Post Your Sunglasses : Vol. Spring is here Summer is close

I gotta say, i can deal with those ^^ joints when the lenses are black, but every time i see someone with the clear lenses thats doin it just for the "look", i feel like smackin the hypebeast out of em.

4wrestling, I like those Diors.

the old frames, the lenses are interchangeable (got the black lenses somewhere in my room).
Im in the market for some new ones.


Anyone know of some other sunglasses that look like this frame but come with dark lenses. These only come in a clear lens.
I own a pair of black Louis Vuitton Evidence.

I prefer the Evidence over the Millionaire. I own both.

One thing the Evidence lack is accessories. Can we at least get a cleaning cloth?

When it comes to sunglasses, it's best to stick to black, maybe white, but any other colors is pushing it.
Yeah they yanked ya

Funny because all of mine came with the cloths but only my White's came with the Bag.
anybody know how good/not good Carrera sunglasses are? i was gonna buy some at nordstrom but i didnt feel like spending $135 today
Sorry for the cellphone pic, but here's what I have:
1- Carrera Champion
2- Zara Eyewear sunglasses that I bought for $20
3- The original Ray-Ban Wayfarers from th 80's, they belonged to my father, they have the Bausch & Lomb lenses, my sunglasses heads know what I'mtalking about

Originally Posted by NY Denim Seller

What are all the colors of the Evidence and Millionaires? Thanks in advance.
Evi's - Black, Red, Olive Green, White & Grey.
Millionaire's - Black, Red, White, Purple & Teal.

Bolded ones were Limited Releases, The Millionaire's overall were a limited release with the bolded ones for VIP's.

Kay & Ralf - Now thinking about it I didn't get a cloth with my White Pair and I'm betting the reason isyour pairs are the newest versions that came out late '08 which was the Black re-release + the new additons of White and Grey. They have slight changes tothe Frames and instead of the Cloth this time they gave the bags, makes sense since my other pairs are the older models and they came with cloths.
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