Post your WILDEST mischeif story...

Nov 18, 2007
Growin up we all do dumb things and friends pressure you to roll with them
wether you popped some tires, robbed a store, paintballed a cop car, post em here

mine is sorta grimey
so the day before hallowen couple years ago me my cousin n few 2 friends decide to egg the city down
we get on top of a apartment building in construction, that towers over a busy street that were planning to bomb
they keyword if you see cops, was "gelix", anyway, were there launchin these eggs hittin people cars stores EVERYTHING
when 1 dude just books it, i mean BOUNCES, we thought he was joking with us, till we followed him and he was gone
we went back up to the roof only to see 2 cop cars pulled up downstairs, were like !!%! and we start heading out down the steps fast, until we see flashlightscomming UP, were like !!%! !!%! !!%!
so the 3 of us dip in a huge garbage box thing
hoping they dont find us
we call up dude like where the hell are u son? cops about to nail our ##@
all you herd was static with loudass techno music in the back he said he saw cops but hes at a halloween prty right now and hell talk to us later

talk about GRIMEY, yea we got caught, they found our eggs and popped it on our heads
dam pigs
but when one of my boys mom came to the station and cursed him out in greek n spit in his face

i got grounded for days
!!%! you mike for not yelling gelix.............!!%! YOU
WHAT?! i got a ton from high school days. i gotta think about this for a while.


Once we had a crap load of Fireworks from New Hampshire. Them thangs that are illegal in my state. So we went around town settin off fireworks an crazy stuffin folks yards from people from our school, kids who aint really like, like that. One yard almost kinda started smokin, we stomped it out real quick an bounce.ADRENALINE RUSH
No headlights just lightin up stuff an runnin away backto the truck gigglin like lil kids. Those were the days

when i mean serious fireworks, i mean them louuuuuuuuuud, go up 100 feet type stuff. Expensive good stuff
lit up the skies. Late at night so by time we lit an it set off we was alreadyout.

there are others, but i dunno

i got nuttin on my dude right here though
i think the most mischievous thing i've ever done was in JHS when i put gum in the cd drive.

the computer started acting up and the teacher was like that computer's been giving me problems. he was a older dude and knew nothing about computers.

i felt bad.

i was always a good kid lol
man, i got sooo many stories...i was wild.

but to stick with the eggs,

Me and my dudes stayed egging cars late night in oakland. I remember this one time we would just be on the street and stand sort of behind a tree and justlaunch eggs at cars going by. It was all cool until we hit this one car and all you hear is "ERRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!" from the tires screeching as the carpulls a U-turn to confront us.

All 3 of us turned into track stars...and me being the slowest, i ended up hopping a fence
to get away from the pursuit. Behind this fence though was hella bushes and trees and dirt. So I'm sitting in the dirt when I hear "where'd those*@$*%$! go!!?" After like 5 minutes, they took off and we went back to it until we through them eggs.

But the moral of the story:
Never wear 19's to go egging.
Originally Posted by Berkeley Boy

man, i got sooo many stories...i was wild.

but to stick with the eggs,

Me and my dudes stayed egging cars late night in oakland. I remember this one time we would just be on the street and stand sort of behind a tree and just launch eggs at cars going by. It was all cool until we hit this one car and all you hear is "ERRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!" from the tires screeching as the car pulls a U-turn to confront us.

All 3 of us turned into track stars...and me being the slowest, i ended up hopping a fence
to get away from the pursuit. Behind this fence though was hella bushes and trees and dirt. So I'm sitting in the dirt when I hear "where'd those *@$*%$! go!!?" After like 5 minutes, they took off and we went back to it until we through them eggs.

But the moral of the story:
Never wear 19's to go egging.

awww man lol

not so much.
breaking and entering, and first degree burglary. didn't get caught for it though.

drugs will make you do things.
i remember years back, my boys decided we should try to run away with this can collector's cart. we all have them in the neighborhood, that one person with8 full extra large trash bags full of cans strapped to the smallest cart they could find
. it was this chinese lady, we waited until she left the cart and went toanother garbage can searching, someone pulled out a camera, i jet to the cart, **** is mad heavy. i'm like "**** it, this is insane", my boygrabs it and runs, literally pushing 90 lbs of recycled material, the cart and him topple over and the chinese lady starts bugging out, word to the cat lady onthe simpsons. we bounce without him and she wilds out and chases him, he easily runs away. we were 12 yrs old back then, damn 10 yrs later, still makesme
well... we were bored kids...
one day in front of the school on my street, i was like.. lets act like we jumping somebody when cars go by.
lots of fun seeing peoples reactions. one time we all dipped and left the "victim" there b\c somebody stopped and got out trying to help lol

another time we broke into the school. we just wanted to play basketball. we were good on the silent alarm too b\c we came in thru the roof but %!+**$ wannaopen other doors and %%+#.. police came. i almost *### myself. yeah i was a good kid..

throwing rocks at cars when i was like 4-5. i didnt know better...
Originally Posted by tramond

well... we were bored kids...
one day in front of the school on my street, i was like.. lets act like we jumping somebody when cars go by.
lots of fun seeing peoples reactions. one time we all dipped and left the "victim" there b\c somebody stopped and got out trying to help lol

another time we broke into the school. we just wanted to play basketball. we were good on the silent alarm too b\c we came in thru the roof but %!+**$ wanna open other doors and %%+#.. police came. i almost *### myself. yeah i was a good kid..

throwing rocks at cars when i was like 4-5. i didnt know better...
ahhhh, breaking in school n playin ball
i thought me n my friends were the only ones
only thing ive ever been caught up on was being out late after curfew by police (i was like 13)
and getting caught sniffin a 80 mg oxy in hollywood during vacation, spent 3 nites in l.a. county, only time ive really been in jail. this was bac about a dope vacation huh?
besides a few weeks ago i was drivin without a license, spent like an hour in a holding cell...coulda been worse, just gotta get my drivers license and itllget dropped. still gotta pay that $400 tow bill tho, when i got pulled over i parked rite in tha tow places parking lot
Me and my homeboy used do go around breaking people's windshields....Not cracking....But BREAKING.

Like throwing a brick off of the top of a building or a balcony or some @$@+....In the middle of your Winsheild.....and SHATTERING that @$@+ and leaving thebrick lodged in the middle of your winshield....

We did that @$@+ for like an entire Summer...

Countless thousands of dollars of damage.....

once when I was 6, me and my little cousin decided we wanted to go pretend camping. So we go under my moms closet, and no word of a lie, we built a bonfire.Being stupid kids, we think we can put it out with Kleenex. If my older brother hadn't come to put it out, we wouldve burnt the house down. I've neverbeen beat so bad in my life
Originally Posted by Fresh2Death2004

once when I was 6, me and my little cousin decided we wanted to go pretend camping. So we go under my moms closet, and no word of a lie, we built a bonfire. Being stupid kids, we think we can put it out with Kleenex. If my older brother hadn't come to put it out, we wouldve burnt the house down. I've never been beat so bad in my life

Speaking of fires...

We almost set an entire wooded area/Apartment Complex on fire one time....

when i was in second grade in venezuela i would steal sooo much from all the students in the class just to get snacks during recess, dont do that stupid stuffanymore now im all grown up
Originally Posted by dreClark

Me and my homeboy used do go around breaking people's windshields....Not cracking....But BREAKING.

Like throwing a brick off of the top of a building or a balcony or some @$@+....In the middle of your Winsheild.....and SHATTERING that @$@+ and leaving the brick lodged in the middle of your winshield....

We did that @$@+ for like an entire Summer...

Countless thousands of dollars of damage.....


gotdamn dre, did that make local news? "vandals droppin bricks from the sky?
oh man, fire...yeah i was a pyromaniac. i remember one time being young and dumb and playing with matches.

I lit one was just in awe of the flame as it burned and then decided to see if i could light a TINY piece of my cloth carpet

on fire. Next thing i know a good square foot of my carpet is torched and all i had left was the +@# beating to look forward to.

I was young though.

More stories later...
Me and a friend used to ride our bikes around the new home developments (we lived in the 'older' homes) looking for open garages so we could steal morebikes.
On mischief night we would go and egg houses like usual...then get caught by the police and get the eggs popped on you(ps. dont bring any clothes that havepockets,the popo with pop the eggs in the pocket..happened to me)

And another time i posted my friends picture all of his neighborhood and reported him lost,the reward would be 1k...and to call the phone on the paper(whichwas his cell/house phone) if you knew any information of his was so funny,but he was so pissed lol.
One time me and my boy are driving around and he goes "Yo I want to take a %%#* on someone's door step"and I say "Like a %%#*? As in out your +!%!?" And so we drive around until we come to this house I park across the street and sure enough my dudeis squattin taking a phat deuce on this door mat all I can see is poop falling to the floor. Dude even wipes and leaves the toilet paper stuck to the door. Fast forward 2 months its summer and this dude Kenny Ng is having a party so we roll over and I go "man L this is right near where you took thatdump" Sure enough out of all the houses he had pooped on this kids house who we go to school with and are now going tohis party. Needless to say I was cracking jokes the whole party such as "Man could you imagine if someone ****ted on your doorstep???"

I got way more including a run in with a white trailer trash family stay tuned...
nobody mentioned paintball guns yet..........

those can be fun and damaging. i dont mean no bs paintball gun either, this thing would spit!

this dude car get jacked up
My boy's pop works for some program in China. Every year this one old Chinese cat who is friends with his mom stays at his house. We really wanted to fwith him so we waited until he was sleeping. So we took my boy's walkie talkies and sneaked into his room and placed one under his bed. Then we took theother walkie talkie and played porn on it really loud. Never seen a dude look more confused.
Another time me and my boy are ridin around and he's got an airsoft gun sprayed jet black. We see this kid we know and he runs up on him like "BREAKYO SELF FOOL" dude got on his knees and pissed his pants. I felt ridiculously bad this kid was just a straight herb.
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