Post Something You Know That We Don't Because Of Your Job

Originally Posted by Rayguns05


- if your package says FRAGILE or even hand write FRAGILE all over the box, we dont care, we will still toss, throw, squish, step on them while loading them
-sometime or some folks at UPS would drop a package jus to hear or see if whatevers in there will break
- if your sending a package out and has "do not open till a certain date (like if its someons bday gift) we will shake, tear open it a lil, or jus open it flat out to seee what it is.
- if your shipping something out thats smaller than a 4x4in box, the more chances the box will get lost or opened up, so jus put it in a bigger box or jus ship it thru USPS
-do not wrap the box your shipping in gift wrapping paper, its jus causing more attention to your box, and makes us
-if you file a claim saying you never recieved your package UPS will make a note of your address and put it in our system and from here on out you will need to sign for every package ur expecting, no more leaving it at your front door.
- if your rude to UPS drivers, we will remember your house for future deliveries
-has one of the best full Benifits plan to offer..... even for part timers

UPS loader in SSF?
Great ppost. I feel smarter.... eventhough I just read thru 19 pages of who knows what. goodnight NT
I would say 90-95 % of cases would have to be dropped if the aressted suspect would just never speak

cops most times never have a good case but they will stop at no end to lie and cheat to trick a person into admitting a crime

I can't count how many times I saw a person brought it with no real evidence and after an hour or 2 of "speaking with police" they had a solid case

of arrested the cops are not your friend, they are always lying.

the line you need to remember is I WANT MY LAWYER... Don't make the case for them

also the legal system is designed for mostly all cases to be pled.

about 93% of all cases never see trail.

if the lawyers unionized and just set everything for trail and had that number go down to 80% the legal system would crash. Thus people would get bargin basement deals.

Justice is fluky
This thread is filled with good information.  I wish people who handle your food or transport your stuff had more integrity.  If you're handling my luggage or packages, don't treat it like crap, don't steal stuff.  If food falls on the floor, don't serve it to people.  I guess people don't have a conscience when no one is looking.
actually one of the best threads ive seen on NT in a longggg time. good job everybody
Originally Posted by shogun

This thread is filled with good information.  I wish people who handle your food or transport your stuff had more integrity.  If you're handling my luggage or packages, don't treat it like crap, don't steal stuff.  If food falls on the floor, don't serve it to people.  I guess people don't have a conscience when no one is looking.

I'm sayin though...karma is a %+*%* though...- Preciate it.
Originally Posted by Rayguns05


- if your package says FRAGILE or even hand write FRAGILE all over the box, we dont care, we will still toss, throw, squish, step on them while loading them
-sometime or some folks at UPS would drop a package jus to hear or see if whatevers in there will break
- if your sending a package out and has "do not open till a certain date (like if its someons bday gift) we will shake, tear open it a lil, or jus open it flat out to seee what it is.
- if your shipping something out thats smaller than a 4x4in box, the more chances the box will get lost or opened up, so jus put it in a bigger box or jus ship it thru USPS
-do not wrap the box your shipping in gift wrapping paper, its jus causing more attention to your box, and makes us
-if you file a claim saying you never recieved your package UPS will make a note of your address and put it in our system and from here on out you will need to sign for every package ur expecting, no more leaving it at your front door.
- if your rude to UPS drivers, we will remember your house for future deliveries
-has one of the best full Benifits plan to offer..... even for part timers

just curious, do you have all of your packages hand delivered? karma is a +%%%+.
Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by ualreadyknow23

Old job and all on think you being slick by spreading deposits out over a few days but all that's being monitored

- Also if you don't have a job and are making large deposits on the regular, trust, the bank is on top of it.

That's messed up. Curious as to what their first assumption is...

9 times outta 10 they thinkin drugs/money laundering. Anything over $5000 cash is monitored but we would get trained to look for smaller deposits done on a regular basis that are close to that $5k mark. That's another reason why bankers and tellers ask alot of questions...not always to be friendly but to find out what you do, where you're from, and what your business is with the bank. I knew ALOT about Mike Jones when I worked for Wells. He was cool as *+@$ though and his jewels use to DANCE.
Also accounts belonging to people of middle eastern decent are monitored HEAVILY. If you're from Pakistan or Iraq or Afghanistan or anywhere like that...don't even THINK about wiring some bread back home. Feds'll be on that %** with the quickness!- Preciate it.
Music Business/Marketing 101
-The industry revolves around making money. There is no other way around it. A lotta your favorite artists are getting jerked and they dont even know it.
-People in the industry dont make as much money as you think. All the Gucci, Prada, Fendi..all the parties and bottles....look right past it. A lotta them can't pay the bill at the end of the night. There's a ton of events that are fun and can give you good networking but end of the day in NYC, it's like high school in that once you go to one event youve been to them all.
-Events by brands > album release parties. Gshock having had the best event I've been to this summer thus far.
-Lyor Cohen once gave me the "head nod" in person. LA Reid was pleasant when he used to walk around the office. Jay-z was cool (I tried to slip him my business card
). Most of the higher ups in the business are pleasant people...the lower level employees are usually the stuck up ones.
-Labels make between 85-87% off the album leaving artists with the rest, out of which they have to pay their lawyers etc. The best revenue model for artists now is either touring, placements on shows/movies/commercials or partnering with a major brand to push their music as a cross promotion
-Publishing is a huge money maker for artists.
-Songwriters should link with ASCAP, SESAC or BMI
-Yes, the industry is run by Jewish folks. No conspiracy. It's fact.
-If you thought rationally about your spending, you wouldnt own 50% of the items that you have.
-Marketing is more psychological than you think. Terms used, logos, colors used all play a part in a branding campaign.
-PR is easy if you have good connects...and in this business, your rep is all you have sometimes. That's why I try to date outside the industry....

old job---asst manager at walgreens
according to our pharmacy techs

the day before and ON valentines day is the days we get the most prescriptions filled for viagra

The day after valentines and the day after thanksgiving is the days we get the most for the morning after pill

Current job---Hospital registration in the Emergency Room

Emergency does NOT mean INSTANT....Yeah you're in pain, but ur not gonna die, suck it up and wait ur turn, people that are being seen before u have more serious issues

It is not a first come first served basis. Whoever is more critically ill or injured is going to be seen first.

Homeless people and people on Medi-Cal/Medicaid abuse the system, especially the ER instead of going to a primary care doctor
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

Music Business/Marketing 101
-The industry revolves around making money. There is no other way around it. A lotta your favorite artists are getting jerked and they dont even know it.
-People in the industry dont make as much money as you think. All the Gucci, Prada, Fendi..all the parties and bottles....look right past it. A lotta them can't pay the bill at the end of the night. There's a ton of events that are fun and can give you good networking but end of the day in NYC, it's like high school in that once you go to one event youve been to them all.
-Events by brands > album release parties. Gshock having had the best event I've been to this summer thus far.
-Lyor Cohen once gave me the "head nod" in person. LA Reid was pleasant when he used to walk around the office. Jay-z was cool (I tried to slip him my business card
). Most of the higher ups in the business are pleasant people...the lower level employees are usually the stuck up ones.
-Labels make between 85-87% off the album leaving artists with the rest, out of which they have to pay their lawyers etc. The best revenue model for artists now is either touring, placements on shows/movies/commercials or partnering with a major brand to push their music as a cross promotion
-Publishing is a huge money maker for artists.
-Songwriters should link with ASCAP, SESAC or BMI
-Yes, the industry is run by Jewish folks. No conspiracy. It's fact.
-If you thought rationally about your spending, you wouldnt own 50% of the items that you have.
-Marketing is more psychological than you think. Terms used, logos, colors used all play a part in a branding campaign.
-PR is easy if you have good connects...and in this business, your rep is all you have sometimes. That's why I try to date outside the industry....

I don't want to make this extremely personal but if you're confortable discussing it, how many hours do you work and how much do you tend to make (range)? Ive seen you post quite a bit but as to what you actually do I think this is the most you've ever gone into it. I knew you were in the industry but as to what you actually did, I never knew. a
I'm an entrepreneur. I co own a lifestyle marketing company Imperial Marketing Group. Got experience at Sony, Def Jam, Cornerstone Promotions, and Royalty Network (a music publishing company).

We basically set the rates for clients per their needs but we basically do lifestyle marketing/promotions which ranges from brand development and consultation, event planning/production, PR, online marketing and more.....I'm not in love with the music side of things as much as I am with working with an actual brand simply because music is more polarizing and in a place like NYC, the talent pool is diluted..I know cats like Jynx personally and if I wasnt already under contract with another hip hop artist I'd handle his *++ and I only work with clients who i "feel". Especially with urban music, the market is too cluttered with wanna bes and cats who rap just to rap or what have you. They have to have "it"

Not gonna talk how much I make, but I'm comfortable especially for a 24 year old fresh outta college..I had a good foundation at those aformentioned places. I wouldnt mind a full time job or in house consultation gig at a brand/company in the meantime but I cant complain at all. I was laid off my job at Royaltyy and since then things picked up with my company so I aint of my clients made MTV's Sucker Free competiton and won the contest and we got some stuff in the works so....

Some links for ya'll to check out. the last is an for a panel we put together that'll be happening in July.
Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by BangDak

Originally Posted by Ben Roethlisberger

Remember in Superbad how the cops turned the sirens on just to run those red lights? Yup, I do that every day. Matter of fact, it was 9:50 last night and the closest McDonalds was exactly 10 minutes away and it just so happened to close at 10:00. Better believe I turned on those sirens and ran every light just to get my Milkshake.

99% of the time, If a cop pulls you over for speeding or any other type of traffic violation and you give us a sob story, we will let you off the hook. Throw in some tears just for good measure though.

No matter what you heard, there is no quota that a police officer need's to reach at the end of the month. I know Officers in my station that haven't given a ticket out in 5 years.

Cops (and firetrucks) running red lights just for the sake of it is nothing new in NYC, although we do indeed hate stopping for you.

Ive actually tried making up some *%%%%$*! stories, they actually work. i have a few extra "i just donated blood" stickers and they never fail.

I cant believe theres no quota though...can someone confirm on this? no ticket in 5 years?

those dudes must be chilling during their shifts everyday

Not true here in Atlanta...I've talked to hella cops that are close believe they have quotas...if not "deadlines"
Well in SF the quota does not exist. And you better believe I spend most of my time at AT&T ballpark doing nothing
Originally Posted by Mangudai954


- The influx of so called professional photographers who with their lack of skill charge really low prices $+#% it up for the people who actually know what they're doing. Don't be fooled. Check out their portfolio, if you dont know what to look for show someone who does.

- When writing contracts make everything clear cut and not open to interpretation. I dont care if he's your boy or a friend of a friend, business is business. Under the right circumstances this is a good way to get ho'ed. This is for anything though not just photography.

-You get what you pay for, its ridiculous for you to tell the photographer who's been doing it professionally for years that they need to lower their price. If he's as good as he says then go to your friend who uses an xsi instead.

- No you are not automatically entitled to every picture the photographer took.

So very true.
Originally Posted by Alchemist IQ

Best Buy-Computer Specialist
1. We sell restore cd for your comp, even though you can make your on. But we won't let you know how to make them.
2. If your really rude and come of as a cheap bum. I won't give you free anti-viruses that is mandatory with your purchase.
3. I will flirt with married women while there husband are in TV section. I've been successful 3 times on grabbing the #.
4. I've dropped plenty of laptops on the floor and act like nothing happen.
5. I expect any Asian customer that walks in, will never buy any kind of warranty. I Even made a bet with my co-workers if they can sell a warranty to any Asian customer i'll give them $20 its been 2 months no one hasn't won yet.
6. When someone ask me for a discount, I repeat what they say in a louder tone. Every one looks at the guy. Making him look like a cheap bastard.
7. I look at your shoes to see you got money.
8. I'm honest when i want to be honest, i lie when i want to lie.
9. Best Buy doesn't care about customer service, they only care about they can get to your money so they can capitalize and profit.
Ain’t That The Truth... 2 years At Bestbuy and I Never had an Asian Customer By A Warranty..
Originally Posted by ualreadyknow23

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by ualreadyknow23

Old job and all on think you being slick by spreading deposits out over a few days but all that's being monitored

- Also if you don't have a job and are making large deposits on the regular, trust, the bank is on top of it.

That's messed up. Curious as to what their first assumption is...

9 times outta 10 they thinkin drugs/money laundering. Anything over $5000 cash is monitored but we would get trained to look for smaller deposits done on a regular basis that are close to that $5k mark. That's another reason why bankers and tellers ask alot of questions...not always to be friendly but to find out what you do, where you're from, and what your business is with the bank. I knew ALOT about Mike Jones when I worked for Wells. He was cool as #%*@ though and his jewels use to DANCE.

Also accounts belonging to people of middle eastern decent are monitored HEAVILY. If you're from Pakistan or Iraq or Afghanistan or anywhere like that...don't even THINK about wiring some bread back home. Feds'll be on that $@* with the quickness!

- Preciate it.

Everything said is right on point.
at people thinking they slick or having business accounts like it aint getting watched.
Just finished page 15..good thread.

I am sorry but some of you guys in retail seem to have this own self entitlement to NOT do your job. To get off earlier than your schedule. I mean customers drive your business whether you want to believe it or not.

If you're rude to enough people your branch or store will close and YOU WILL BE OUT OF A JOB. And please I dont want to hear the " i dont need this job blah blah" If thats the case dont work
My Dad & Uncle Have Over 15 Years Combined As GM's and or Managers At Simoniz

-Being rude will get your car messed up/something taken. Whether it is the change in your car, a pair of sunglasses, or us leaving your antenna up when going through the tunnel, it will happen. Stash your stuff in the trunk at all times too when you get your car washed, employees will go through it.

-Being rude will also get you a half *&^ job done on your car.

-Free car washes are easy to give out if you become good friends with a manager/assistant.
This thread needs a bump.
I haven't read any posts regarding auto parts, so here's a little info-
I was in the wholesale auto parts industry for several years many moons ago. I dealt with a few of the largest foreign auto dealerships, as well as parts houses i.e., pep boys, etc.

The radiator you just forked over $800 for cost the dealership maybe $250. If the part is aftermarket or "non-genuine" it most likely cost eh around $100.

And don't think the local repair guy is "hooking you up" either. His radiator probably cost $50.

Here's a pretty standard rule of thumb- the mark up on most parts is 200%~400% by the time you, the average consumer, break out your wallet.

Also, the parts and service dept. sometimes account for over 80% of the dealerships profit.
I actually took the time to read all 20 pages

Great thread.

All the hotel stuff that was posted was on point. Except for the guy that said if you have a nice car the valet will take his time and take care of it......
not when I was a valet. Granted I work at a luxury hotel and see a decent amount of nice cars, but for the most part I'm trying to park it as fast and as possible so I can get back to doing nothing.

People who ask the valet to take care of their car and dont tip get one of these every time 

YES, VALETS KNOW HOW TO DRIVE YOUR DAMN PRIUS!!! That used to drive me insane.

As far as inside the hotel,

A great attitude and tipping will get you just about anything you want (at least at a Ritz Carlton). If you cop an attitude/are cheap, you will be remembered and you will not have a good time.

Tip your bellmen, you dont want to know what I've seen/heard about dont to peoples stuff who dont tip. Just do it. (same goes for valet)

Just because a service is complimentary doesn't mean you shouldn't tip the person providing the service.

car dealership:

For the person who asked how a dealership sells a new car for $500 above invoice and still makes a profit, its called hold back. Even if the dealership sells the car at invoice they receive $2000 (Chrysler, not sure about others) from the manufacturer for selling the vehicle.

Used cars are where a dealership/salesmen make their money.

You are never going to get a fair amount for your trade, ever. Even it seems that you are, they are getting you somewhere else to make up for it.

Like someone said, their are no used car "sales" The only car sales that matter are manufacturers rebates on new cars.

If you pay sticker, you've been hornswoggled.
Kudos on this thread.

Got me thinking and reminding me that this is why I don't ship anything via UPS, and probably never will.

And is why I hate dealing with Cable companies.
Originally Posted by rafsjays

If you pay sticker, you've been hornswoggled.
*dead* @ hornswoggled.

this is an excellent thread.. can't believe how petty/grimey some of you are though.
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