Powerful, Inspiring Pictures vol. 2009

Originally Posted by NeonDeion

How could you be so ignorant

How could you not know he was being sarcastic?

That pic with the Russian town is

It looks older than a Cold War-era picture tho. You sure its not from WW1 or 2? The gas masks/clothes give me that inclination.
Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by NeonDeion

How could you be so ignorant

How could you not know he was being sarcastic?

That pic with the Russian town is

It looks older than a Cold War-era picture tho. You sure its not from WW1 or 2? The gas masks/clothes give me that inclination.

This was defiantly during the Cold War, i'm almost 100% sure.
Originally Posted by Keithahundred

Originally Posted by Dynamics82

Originally Posted by im that one

Originally Posted by ctdaprince

Originally Posted by p0tat0 5alad

is there a story behind this pic
Edit: Youve seen the picture underneath this one right? Thats him, Emmett Till was murdered, he had been beaten and his eye had been gouged out, before he was shot through the head and thrown into the river. There was no reason he was murdered, he was just playing in a yard (as far as i know anyway). This was the leading event to lead the American Civil Rights movement.

he whistled at a white women

Yeah he whistled at a white women, and in the middle of the night some men came to his folks house and took him. They took him to a barn where they torcherd him. They hack off half of his face, cut out his tongue and eyes, cut off one of his ears, cut off his genitals, took a gun and knocked out all his teeth( his mother mame till always loved his smile) shot him in his head, and wrapped barbed wire around his neck and through him in the river. Nobody knows how this was acted out. His mother was suppose to come to the MLK center here in Atlanta to talk about, but she passed away before she could come. I went to the center to view the documentary( which has yet to come in tv) 2002 when I was in the 8th grade man I was so shooked after I seen that, I can remeber his mother sati g she could smell his body 12 blocks away, the only way she could recognize him was because of a ring he wore. When she went to the killers trial she said their kids had cap guns pretending to shoot her. Her brother testified against them, but they were all found not guilty, and her brother would have to leave town out of fear of being killed. Every time I see that pic it's get me emotional and take me back to the MLK center

they couldnt even identify him when they found the body but they found out it was him due to the fact he still had somr ring in his finger i believe
Originally Posted by fearthenut

Apparently this is a town in Russia when the threat of nuclear war was more relevant.

Truth be told this is one of the most disturbing/crazy/just flat out scary pictures I've ever seen. Just gives me straight chills.
That Is Just a crazy pic... for some reason reminds me of the devils rejects + the jokergang
Originally Posted by TrueshotAura

Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by NeonDeion

How could you be so ignorant

How could you not know he was being sarcastic?

That pic with the Russian town is

It looks older than a Cold War-era picture tho. You sure its not from WW1 or 2? The gas masks/clothes give me that inclination.

This was defiantly during the Cold War, i'm almost 100% sure.
Ok cool. Thats just makes it even more
in my eyes.
Originally Posted by jordanhead7792

Originally Posted by sk23

Originally Posted by JRAdagreat72

Ill start with some less than happy things:


i cannot express the how saddened i am when i see this picture
word its unbelievable...just makes me mad know that people would do this i mean look at the little girls foot its completely gone it looks like just the bone is hanging there...so sad

Hate to quote this pic again because it is saddening, but what makes angers me the most is that Israel is still killing children indiscriminately, andwe're not doing anything to stop them.
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