Post Your Sunglasses : Vol. Spring is here Summer is close

Originally Posted by SIZE TENS

Odd to me that the majority of you don't realize you look like complete D-Bags in most of these sunglasses.

If the majority of the people in here look like "complete d-bags" (for the record I think people who have the term in their vocabulary are usually "d-bags" themselves) then what do you suggest people rock since you're obviously above everybody else's judgment
Originally Posted by SIZE TENS

Odd to me that the majority of you don't realize you look like complete D-Bags in most of these sunglasses.
In this day and age, looking like a d-bag is appreciated
I've got Eric Koston woodgrain Frogskins (
as hell)

But I've also got a pair of girly big $$# sunnies I keep in my handbag.

To be honest, the way my actual glasses suit and fit my face >>> the way my sunnies do.

I couldn't care less what people think about my sunnies, I like them and that's all that matters. I'll do me, you do you.
Originally Posted by kash777

Trying to decide on carrera champions or safaris, what do you guys prefer?
i have the black champions, i absolutely love them, you'll probably have to try both on since they are 2 different shapes, see which one fits your face better
Originally Posted by solesavage

Originally Posted by SIZE TENS

Odd to me that the majority of you don't realize you look like complete D-Bags in most of these sunglasses.

LOL I wouldnt say it like that, but I agree....A lot of you rockin' shades because they are trendy/hypebeast & dont realize they dont even fit your face or look good.

To each his own.
qft.  to many brand !@!%@$ in here.  Most of this stuff if it didn't have a Gucci or LV logo on it none of you would even think about buying them.
you guys sound like salty haters, quit the *****in, its all about what you enjoy rockin, granted there are some people who just do it for the brand even if they dont like it, but your *****in wont stop anyone from spending their money on these things, it only makes ya look bad by complaining about what some other dude has on.

Some of you are straight disrespectful with some of the comments you post.  I hope you guys are like that in real life and not only do it behind the safety of your computer.
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