Car noob here. I'm getting a new car in the near future and would like some help on what car would fit my needs/wants.
- stick (don't know how to drive one yet, but can learn from friends)
- 4 door (would like a 2 door, but mom won't allow cause of insurance)
- sedan
- good mpg
- daily driver (going to drive it till it dies)
- fast/sporty(?)
- affordable
- easy to mod/find parts to mod (this is probably 1 of the most important things that I want to do to my car. Don't know how to mod, but would like to learn.)
- has to be new
- no Toyotas
I was first wanting an Accord, but now leaning towards a Civic SI cause I heard they have a lot of parts to easily mod but still don't know...any car suggestions?