Pray for NTer MPLSDunk

Always great to hear someone is pulling through, especially when it's one of our own.
Hi all,

Ian told me he remembered another hallucination he had while he was out: he thought he had lasers shooting out of his mouth! I guess when you're on the Michael Jackson drug, one is really "imaginative."

Ian continues to progress well. When friends came to visit him today, they got to his room and expected him to be in bed, as they have become used to seeing him. Instead, he apparently walked out of his room and said, "hi bros." Not something they were expecting! He then asked them to walk around the hospital with him, so they did. A short time later, they came to the visiting room, where I was by that time. Ian sat in a chair for just a few minutes, then announced he was tired and had to go to bed. I'm glad he accepted the fact that he was tired, as I don't want him to push himself too much. But I'm sure he will.

Ian does have a bacterial infection now, so you need to wear a gown and gloves when you go into his room. If he comes out of his room to sit with visitors, no gloves or gowns are needed. I don't really get that, but whatever. I'm going to (hopefully) talk to a specialist more about it tomorrow. I guess it is pretty common to get this infection while in a hospital. Apparently many of us carry the bacteria ourselves but it doesn't harm us or others. At this point, it is doesn't seem to be a big deal and apparently won't harm him. KNOCK ON WOOD!

Ian's doctor told him that he might be able to leave the hospital by Friday.! It is very tentative, but of course, he is excited at the am I. And Shawnee will also be glad to have Ian home; she can't wait to clean his wound. (Tee hee) I AM seriously concerned about my ability to take on that task though. Maybe they should give me a little of the Michael Jackson drug to help a poor girl out! Ian said he could probably clean the wound himself, but I'm not sure about that because he still has very limited ability in his right hand. Ian fortunately is left handed, so he will still be able to do many things, but cleaning the stomach wound likely won't be one of them. Damn and S.

Ian's trach will be downsized tomorrow. Apparently, they downsize and then eventually seal it to see if he is able to breathe/manage without it. Ian said at this point, he didn't think he is ready to have it removed. But maybe in a few days.......It will be so awesome for him to be able to breathe and talk normally again. I think they said it is possible his feeding tube might come out tomorrow too. He can eat regular food now, but doesn't much, as the "@*@%" (Ian's description) flowing into his feeding tube fills him up too much.

Ian's head wound is healing up surprisingly well too. I thought he might have a awful scar visible on his head, but only a small portion of it will be visible, so it won't be bad at all. His hair is already growing over rest of the scar. He actually doesn't look too bad now considering he has a tube hanging out of his nose, a brace around his neck, and a hole in his throat. He is really fortunate his face didn't go through the windshield of the car!!

Ian still hasn't logged on to the CaringBridge and read all your awesome messages. He doesn't want me to bring him his computer because he thinks he will still have difficulty using it because of the limited function in his right hand. He can however, text and does have his phone with him.

For the first time in over three weeks, I had time to clean my house a little today. Holy dust-bunnies and dog hair!! For those of you that know me know three weeks is a very long time for me not to clean my house. Not that I enjoy cleaning, but it did make me feel that I had a little "normality" back in my life. Normality is a word, right Dennis? And if smartas-ism isn't one; it should be, because it describes a personality trait that many members of our family share--including you, Mr. Grandpa Dennis!

I also did manage to have a greasy burger tonight at Chammps, with Shawnee (another "normal" function in my life). So I had a 5000 calorie meal at 10:30 at night. Nice. That's always a good decision when you haven't worked out in weeks and a good portion of your day is spent sitting on your %%% in the hospital. Oh well, I can't be a genius all the time.

Here's hoping Widdle Wian gets liberated from the hospital soon!!! Keep your fingers and toes crossed.
I've been reading the updates. Shouts to my fellow Respiratory Therapists who help with MPLS' trach. Get well soon, man!
Originally Posted by sbhoops2

I saw Ian on Sunday, he was clowning.  Walks out of his room and says "What's up bros!"  We took him on a walk around the hospital.  He gets out on Thursday.  He has made a speedy recovery so far.  I saw pictures of the crash and word can't explain how the car looked.  
wow, i didnt think anyone remembered me over here. thanks for all the support guys
im back at home doing good now.
Originally Posted by dugtrio

wow, i didnt think anyone remembered me over here. thanks for all the support guys
im back at home doing good now.
beastin on the recovery
Originally Posted by dugtrio

wow, i didnt think anyone remembered me over here. thanks for all the support guys
im back at home doing good now.
good to hear you're doing good fam

ima draw you a welcome back card later with my crayons
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