Post Your Own Theories About ANYTHING In This Thread

I wonder if people can be original anymore ?
microwave ovens are cancerous 

people back in the day were smarter than we think
I wonder if people can be original anymore ?
microwave ovens are cancerous 

people back in the day were smarter than we think
Originally Posted by Cant Break The Unbreakable

Originally Posted by Wr

The widespread constant use of technology may cause atrophy in some areas of our bodies, and development in others...

Humans will go blind from the widespread use of screens. The growth of their usage far outpaces our evolutionary ability to get used to them, I myself make a conscious effort to keep my exposure to them low

I think that's an interesting  point about technology atrophying some muscles and strengthening others.  About becoming blind from too many screens, if something like that happens I'm thinking we'll already see that trend coming so we'll probably develop high tech eye surgery/contact lenses/glasses to stop it.  And about the atrophy of muscles we'll probably develop something to counter that as well. something similiar of what i was talkin about thats already out

I know this is far fetched sounding, but I think humans will develop to be more telekinetic since we are loosing out on personal contact with each other because of machines, and because we are surrounded by and use so much more radiation in our everyday devices, we might accidentally or maybe we already do transmit/pickup thought frequencies .  I know it sounds like x-men but a line in the xmen first class movie kind of stuck with me. Magneto said something to the effect that "the nuclear age will be detrimental to the humans, but will  speed up mutant evolution."
Originally Posted by Wr

-Carbon dating is a faulty process because not all things are considered.
-Science is a growing body of knowledge; not the final authority on anything and we hurt ourselves by using science as 3rd party system rather than placing ourselves in our relation to all things as the focal point of our study.
explain those two for me.
Originally Posted by Wr

-Carbon dating is a faulty process because not all things are considered.
-Science is a growing body of knowledge; not the final authority on anything and we hurt ourselves by using science as 3rd party system rather than placing ourselves in our relation to all things as the focal point of our study.
explain those two for me.
Originally Posted by Cant Break The Unbreakable

Originally Posted by Wr

The widespread constant use of technology may cause atrophy in some areas of our bodies, and development in others...

Humans will go blind from the widespread use of screens. The growth of their usage far outpaces our evolutionary ability to get used to them, I myself make a conscious effort to keep my exposure to them low

I think that's an interesting  point about technology atrophying some muscles and strengthening others.  About becoming blind from too many screens, if something like that happens I'm thinking we'll already see that trend coming so we'll probably develop high tech eye surgery/contact lenses/glasses to stop it.  And about the atrophy of muscles we'll probably develop something to counter that as well. something similiar of what i was talkin about thats already out

I know this is far fetched sounding, but I think humans will develop to be more telekinetic since we are loosing out on personal contact with each other because of machines, and because we are surrounded by and use so much more radiation in our everyday devices, we might accidentally or maybe we already do transmit/pickup thought frequencies .  I know it sounds like x-men but a line in the xmen first class movie kind of stuck with me. Magneto said something to the effect that "the nuclear age will be detrimental to the humans, but will  speed up mutant evolution."
Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

Originally Posted by Wr

-Carbon dating is a faulty process because not all things are considered.
-Science is a growing body of knowledge; not the final authority on anything and we hurt ourselves by using science as 3rd party system rather than placing ourselves in our relation to all things as the focal point of our study.
explain those two for me.

Carbon dating doesn't take into account the effect cosmic rays, neutrinos and other electromagnetic frequencies has on absorption and decay rates. Plus i feel for the data to be pure, the sample would have to be completely isolated from events like cataclysmic events, intense heat and water erosion. i feel as if these things can throw the chemical make up of a sample off and that would make carbon 14 dating a tool of estimation rather than a precise ruler. Adding another variable to the equation could cause results to differ by millions of units.
-The word science comes from the latin word "scire"= equivalent to knowing something in english language. for science to be the the ultimate authority on something it would have to give answers and explanations for events that are set in stone. Not ever changing and constantly up for revision and stalemated by differing fundamental interpretations. What science knows now it did not know 10 years ago so it grew as a working body of knowledge.  Science right now is still wondering how the universe works. The universe does not even contemplate such a thing. It just works. Science is playing catch up to understand something that already works and constantly provides proof of it's existence. Until science officially discovers something, all else is based on if's. If this works, then that works. Questions like why all the universe we see represents less than 10% of all the universes mass lead to speculation of shadow/ dark/ "god" matter. This lead scientist to smash atomic particles together to study the reaction, see what comprises an atom and what happened directly after "THE" or any other big bang occurs. We were taught in school and in the scientific community that the atom was the smallest unit. Now science has to grow and update it's knowledge base given that energy exist and governs from the sub atomic level. 
Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

Originally Posted by Wr

-Carbon dating is a faulty process because not all things are considered.
-Science is a growing body of knowledge; not the final authority on anything and we hurt ourselves by using science as 3rd party system rather than placing ourselves in our relation to all things as the focal point of our study.
explain those two for me.

Carbon dating doesn't take into account the effect cosmic rays, neutrinos and other electromagnetic frequencies has on absorption and decay rates. Plus i feel for the data to be pure, the sample would have to be completely isolated from events like cataclysmic events, intense heat and water erosion. i feel as if these things can throw the chemical make up of a sample off and that would make carbon 14 dating a tool of estimation rather than a precise ruler. Adding another variable to the equation could cause results to differ by millions of units.
-The word science comes from the latin word "scire"= equivalent to knowing something in english language. for science to be the the ultimate authority on something it would have to give answers and explanations for events that are set in stone. Not ever changing and constantly up for revision and stalemated by differing fundamental interpretations. What science knows now it did not know 10 years ago so it grew as a working body of knowledge.  Science right now is still wondering how the universe works. The universe does not even contemplate such a thing. It just works. Science is playing catch up to understand something that already works and constantly provides proof of it's existence. Until science officially discovers something, all else is based on if's. If this works, then that works. Questions like why all the universe we see represents less than 10% of all the universes mass lead to speculation of shadow/ dark/ "god" matter. This lead scientist to smash atomic particles together to study the reaction, see what comprises an atom and what happened directly after "THE" or any other big bang occurs. We were taught in school and in the scientific community that the atom was the smallest unit. Now science has to grow and update it's knowledge base given that energy exist and governs from the sub atomic level. 
Originally Posted by Wr

I know this is far fetched sounding, but I think humans will develop to be more telekinetic since we are loosing out on personal contact with each other because of machines, and because we are surrounded by and use so much more radiation in our everyday devices, we might accidentally or maybe we already do transmit/pickup thought frequencies .  I know it sounds like x-men but a line in the xmen first class movie kind of stuck with me. Magneto said something to the effect that "the nuclear age will be detrimental to the humans, but will  speed up mutant evolution."

I have a complete wild theories on human mutation into superhumans, I'll probably post them later but I have to address this cause it's interesting:

I feel like humans are actually growing to be telekinetic also, but not because of radiation. I see it as with all the social networking, humans are able to know more about each other without actually meeting them. So when they actually do meet someone, they know so much about them through social networking that they can in a way figure out their personality, likes/dislikes, thought process without being around them for a long time. Then as they start spending more time together the brain figures out what assumptions based on the online data was correct/incorrect and uses a revised telekinetic calculation process next time such a thing happens. Of course for a huge percentage of the population this won't even come close to happening since they're so dumb/disconnected from all the online interaction, but for some this is possible.

I also feel like some humans can evolve in minor ways through their lifetime. Nothing major like additional limbs or organs but small resistances/strengths. I've found that I'm a very fast learner and I also know people who recover extremely fast. So whenever something damages their body they recover, then they never seem to have a problem with that again. It's kind of like pushing your tolerance level. If you subject yourself to occasional but periodic stress then you can eventually build a resistance. If there was a way to safely test it it could be possible that humans could develop a bulletproof layer. Constant subjection of the skin to a sharp penetrating object over time would cause immunity. I remember learning about this in biology but I forgot the name, basically it means that whenever you're adapting to a new stress and it keeps happening, your body will eventually become immune to it. Could pave ways for making a superhuman.

Sounds crazy but those are just some thoughts
Originally Posted by Wr

I know this is far fetched sounding, but I think humans will develop to be more telekinetic since we are loosing out on personal contact with each other because of machines, and because we are surrounded by and use so much more radiation in our everyday devices, we might accidentally or maybe we already do transmit/pickup thought frequencies .  I know it sounds like x-men but a line in the xmen first class movie kind of stuck with me. Magneto said something to the effect that "the nuclear age will be detrimental to the humans, but will  speed up mutant evolution."

I have a complete wild theories on human mutation into superhumans, I'll probably post them later but I have to address this cause it's interesting:

I feel like humans are actually growing to be telekinetic also, but not because of radiation. I see it as with all the social networking, humans are able to know more about each other without actually meeting them. So when they actually do meet someone, they know so much about them through social networking that they can in a way figure out their personality, likes/dislikes, thought process without being around them for a long time. Then as they start spending more time together the brain figures out what assumptions based on the online data was correct/incorrect and uses a revised telekinetic calculation process next time such a thing happens. Of course for a huge percentage of the population this won't even come close to happening since they're so dumb/disconnected from all the online interaction, but for some this is possible.

I also feel like some humans can evolve in minor ways through their lifetime. Nothing major like additional limbs or organs but small resistances/strengths. I've found that I'm a very fast learner and I also know people who recover extremely fast. So whenever something damages their body they recover, then they never seem to have a problem with that again. It's kind of like pushing your tolerance level. If you subject yourself to occasional but periodic stress then you can eventually build a resistance. If there was a way to safely test it it could be possible that humans could develop a bulletproof layer. Constant subjection of the skin to a sharp penetrating object over time would cause immunity. I remember learning about this in biology but I forgot the name, basically it means that whenever you're adapting to a new stress and it keeps happening, your body will eventually become immune to it. Could pave ways for making a superhuman.

Sounds crazy but those are just some thoughts
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by Wr

I know this is far fetched sounding, but I think humans will develop to be more telekinetic since we are loosing out on personal contact with each other because of machines, and because we are surrounded by and use so much more radiation in our everyday devices, we might accidentally or maybe we already do transmit/pickup thought frequencies .  I know it sounds like x-men but a line in the xmen first class movie kind of stuck with me. Magneto said something to the effect that "the nuclear age will be detrimental to the humans, but will  speed up mutant evolution."

I have a complete wild theories on human mutation into superhumans, I'll probably post them later but I have to address this cause it's interesting:

I feel like humans are actually growing to be telekinetic also, but not because of radiation. I see it as with all the social networking, humans are able to know more about each other without actually meeting them. So when they actually do meet someone, they know so much about them through social networking that they can in a way figure out their personality, likes/dislikes, thought process without being around them for a long time. Then as they start spending more time together the brain figures out what assumptions based on the online data was correct/incorrect and uses a revised telekinetic calculation process next time such a thing happens. Of course for a huge percentage of the population this won't even come close to happening since they're so dumb/disconnected from all the online interaction, but for some this is possible.

I also feel like some humans can evolve in minor ways through their lifetime. Nothing major like additional limbs or organs but small resistances/strengths. I've found that I'm a very fast learner and I also know people who recover extremely fast. So whenever something damages their body they recover, then they never seem to have a problem with that again. It's kind of like pushing your tolerance level. If you subject yourself to occasional but periodic stress then you can eventually build a resistance. If there was a way to safely test it it could be possible that humans could develop a bulletproof layer. Constant subjection of the skin to a sharp penetrating object over time would cause immunity. I remember learning about this in biology but I forgot the name, basically it means that whenever you're adapting to a new stress and it keeps happening, your body will eventually become immune to it. Could pave ways for making a superhuman.

Sounds crazy but those are just some thoughts

good theories 
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by Wr

I know this is far fetched sounding, but I think humans will develop to be more telekinetic since we are loosing out on personal contact with each other because of machines, and because we are surrounded by and use so much more radiation in our everyday devices, we might accidentally or maybe we already do transmit/pickup thought frequencies .  I know it sounds like x-men but a line in the xmen first class movie kind of stuck with me. Magneto said something to the effect that "the nuclear age will be detrimental to the humans, but will  speed up mutant evolution."

I have a complete wild theories on human mutation into superhumans, I'll probably post them later but I have to address this cause it's interesting:

I feel like humans are actually growing to be telekinetic also, but not because of radiation. I see it as with all the social networking, humans are able to know more about each other without actually meeting them. So when they actually do meet someone, they know so much about them through social networking that they can in a way figure out their personality, likes/dislikes, thought process without being around them for a long time. Then as they start spending more time together the brain figures out what assumptions based on the online data was correct/incorrect and uses a revised telekinetic calculation process next time such a thing happens. Of course for a huge percentage of the population this won't even come close to happening since they're so dumb/disconnected from all the online interaction, but for some this is possible.

I also feel like some humans can evolve in minor ways through their lifetime. Nothing major like additional limbs or organs but small resistances/strengths. I've found that I'm a very fast learner and I also know people who recover extremely fast. So whenever something damages their body they recover, then they never seem to have a problem with that again. It's kind of like pushing your tolerance level. If you subject yourself to occasional but periodic stress then you can eventually build a resistance. If there was a way to safely test it it could be possible that humans could develop a bulletproof layer. Constant subjection of the skin to a sharp penetrating object over time would cause immunity. I remember learning about this in biology but I forgot the name, basically it means that whenever you're adapting to a new stress and it keeps happening, your body will eventually become immune to it. Could pave ways for making a superhuman.

Sounds crazy but those are just some thoughts

good theories 
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by Wr

I know this is far fetched sounding, but I think humans will develop to be more telekinetic since we are loosing out on personal contact with each other because of machines, and because we are surrounded by and use so much more radiation in our everyday devices, we might accidentally or maybe we already do transmit/pickup thought frequencies .  I know it sounds like x-men but a line in the xmen first class movie kind of stuck with me. Magneto said something to the effect that "the nuclear age will be detrimental to the humans, but will  speed up mutant evolution."

I have a complete wild theories on human mutation into superhumans, I'll probably post them later but I have to address this cause it's interesting:

I feel like humans are actually growing to be telekinetic also, but not because of radiation. I see it as with all the social networking, humans are able to know more about each other without actually meeting them. So when they actually do meet someone, they know so much about them through social networking that they can in a way figure out their personality, likes/dislikes, thought process without being around them for a long time. Then as they start spending more time together the brain figures out what assumptions based on the online data was correct/incorrect and uses a revised telekinetic calculation process next time such a thing happens. Of course for a huge percentage of the population this won't even come close to happening since they're so dumb/disconnected from all the online interaction, but for some this is possible.

I also feel like some humans can evolve in minor ways through their lifetime. Nothing major like additional limbs or organs but small resistances/strengths. I've found that I'm a very fast learner and I also know people who recover extremely fast. So whenever something damages their body they recover, then they never seem to have a problem with that again. It's kind of like pushing your tolerance level. If you subject yourself to occasional but periodic stress then you can eventually build a resistance. If there was a way to safely test it it could be possible that humans could develop a bulletproof layer. Constant subjection of the skin to a sharp penetrating object over time would cause immunity. I remember learning about this in biology but I forgot the name, basically it means that whenever you're adapting to a new stress and it keeps happening, your body will eventually become immune to it. Could pave ways for making a superhuman.

Sounds crazy but those are just some thoughts
Not sounding crazy at all to me. I see what you are saying. sorta like we get so good at assessing people and doing it so often it heightens that sense in us. like speed learning/reaction as a way of life. I feel the way i feel about the radio frequencies because I have had some weird experiences. Like hearing songs on certain stations before i switch to them. Being able to read what a txt message says before I even get it sometimes. Picking up the phone and answering it knowing who it is and what they are going to talk about even when its not a predictable situation.  I feel like a lot of these secrets are coded in our "junk" or unknown dna and certain circumstances unlock peoples dna sequences at early times which is why i think some of the rarities in genetics exist. I believe the way we think we are now is just a temporary state in evolution but evolution occurs over such long periods of times, we look at things as long standing norms when they could just be "current norms".
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by Wr

I know this is far fetched sounding, but I think humans will develop to be more telekinetic since we are loosing out on personal contact with each other because of machines, and because we are surrounded by and use so much more radiation in our everyday devices, we might accidentally or maybe we already do transmit/pickup thought frequencies .  I know it sounds like x-men but a line in the xmen first class movie kind of stuck with me. Magneto said something to the effect that "the nuclear age will be detrimental to the humans, but will  speed up mutant evolution."

I have a complete wild theories on human mutation into superhumans, I'll probably post them later but I have to address this cause it's interesting:

I feel like humans are actually growing to be telekinetic also, but not because of radiation. I see it as with all the social networking, humans are able to know more about each other without actually meeting them. So when they actually do meet someone, they know so much about them through social networking that they can in a way figure out their personality, likes/dislikes, thought process without being around them for a long time. Then as they start spending more time together the brain figures out what assumptions based on the online data was correct/incorrect and uses a revised telekinetic calculation process next time such a thing happens. Of course for a huge percentage of the population this won't even come close to happening since they're so dumb/disconnected from all the online interaction, but for some this is possible.

I also feel like some humans can evolve in minor ways through their lifetime. Nothing major like additional limbs or organs but small resistances/strengths. I've found that I'm a very fast learner and I also know people who recover extremely fast. So whenever something damages their body they recover, then they never seem to have a problem with that again. It's kind of like pushing your tolerance level. If you subject yourself to occasional but periodic stress then you can eventually build a resistance. If there was a way to safely test it it could be possible that humans could develop a bulletproof layer. Constant subjection of the skin to a sharp penetrating object over time would cause immunity. I remember learning about this in biology but I forgot the name, basically it means that whenever you're adapting to a new stress and it keeps happening, your body will eventually become immune to it. Could pave ways for making a superhuman.

Sounds crazy but those are just some thoughts
Not sounding crazy at all to me. I see what you are saying. sorta like we get so good at assessing people and doing it so often it heightens that sense in us. like speed learning/reaction as a way of life. I feel the way i feel about the radio frequencies because I have had some weird experiences. Like hearing songs on certain stations before i switch to them. Being able to read what a txt message says before I even get it sometimes. Picking up the phone and answering it knowing who it is and what they are going to talk about even when its not a predictable situation.  I feel like a lot of these secrets are coded in our "junk" or unknown dna and certain circumstances unlock peoples dna sequences at early times which is why i think some of the rarities in genetics exist. I believe the way we think we are now is just a temporary state in evolution but evolution occurs over such long periods of times, we look at things as long standing norms when they could just be "current norms".
I'm going to have so much fun with this post.

Time travel (Montak Project), teleportation (Philadelphia Experiement), cloaking technology (Philadelphia Experiment) climate manipulation (HAARP High Frequency Aurora Research Project discovered by Nikola Tesla), anti-gravity air craft (Reverse Engineered by Nazis called Haunebu, the U.S. has also came upon this technology and developed Black Triangles or TR-3B) and aircraft that can travel within the atmosphere and out into space have already been created or reverse engineered. (Vimanas mentioned in Vedic texts by the Hindus)

There is architecture i.e. pyramids and structures on mars and the moon (the face on mars)

Contact has already been made with a select few

Our history on this planet is a lot older than we think possibly millions of years

Atlantis was a worldwide advanced culture not just some city that was in a single location

There was a nuclear war many thousands of years ago between Atlantians and Lemurians

All the dinosaurs did not become extinct i.e. alligators, turtles and reptiles. 65 million years is a lot of time for evolution for a species so it is very possible for them to become sentient beings

Mars used to be inhabited by our ancestors or another race of sentient beings

The pyramids on earth were used as Stargates much like the movie suggests and you're able to travel either physically or non-physically to other star systems, galaxies/dimensions

All the advanced Ancient civilizations are seeds of Atlantis after some kind of war had occurred survivors dispersed and began civilization again in Egypt, Central America/South America, Aztecs/Mayans/Incans and Sumer

Our species has become advanced numerous times but war always seemed to break out coupled with worldwide catastrophes such as great floods, so we've had cycles.

2012 is a new era of evolutionary consciousness we are approaching our Golden Age. We think we have been enlightened but we are really living in the dark ages because there is so much to be discovered which has been forgotten.

Egypt (the land of Kem/Moor) is much older than it is taught to be, it's Golden age was 40,000 years ago

There are 600 vital points in the human body (acupunture)

There were 600 pyramids on the Earth

There are approximately 100 billion cells in our brain

There are approximately 100 billion stars in our galaxy

Each human actually has a sphere of 360 senses i.e. attitude, emotions, feelings that can all be sensed. Add the 5 we know of that makes 365

the Earth has 365 days

The earth's frequency is 7.83 Hertz known as the Schumann Resonance

the Human body has 7 energy channels known as chakras

The audio the sun emits when recorded makes a sound similar to that of an "ohm"

which also is used for meditation in self healing in Hinduism and Buddhism

The Universe is Holographic and every hologram has a Source from where the hologram is being projected, this would be the Singularity from which everything comes

Hypothesis: when we die we change from life forms to "Light forms" refer to DNA Phantom Effect. Remember there is a whole lot of spectrum of light the human eye can't see

you can google anything I've mentioned and I actually encourage it
I'm going to have so much fun with this post.

Time travel (Montak Project), teleportation (Philadelphia Experiement), cloaking technology (Philadelphia Experiment) climate manipulation (HAARP High Frequency Aurora Research Project discovered by Nikola Tesla), anti-gravity air craft (Reverse Engineered by Nazis called Haunebu, the U.S. has also came upon this technology and developed Black Triangles or TR-3B) and aircraft that can travel within the atmosphere and out into space have already been created or reverse engineered. (Vimanas mentioned in Vedic texts by the Hindus)

There is architecture i.e. pyramids and structures on mars and the moon (the face on mars)

Contact has already been made with a select few

Our history on this planet is a lot older than we think possibly millions of years

Atlantis was a worldwide advanced culture not just some city that was in a single location

There was a nuclear war many thousands of years ago between Atlantians and Lemurians

All the dinosaurs did not become extinct i.e. alligators, turtles and reptiles. 65 million years is a lot of time for evolution for a species so it is very possible for them to become sentient beings

Mars used to be inhabited by our ancestors or another race of sentient beings

The pyramids on earth were used as Stargates much like the movie suggests and you're able to travel either physically or non-physically to other star systems, galaxies/dimensions

All the advanced Ancient civilizations are seeds of Atlantis after some kind of war had occurred survivors dispersed and began civilization again in Egypt, Central America/South America, Aztecs/Mayans/Incans and Sumer

Our species has become advanced numerous times but war always seemed to break out coupled with worldwide catastrophes such as great floods, so we've had cycles.

2012 is a new era of evolutionary consciousness we are approaching our Golden Age. We think we have been enlightened but we are really living in the dark ages because there is so much to be discovered which has been forgotten.

Egypt (the land of Kem/Moor) is much older than it is taught to be, it's Golden age was 40,000 years ago

There are 600 vital points in the human body (acupunture)

There were 600 pyramids on the Earth

There are approximately 100 billion cells in our brain

There are approximately 100 billion stars in our galaxy

Each human actually has a sphere of 360 senses i.e. attitude, emotions, feelings that can all be sensed. Add the 5 we know of that makes 365

the Earth has 365 days

The earth's frequency is 7.83 Hertz known as the Schumann Resonance

the Human body has 7 energy channels known as chakras

The audio the sun emits when recorded makes a sound similar to that of an "ohm"

which also is used for meditation in self healing in Hinduism and Buddhism

The Universe is Holographic and every hologram has a Source from where the hologram is being projected, this would be the Singularity from which everything comes

Hypothesis: when we die we change from life forms to "Light forms" refer to DNA Phantom Effect. Remember there is a whole lot of spectrum of light the human eye can't see

you can google anything I've mentioned and I actually encourage it
^Love to see where this thread goes. You dropped some bombs with that post haha. will this thread explode with pyramid quoting and interrogation? lol
^Love to see where this thread goes. You dropped some bombs with that post haha. will this thread explode with pyramid quoting and interrogation? lol
Originally Posted by Wr

Not sounding crazy at all to me. I see what you are saying. sorta like we get so good at assessing people and doing it so often it heightens that sense in us. like speed learning/reaction as a way of life. I feel the way i feel about the radio frequencies because I have had some weird experiences. Like hearing songs on certain stations before i switch to them. Being able to read what a txt message says before I even get it sometimes. Picking up the phone and answering it knowing who it is and what they are going to talk about even when its not a predictable situation.  I feel like a lot of these secrets are coded in our "junk" or unknown dna and certain circumstances unlock peoples dna sequences at early times which is why i think some of the rarities in genetics exist. I believe the way we think we are now is just a temporary state in evolution but evolution occurs over such long periods of times, we look at things as long standing norms when they could just be "current norms".
Man, I do the exact same thing a lot. And for some reason, deja vu happens to me very often. I experience it about two or three times a day, no kidding.

For the telekinetic part, I feel a lot of it with my family. It's probably because I've been around them for so long, but whenever my brother calls my mom, I'll know it's him and I won't even be around the phone. Sometimes he'll call at night and my mom's phone will ring, I'll know it's him instantly.

For the deja vu, it happens so often I feel like it's a normal part of my life. I'll go through something in real life then I'll immediately look back and feel like I've done that exact same thing before.
Originally Posted by Wr

Not sounding crazy at all to me. I see what you are saying. sorta like we get so good at assessing people and doing it so often it heightens that sense in us. like speed learning/reaction as a way of life. I feel the way i feel about the radio frequencies because I have had some weird experiences. Like hearing songs on certain stations before i switch to them. Being able to read what a txt message says before I even get it sometimes. Picking up the phone and answering it knowing who it is and what they are going to talk about even when its not a predictable situation.  I feel like a lot of these secrets are coded in our "junk" or unknown dna and certain circumstances unlock peoples dna sequences at early times which is why i think some of the rarities in genetics exist. I believe the way we think we are now is just a temporary state in evolution but evolution occurs over such long periods of times, we look at things as long standing norms when they could just be "current norms".
Man, I do the exact same thing a lot. And for some reason, deja vu happens to me very often. I experience it about two or three times a day, no kidding.

For the telekinetic part, I feel a lot of it with my family. It's probably because I've been around them for so long, but whenever my brother calls my mom, I'll know it's him and I won't even be around the phone. Sometimes he'll call at night and my mom's phone will ring, I'll know it's him instantly.

For the deja vu, it happens so often I feel like it's a normal part of my life. I'll go through something in real life then I'll immediately look back and feel like I've done that exact same thing before.
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by Wr

Not sounding crazy at all to me. I see what you are saying. sorta like we get so good at assessing people and doing it so often it heightens that sense in us. like speed learning/reaction as a way of life. I feel the way i feel about the radio frequencies because I have had some weird experiences. Like hearing songs on certain stations before i switch to them. Being able to read what a txt message says before I even get it sometimes. Picking up the phone and answering it knowing who it is and what they are going to talk about even when its not a predictable situation.  I feel like a lot of these secrets are coded in our "junk" or unknown dna and certain circumstances unlock peoples dna sequences at early times which is why i think some of the rarities in genetics exist. I believe the way we think we are now is just a temporary state in evolution but evolution occurs over such long periods of times, we look at things as long standing norms when they could just be "current norms".
Man, I do the exact same thing a lot. And for some reason, deja vu happens to me very often. I experience it about two or three times a day, no kidding.

For the telekinetic part, I feel a lot of it with my family. It's probably because I've been around them for so long, but whenever my brother calls my mom, I'll know it's him and I won't even be around the phone. Sometimes he'll call at night and my mom's phone will ring, I'll know it's him instantly.

For the deja vu, it happens so often I feel like it's a normal part of my life. I'll go through something in real life then I'll immediately look back and feel like I've done that exact same thing before.
I heard de ja vu is when you and yourself from another dimension make a similar decision and the feeling of de ja vu is the sub conscious mind becoming aware of what just happened. Like for a brief moment that action allowed you to catch a glimpse of the other parallel you like a mirror gaze when passing by a shopping mall and spotting something in the window that catches your attention after you've already taken a few steps in the next direction. It's also what I think meditation is. I think meditation is the best and most likely action you and other you's in other dimensions would do and it allows you to bridge experiences and information about things when you focus in your tone or frequency. 
I get it with certain family members too. like we are tuned in to each other.
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by Wr

Not sounding crazy at all to me. I see what you are saying. sorta like we get so good at assessing people and doing it so often it heightens that sense in us. like speed learning/reaction as a way of life. I feel the way i feel about the radio frequencies because I have had some weird experiences. Like hearing songs on certain stations before i switch to them. Being able to read what a txt message says before I even get it sometimes. Picking up the phone and answering it knowing who it is and what they are going to talk about even when its not a predictable situation.  I feel like a lot of these secrets are coded in our "junk" or unknown dna and certain circumstances unlock peoples dna sequences at early times which is why i think some of the rarities in genetics exist. I believe the way we think we are now is just a temporary state in evolution but evolution occurs over such long periods of times, we look at things as long standing norms when they could just be "current norms".
Man, I do the exact same thing a lot. And for some reason, deja vu happens to me very often. I experience it about two or three times a day, no kidding.

For the telekinetic part, I feel a lot of it with my family. It's probably because I've been around them for so long, but whenever my brother calls my mom, I'll know it's him and I won't even be around the phone. Sometimes he'll call at night and my mom's phone will ring, I'll know it's him instantly.

For the deja vu, it happens so often I feel like it's a normal part of my life. I'll go through something in real life then I'll immediately look back and feel like I've done that exact same thing before.
I heard de ja vu is when you and yourself from another dimension make a similar decision and the feeling of de ja vu is the sub conscious mind becoming aware of what just happened. Like for a brief moment that action allowed you to catch a glimpse of the other parallel you like a mirror gaze when passing by a shopping mall and spotting something in the window that catches your attention after you've already taken a few steps in the next direction. It's also what I think meditation is. I think meditation is the best and most likely action you and other you's in other dimensions would do and it allows you to bridge experiences and information about things when you focus in your tone or frequency. 
I get it with certain family members too. like we are tuned in to each other.
-Civilization has come and gone numerous times. I strongly feel that civilization has been much more advanced than we currently are... however all things that rise must fall. We will inevitably destroy ourselves like all of the others in history.

-All women are inherently insecure strictly due to the biological standpoint of a man entering a woman.
-Civilization has come and gone numerous times. I strongly feel that civilization has been much more advanced than we currently are... however all things that rise must fall. We will inevitably destroy ourselves like all of the others in history.

-All women are inherently insecure strictly due to the biological standpoint of a man entering a woman.
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