himself he would be seen and more importantly treated as a black man.
Common Individual who also stays at $9 Million Vacation homes, I see what you're saying, but at the same time, I dont. Why can't he justbe Barack Obama, he is our President, not some kind of mascot to be exploited and have people make a buck off of.

I dont usually go U St. for bars, but I was reading some of the reviews on that "Next Door" Place, and it sounds pretty good. I feel like I can neverfind a good place for wings and sports in DC. Its always just one or the other. Some have great TV setups and then have these wings that are all done up andgourmet and special (Town Hall). Or some places have great wings, but have a terrible atmosphere (Rhinos). Heck, some places have great TV setups yet no foodat all (Gin and Tonic).
Originally Posted by VARISOXFAN

I dont usually go U St. for bars, but I was reading some of the reviews on that "Next Door" Place, and it sounds pretty good. I feel like I can never find a good place for wings and sports in DC. Its always just one or the other. Some have great TV setups and then have these wings that are all done up and gourmet and special (Town Hall). Or some places have great wings, but have a terrible atmosphere (Rhinos). Heck, some places have great TV setups yet no food at all (Gin and Tonic).
used to go there for happy hour every friday. but that place has def. fallen off a bit. it's still fun to watch redsox-yankee games there whenschool is in session and you have plenty of fans from both sides in there
Originally Posted by VARISOXFAN

Why can't he just be Barack Obama...

Do you live in the United States?

History is what it is.

Even as a half-minority as many people wanna always point out (like that is a card that avoids an %#*whipping from the cops), that just can't be.


Why couldn't the football player from Army who got drafted in 2008 by the Lions be "just another" draft pick?

Because it was a special moment in history (although he got screwed in my opinion).

It is what it is.
Why can't he just be Barack Obama, he is our President, not some kind of mascot to be exploited and have people make a buck off of.

By making a "buck off of him" if your referring to people selling images of him on T-shirts on various corners along the city all I can tell you isthat people will "push" whatever people will buy, or whatever the popluation wants. It's not moreso about Obama as it is where there is demand,someone will supply. Whatever will make the money, and that has been going on since the days of time. Also, to somehow deny or not see the pride or successfactor with Obama being in office to minorities as a whole is doing a huge disservice to yourself if that is the case. The past has some bearing in current orfuture events, and that's just the way it is.
Originally Posted by VARISOXFAN

Originally Posted by eyes of hazel


And he smokes too.

And he had student loans.

And he washes his own clothes.


We have a "typical" American citizen as President.

Who knew we'd see such in our lifetime.
Student loans?

He also went to top tier private schools in Hawaii that were the equivalent of Woodberry Forest in VA.
He also was raised by a White Grandmother.
He also went to one of the best Ivy League schools in the Country.
He also went on to one of the best law schools in the Country.
He also went on to Head the Review at an Ivy league School.
He also was doing blow.

Lets not make Obama into something that he isnt here and act like he is coming out of the hood, because he has more in common with the majority of the people outsiders "hate" in DC then with the "average Joe."Those of you who have made this guy into a blank canvas and painted him with whatever stroke you want or hope to see in a politician is just foolish.
So, I'm sure everybody understands where you're coming from...yes he is a politician and yes he comes from that background that you statedbut he is still black...and has been elected to be the President of the US, which is a big deal, i.e. it is history. Additionally, people's reaction toembrace that video is that, "he is not necessarily on his high-chair" and spoke slang; and serves as a great example to the Black community that justbecause you're a politician or you do well academically does not mean you've lost a part of you (i.e. usage of slang, etc. - note I did not say beingBlack).

Another point, you listed that he went to those elite institutions which is true...but you may be omitting the most important part, that he is a veryintelligent person. I'm saying that because going to Harvard, Harvard Law...and being the Editor of the Law Review are all important credentials that speakto his intelligence, not to his upbringing...before he went there, through his studies and upon graduating he was still black.

When you said "like he's coming out the hood"...does that give one black person more credibility over another? Should Obama not be applauded forhis achievements because he didn't come from there? I think that people are still very shocked (in a good sense) that a black man is the president. Put itthis way, though he does have more in common with other politicians, he still successfully appeals and projects himself to have more in common with the"Average Joe" than recent politicians.

As stated by eyes of hazel, "History is what it is"...
"nah i'm straight"

"how come i ain't got shredded cheese on mine? and i don't want no velveta..."

he's a %!@@%, welcome to DC.

now he needs to stop by the carry out and get some chicken wings and fries wit mambo sauce lol
I love it......

Regardless of what some folks say... Obama has more in common with the majority of Americans than any other President..... period....

I will see the President and Tom Daschule when they visit the FDA in the spring.....
My man Barack. "Where's my tea? Naw we straight!"

Good to see he still has people skills
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