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Anyone know someone in the NYC metro area with a dealer's license? Been seriously considering buying a salvage car at the insurance auctions and fixing it up like samcrac does on youtube
What are ya'll using to clean carpet (floormats)?

I've seen people use a solution of all purpose cleaner and water. While others say this is not a good idea.
regardless if you buy a wrangler, accord, tacoma...

your new car going to loose more than 60% of its value in under 5 years

just buy what you truly want and will maintain & upkeep for a long time.

most people just get caught up in playing upgrade and trying to stay current....forever playing catch up...banks & st(d)ealers love it
Raptor gang gang
regardless if you buy a wrangler, accord, tacoma...

your new car going to loose more than 60% of its value in under 5 years

just buy what you truly want and will maintain & upkeep for a long time.

most people just get caught up in playing upgrade and trying to stay current....forever playing catch up...banks & st(d)ealers love it
This man knows the game very well. :emoji_clap:
Nice pickup I love the 4 runners

Im curious about the reasoning behind the purchase though. I feel like both of those cars serve a similar general purpose

Like when i always think about my next car i think about what i could get that adds something different to the stable (coupe, truck, etc)
fam i saw one of these at the work parking lot today, obviously it wasnt a widebody, just a normal one

but fam this color is amazing in person

i really think ima make some bad financial decision in the future and just get one.
am i the only one that thinks dodge will change the style up for the challengers in 2020?
current refresh came out in 2015 . what yall think/?
Yea man I only saw that F8 green color once and it was on a Demon in Freeport Long Island. My jaw dropped. Its that beautiful
Nice pickup I love the 4 runners

Im curious about the reasoning behind the purchase though. I feel like both of those cars serve a similar general purpose

Like when i always think about my next car i think about what i could get that adds something different to the stable (coupe, truck, etc)

Last year i switched from outback to the Wrangler.Always loved wranglers.
My wife, drives a 17 elantra.

We got a 3rd kid on the way, and to be honest the jeep is just not that big. I thought we could put up with it but....no lol. I love it too much to let go so i decided to bring on another suv.

Originally my wife wanted the pilot, but im happy with this 4runner.
fam i saw one of these at the work parking lot today, obviously it wasnt a widebody, just a normal one

but fam this color is amazing in person

i really think ima make some bad financial decision in the future and just get one.
am i the only one that thinks dodge will change the style up for the challengers in 2020?
current refresh came out in 2015 . what yall think/?
Yea my neighbor has the TA 392 in this color, might be my fav color for challenger right now. Just looks so dope
gotta be a mistake, idk If they would honor that since its on the site

30k off :lol:

someone should call in if they're looking for one. good thing I hate chargers now
gotta be a mistake, idk If they would honor that since its on the site

30k off :lol:

someone should call in if they're looking for one. good thing I hate chargers now

They never honor the online prices when its stupid low.

My boy told me at his old dealership they did it on purpose to bring in customers to the dealership and boom, car buying convo start for that model or another model. Point is they got them to come out to the dealership
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