I looked up this snap financing place and it looks to be just another subprime lender taking advantage of people.
But you should've been able to spot that from a mile away.
If you feel so inclined to get a line of credit, get one from a reputable bank, or even a PayPal credit line as their financing rates are always 0% for 12 months. If you can't get approved for credit from prime lenders, fix that before you modify your car.
But at the end of the day, I leased a BMW so what do I know about money. Don't listen to me.
Snap Finance offers NO monthly statements or online payments.
I'm just flabberghasted at Snap Finance. I had no idea of what I was getting myself into. I had to get my BMW fixed and they offered Snap finance. I had no idea that my Interest rate would be 144%!!!!! 2 weeks after I signed they were already wanting a payment with NO statement sent advising me. And per the agreement , it's bi monthly of 77 dollars. They do not allow for payments online.
To NOT provide a monthly statement of how my money is being applied and what is actually due seems ILLEGAL. I am going to pursue further action and notify state and national news outlets to expose this ridiculousness. They obviously prey on the poor and desperate and that is what pisses me off. And people have to assume their money is being applied correctly. They claim that any time I want the balance I can call. Sorry. That is not good enough.
Fortunately they have a no penalty or interest charged if paid off within the first 90 days. I'm paying it off tomorrow and pursuing this issue not for my sake, but for all the other people who are falling victim to this asinine policy.