POST TEN facts about yourself...VOL. get to know each other :)

-Born and raised in Ny but my parents are honduran
-People ALWAYS have the worst first impressions of me (they either think I'm stuck up or a b@#&$)
-I'm super weird when I'm alone, and I have the weirdest thoughts.
-I truly believe that everything happens for a reason.
-I wish i could see myself through the eyes of someone else.
-When it comes to me, there is more than meets the eye.
-in love with taylor lautner.
-I like sleeping a little too much
-im transferring to UGA next year and im super nervous
- i just wanna be successful.
120% Mexican
I never call people by their names; I give suitable nicknames
LOVE Oldies music
I LOVE women
Born & raised in Los Angeles (South Central)
Live in Suburbs of Chicago
Love having that "special" girl
Never dated Latina (prefer black or white women)

1. I'm too single to mingle... meaning I'm in that phase of utter disgust with the dating process that comes after a serious relationship.
2. I take the "why" way more serious than the "what" most of the time, and with anything in question.
3. I got an old soul

4. I'm as intelligent as I am militant.
5. I love to write, argue, rap, and flirt

6. Everything they say about Cancers is true, at least for me.
7. I grew up in a wild hood in a crazy time period. As such, my moral compass is tillted northeast. Around here, room temperature my $%#, it'srealhot in these streets when it's 74 outside ya door
8. I'm hood, but I'm a college boy. You gotta play the game to beat the game man. I'm about mine though, Believe that.
9. My mom died a few years back.. I've been different.
10. I've never *#++!@ a white chick and that bothers me.
Born and raised on the Left Coast ..CA
Im 22
my real name is Joaquin
i smoke weed everyday
i dont collect shoes anymore
im a student
im a hip hop DJ
i have a simpsons tattoo
i skate
no kids for me
Born and raised just outside of San Francisco in the suburbs.
Haven't really bought Nikes for about 3 years.
22 years old.
Gunna take me 5 years to get my Bachelors at a State School

Me and my pops don't really get along at all
My username actually has no meaning, it was just random letters cuz I was tired of seeing names I wanted taken
I've slowly moved from hip-hop to alternative stuff, current hip-hop is just so bland
Still mess with those RnB joints though
When it comes to females, I overly worry about little details (I let a bunch of little random stuff eat at me all day)
Cowboys are my fav team and I have no idea why. So much hate on this from the Bay Area
- 20
- born and raised in edmonton, canada
- never been to china or the phillipines where my parents are from
- can only speak english
- go the u of a in canada
- favorite genre of music is melodic death metal
- avid edmonton oilers fan yet i never get a chance to go to their games
- nike basketball is priority when it comes to sneakers. never really was into jordans
- favorite athletes are kobe, tiger woods and paul kariya
- plays golf and basketball
born in Toronto, but lving in Hungary, Europe
I'd like to go to Industrial design university
My mom and me are living here, my dad and sis are living in romania, because of pops' work.
Only things I truly have a passion for is art and music
I like to learn
Switched my hip-hop listening to alternative music mostly
I've been debating wther to get back with my ex for 4 months.
I'm 18.
I drink pretty much every weekend.
senior year is a lot of fun!
Originally Posted by neukicks

- Type 1 Diabetic
Me too fam.

And the other 9
-I'm 19
-Live in Finland
-Love music
-Hate school
-I have no idea what I'll do with my life
-I love money

-I'm pretty easily influenced in certain ways
-I don't want to live the suburban life with a dog, wife and kids
1) Live in Arizona.

2) Go to ASU

3) I'm a business management major

4) I'm getting into trance, ambient, & dubstep music.

5) I'm not very social.

6) I collect the Barnes & Noble series of classic novels

7) I don't like obligations.

I'm going to be chasing the paycheck until I'm making 6 figures at least.

9) I believe in coincidence.

10) I have no interest in getting married or having children.
-Im a chick
-Born and raised in NY
-I used to "see dead people" as a child
-I'm a pretty deep thinker
-I rarely get "angry"
-Fan of Elliot Yamin (don't care what nobody says!)
-Im Black/Native American
-I dance Latina
-I study Asian Philosophy.
-I think 10 facts is alot to put up
-21 y/o
-African American Male
-From Baltimore
-Favorite Sports team of all time is the ********
-In my Senior Year at UMD (our football team is pathetic)
-Psychology Major
-I'm afraid of heights
-Have the same bday as Michael Jordan
-I refuse to believe that Jay-Z is a freemason b/c he is an idol to me
-I was conceived in Indiana, but born in Minnesota.
-After my first season of playing rugby, I received the honor of playing for Minnesota's Select Side team. (Essentially, the traveling all-star team.I've also been promised a spot this next year barring that I stay healthy.)
-I'm a 1/4th white, but people rarely see it because I tan really easily.
-I'm the only non-white member of my family that gets sunburned.
-I go to a private catholic university, despite only ever going to church a handful of times. (It's probably less than 10.)
-I'm the only freshman starter on my school's rugby team. (D-III Champs,
-I have a tongue piercing.
-I'm studying Latin, and I have no interest in the church. (I plan on studying Chinese next semester, though. I enjoy Latin, but as a Computer Sciencemajor, Chinese would make more sense.)
-I always enter the shower from behind, and exit from in front.
- i teach
- i'm a girl
-i'm from LA
- I work in texas
- I went to school in DC
- My parents are divorced
- my brothers' in jail
- i never met either of my grandfathers
- i'm black
- i love polo
Originally Posted by cgutta

- im 19
- im nigerian
- born in NY and raised in NY, RI and Nigeria
- studying engineering
- loves all type of music
- giants, yankees, knicks, rangers fan and chelsea
- loves spaghetti
- not a sneaker head
- 5'9
- likes women, usually has yellow fever though
5' 9"
-Working on my third degree, a JD.
-Three brothers who post on NT
-Look at least 5 years younger than my age
-Blunt to a fault
-I like to curse and get annoyed that people make such a big deal about "foul" language
-Will eventually write a book or two
-Big Naruto fan
-Incredibly picky with women
-Smart but lazy
-Favorite food is bacon probably followed by sushi
-Virgo (8/26/1988)
-Don't care about being social
-One sibling. I hate him.
-Terrible public speaker.
-Law school or bust.
-Cuban/Guyanese/Trinidadian. (Could pass for Indian. Don't speak any Espanol.)
-I like vintage clothing (North Face, sports apparel, Polo)
-Wear glasses.
Born and raised in MD, finishing school in NM
Always been proud to be black and "down" for the furthering, yet I have a beautiful white fiancee.

Always confused for being "mixed" yet both my parents are Black.
On my way to becoming a dentist.
Optimisitic about everything
I miss boxing.
I eat mexican food almost everyday.
Lately I've been getting all my news via World Star Hip Hop
- I've been playing guitar and piano since '96, entirely self-taught.
- I was once proposed to by an ex-girlfriend. I said no and broke up with her a month later.
- I am a serial dater. I get bored easily.
- Until I was 24 years old, I have never taken a dump in a public bathroom.
- I am Korean but can't envision myself marrying a Korean woman.
- When I go out with friends, I always leave my cell-phone at home. When I get home, I delete any text/missed-call/voicemail unless it's from my mom orsister.
- I've never smoked a cigarette in my life, but I enjoy cigars.
- By choice, I don't have cable TV.
- I plan on moving to a different city within the next five years. Montreal and San Francisco are at the top of the list.
- I've never purchased an article of clothing at retail price.
-I'm 18
-I like fries
-I was raised in Jersey
-Reside in Maryland

-Will be attending UMD in Jan.
-I'm a chick
-I'm addicted to fashion even though I'm broke
-I'm the only light-skinned person in my immediate family
-I like reading and writing
-I'm an introvert
22..23 on the 25th
puerto rican(yeah i'm not black
smoke weed everyday
born, raised, and live in The Bronx
love music
movie buff
work in IT
never went to college
don't watch sports
From Dallas
Reside in Chicago
Addicted to video games-word to Call of Duty
1 kid-3 year old
In the Navy-LS2 baby
Married for 1 1/2 years
Favorite movies He Got Game and She Hate Me
Favorite Jordan is the XX3
Got a basketball tat on my arm
Originally Posted by JPioneer

Originally Posted by neukicks

- Type 1 Diabetic

Me too fam.
Do you guys use the automatic insulin pump and CGMS? I only ask because I use to work for Medtronic. Before that I knew 0 about diabetes, thehistory and development of treatment is something everyone should take a look at.

-26 years old
-Have a 4 year old daughter
-Born in Norfolk, VA
-Pops was in the Navy, but we only had to move once to CT when I was 11.
-Favorite sports teams are Detroit Pistons (fan of Zeke) , Detroit Lions (fan of Barry), and the Yankees (before moving to Connecticut didn't even watchbaseball or was concerned with it, but here you like 1 of 2 teams, Yankees or Red Sox, went with the bombers due to hearing them on the radio working thesummer of 96 just about every game)
-Went to UCONN (B.S. in Humans Services)
-Use to collect basketball, football, and baseball cards ( should get them together because I prob have enough to cop a decent car)
-Love to travel
-LA, CA is my second home (love SoCal from SB to SD)

-Played football, b-ball, ran track and field, and boxed while in high school.
  • My Bday is December 16 (will be 23)
  • I've been playing video games since age 4
  • Love comics
  • Somewhat of a health nut..
  • Black/Puerto Rican/Native American
  • I love writing
  • I hate the colors pink & green..
  • I wear a lot of black (without realizing it)..
  • Night owl/hate mornings
  • Absolutely loathe American cars..
1. I can remember the longest number combos (i literally know all my contacts #'s, the numbers on my debit
cards, etc.)

2. I love french fries & ketchup

3. Attended a private-catholic school until I was 11

4. I'm 6'3

5. I love to travel

6. I have a strong passionate for bridges, and I have goals of designing one.

7. I'm a girl

8. I love candles--vanilla bean & passion fruit from Yankle Candle are

9. I'm left handed

10. I absolutely love water.
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