post your unpopular pop culture opinions VOL..JIMMIES WILL BE RUSTLED

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Why does every thing tyler perry make have to be "tyler perrys: house of pain" "tyler perrys: madeas family reunion" do you really have to put your name on every title if you already own the ****

You didn't have an issue when Stephen King was doing it...
Why does every thing tyler perry make have to be "tyler perrys: house of pain" "tyler perrys: madeas family reunion" do you really have to put your name on every title if you already own the ****
Better yet: why does everything have to be "Madea Does _____"? Madea Goes to Jail? You know who else went to jail? Ernest.

Dude is creatively bankrupt.
Six out out of the seven albums Rihanna released went platinum plus and just hit a lil over ten million total so I'm lost on what you guys are saying that she only sells singles.

She sells more singles than she does albums , some one made a gif saying she sold 150 mill records lol. They just combined the singles with records.

She has sold 120mill single songs and 30mill albums. Which is good but she has 7 albums so its pretty bad
1. Baseball is a very boorrrriiing sport.

I wouldn't even attend the World Series if you gave me free tickets. I'd take 'em, and sell 'em to someone, but you couldn't convince me to go.

2. Black athletes playing the quarterback position > White athletes playing the quarterback position.

Were it not for the racist elements inherent within the game, and throughout NAmerican pro-sports in general, this opinion would be common sense.

-Jay-Z is highly overrated, dude is hasn't made a good album since the blueprint. At this point in time he's just living off his name

-Aaron Rodgers is a top 5 QB of all time

-Rakim is Greatest Rapper to ever touch a mic

-R&B music hasn't been good since the 90's

-PS2 is the greatest video console of  all time

-Hulk Hogan is the most overrated wrestler of time

-Bugs Bunny is the greatest cartoon Character of Time

-Southpark is overrated

-Whitney Houston was a great singer but didn't make good albums

-UFC is boring

-The regular Show is best cartoon out now

-Beyonce is garbage actress
Those 40 oz van snapbacks are trash...I respect home's grind, but the amount of **** riding I see on son's twitter is ridiculous

Lauryn Hill was an extremely talented individual but is supremely overrated in my opinion, as is Wyclef

Horace Brown had the best male solo R&B album in the 90's

Tony Romo isn't as bad of a QB as most people make it out to be, although he has made critical mistakes

It Was Written is Nas' best album, and probably the greatest Hip Hop Album of all time, not ILLmatic

Juice and Belly were movies with Great Concepts, but horrible scripts, could've and should've been much better
jordans are wack now,they seem  trashy to me now

its still not cool to be gay, how they  try to act like you a hero if u gay.

keeping up with celebrities and athletes lives is super lame. 

people who ride or defend celebrities or athletes the same

kevin hart isnt funny

jayz sucks now

the pinnacle of kanyes career was college dropout 

grizzly adams had a beard

jordan is not the best player ever

i hope lebron ceases to exist in the nba

rpg video games are boring

tupac was boring 
Why is it gay to find another man attractive?

It's not. It's the insecure who make a big deal about it.

There's a big difference between acknowledging that someone is handsome, from a purely superficial standpoint, and being sexually attracted to someone. Dudes are just too caught up in someone else's definition of "masculine" to see and think rationally.

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