Post Your Own Theories About ANYTHING In This Thread

Originally Posted by imthekang

 I can go on a random persons profile and tell you their whole life story and information without even meeting them. That same person turns around and cries because they can’t figure out why some scammer emptied out their whole savings account. 

Has this really happened? Source.
Someone brought up about the Mars Face? should clarify


The Cydonian region on Mars attracted a great deal of attention because one of the hills in that region looked remarkably man made. The region was first imaged in detail by the Viking 1 orbiter, which was launched in 1975. Several images were taken by the Viking, including one taken in 1976 showing that one of the Cydonian mesas had the appearance of face. Scientists dismissed the face as a trick of light and shadow, but then a second image also showed the face at a different sun-angle. This caught the attention of organizations interested in extraterrestrial intelligence, and some talk show hosts who believed the Face was a long-lost Martian civilization. Most scientists still held the belief that the face was just a consequence of viewing conditions. In 2003, when the European space agency launched Mars Express, it was able to combine data from a high resolution stereo camera and create a 3D representation of the “Face on Mars
Someone brought up about the Mars Face? should clarify


The Cydonian region on Mars attracted a great deal of attention because one of the hills in that region looked remarkably man made. The region was first imaged in detail by the Viking 1 orbiter, which was launched in 1975. Several images were taken by the Viking, including one taken in 1976 showing that one of the Cydonian mesas had the appearance of face. Scientists dismissed the face as a trick of light and shadow, but then a second image also showed the face at a different sun-angle. This caught the attention of organizations interested in extraterrestrial intelligence, and some talk show hosts who believed the Face was a long-lost Martian civilization. Most scientists still held the belief that the face was just a consequence of viewing conditions. In 2003, when the European space agency launched Mars Express, it was able to combine data from a high resolution stereo camera and create a 3D representation of the “Face on Mars
^^^Wow that's crazy, I thought they had a picture that showed that it was only the lighting that made it look like a face... Nuts
^^^Wow that's crazy, I thought they had a picture that showed that it was only the lighting that made it look like a face... Nuts
Originally Posted by Seb

(Edit to add this) - Those of you who think that the human body is getting better and we will become superhumans or stuff like that... sorry but I think that human beings are getting weaker. Not in terms of life expectancy but in terms of body strength and performances. I believe that the human body was stronger and faster before.

Before when? Decades, Centuries, Milleniums? I ask because there is evidence that shows that humans are getting taller and faster. Check the article in the link below.

if the fastest man in the world in 1984, American sprinter Carl Lewis,
time-traveled and lined up next to the fastest man in the world now, Usain Bolt,
he'd look kind of small. Lewis was 6'3" and 180 lbs.; Bolt is 6'5" and 207.
Granted, bigger doesn't always mean faster. Maurice Greene was only 5'9". But
over time, humans get taller and their strides get longer.
Originally Posted by Seb

(Edit to add this) - Those of you who think that the human body is getting better and we will become superhumans or stuff like that... sorry but I think that human beings are getting weaker. Not in terms of life expectancy but in terms of body strength and performances. I believe that the human body was stronger and faster before.

Before when? Decades, Centuries, Milleniums? I ask because there is evidence that shows that humans are getting taller and faster. Check the article in the link below.

if the fastest man in the world in 1984, American sprinter Carl Lewis,
time-traveled and lined up next to the fastest man in the world now, Usain Bolt,
he'd look kind of small. Lewis was 6'3" and 180 lbs.; Bolt is 6'5" and 207.
Granted, bigger doesn't always mean faster. Maurice Greene was only 5'9". But
over time, humans get taller and their strides get longer.
-I think that alot of the questions of how the Ancient Mayans/Egyptians/etc. accomplished their many feats could be that, I don't want to sound racist, though it may sound that way, they don't want to believe these "colored" people could possess this knowledge or ambition.
-The Bible as a book is more revered than its lessons and morals. This would then become idol worship, which is against what God wants.
-Many politicians start off as people who want to make a change, but "old money" families corrupt them along the way.
-If the Jews really "murdered" Jesus, why do Christians rush to save Israel?
-I think that alot of the questions of how the Ancient Mayans/Egyptians/etc. accomplished their many feats could be that, I don't want to sound racist, though it may sound that way, they don't want to believe these "colored" people could possess this knowledge or ambition.
-The Bible as a book is more revered than its lessons and morals. This would then become idol worship, which is against what God wants.
-Many politicians start off as people who want to make a change, but "old money" families corrupt them along the way.
-If the Jews really "murdered" Jesus, why do Christians rush to save Israel?
Originally Posted by 4Shoposite


Your boy Michael Jeffery Jordan never retired in 1993...dude was suspended by David Stern low key. Stern and very few NBA officials found out dude was gambling on the game of basketball...possibly his own team... and really suspended him by allowing him to announce his retirement. In the post game conference after the Bulls beat the Suns dude was upbeat about coming back and going for 4. It was something Magic or Bird had never done and honestly that's what motivated him the most throughout his career. Sure his pops was murdered, but I really do believe Stern found out he was betting on the game. He went and played baseball in spite of Stern to show that he could make the MLB more popular than the NBA but failed miserably. Once the year was up, MJ didn't even want to come back because of his arrogance and pride but he started to get the itch again and Stern let him return in March of 1995. True Story.
You kinda got it right but not all the way....David Stern found out MJ was gambling, and as the FACE of the NBA, if he went down the whole brand went down. He sent MJ to play baseball to stay in shape while the heat from that died down....once it did, he returned.

Originally Posted by 4Shoposite


Your boy Michael Jeffery Jordan never retired in 1993...dude was suspended by David Stern low key. Stern and very few NBA officials found out dude was gambling on the game of basketball...possibly his own team... and really suspended him by allowing him to announce his retirement. In the post game conference after the Bulls beat the Suns dude was upbeat about coming back and going for 4. It was something Magic or Bird had never done and honestly that's what motivated him the most throughout his career. Sure his pops was murdered, but I really do believe Stern found out he was betting on the game. He went and played baseball in spite of Stern to show that he could make the MLB more popular than the NBA but failed miserably. Once the year was up, MJ didn't even want to come back because of his arrogance and pride but he started to get the itch again and Stern let him return in March of 1995. True Story.
You kinda got it right but not all the way....David Stern found out MJ was gambling, and as the FACE of the NBA, if he went down the whole brand went down. He sent MJ to play baseball to stay in shape while the heat from that died down....once it did, he returned.

i think gas stations short us every so slightly per transaction. like im paying for a gallon when I only get 98% of a gallon. Not only would it be so minute to the buyers, but massively profitable to the owner per day.
i think gas stations short us every so slightly per transaction. like im paying for a gallon when I only get 98% of a gallon. Not only would it be so minute to the buyers, but massively profitable to the owner per day.
Originally Posted by M4rioL

Someone brought up about the Mars Face? should clarify


The Cydonian region on Mars attracted a great deal of attention because one of the hills in that region looked remarkably man made. The region was first imaged in detail by the Viking 1 orbiter, which was launched in 1975. Several images were taken by the Viking, including one taken in 1976 showing that one of the Cydonian mesas had the appearance of face. Scientists dismissed the face as a trick of light and shadow, but then a second image also showed the face at a different sun-angle. This caught the attention of organizations interested in extraterrestrial intelligence, and some talk show hosts who believed the Face was a long-lost Martian civilization. Most scientists still held the belief that the face was just a consequence of viewing conditions. In 2003, when the European space agency launched Mars Express, it was able to combine data from a high resolution stereo camera and create a 3D representation of the “Face on Mars
Originally Posted by M4rioL

Someone brought up about the Mars Face? should clarify


The Cydonian region on Mars attracted a great deal of attention because one of the hills in that region looked remarkably man made. The region was first imaged in detail by the Viking 1 orbiter, which was launched in 1975. Several images were taken by the Viking, including one taken in 1976 showing that one of the Cydonian mesas had the appearance of face. Scientists dismissed the face as a trick of light and shadow, but then a second image also showed the face at a different sun-angle. This caught the attention of organizations interested in extraterrestrial intelligence, and some talk show hosts who believed the Face was a long-lost Martian civilization. Most scientists still held the belief that the face was just a consequence of viewing conditions. In 2003, when the European space agency launched Mars Express, it was able to combine data from a high resolution stereo camera and create a 3D representation of the “Face on Mars
No one really knows if there really is a GOD, Christianity and all other Religions that have GODS are basically made to civilize people. Human Beings are curious creatures we need answers thats why we have religion. anything that cant be answered by science is answered by faith. if there is something we cant prove, its called miracles. 2000 years from now we are going to be studied by our decendants. by that time we are just like cave men to them who doesnt have any clue thats why we made religion.

But dont get me wrong, im not saying having a religion is bad. it actually is good because it teaches morality.There are so many things about life that we will never be able to figure out. some things are meant to be mysteries.
No one really knows if there really is a GOD, Christianity and all other Religions that have GODS are basically made to civilize people. Human Beings are curious creatures we need answers thats why we have religion. anything that cant be answered by science is answered by faith. if there is something we cant prove, its called miracles. 2000 years from now we are going to be studied by our decendants. by that time we are just like cave men to them who doesnt have any clue thats why we made religion.

But dont get me wrong, im not saying having a religion is bad. it actually is good because it teaches morality.There are so many things about life that we will never be able to figure out. some things are meant to be mysteries.
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