Post-racial society: will there b a time when it's acceptable 4 non-blacks to use the N* word??

Alot of my boys who arent black use the word and it doesnt bother me at all
I just hate how the world has conditioned themselves to believe the word is any less derogatory than it was 150 years ago. As if people in the South didn't end words in A instead of ER. It is called dialect. It isn't like -A came after slavery or something. So the whole idea of -A and -ER are different is a big JOKE. And anyone that tries to convince themselves otherwise is funny.

The words are the same. One isn't any more positive than the other. It is a racial term that has just been used so much that everyone uses it. That doesn't mean it is no longer a racial term in my eyes. It is still a racial term.

So if everyone started using a derogatory word for Asians so much that in 100 years, black people are saying it to Asians, does that mean it is no longer a racial term? No, it just means that everyone is using that term.

Nobody should use it at all and it bothers me that black people have convinced themselves that it isn't negative anymore because it ends with an A and not an ER.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I just hate how the world has conditioned themselves to believe the word is any less derogatory than it was 150 years ago. As if people in the South didn't end words in A instead of ER. It is called dialect. It isn't like -A came after slavery or something. So the whole idea of -A and -ER are different is a big JOKE. And anyone that tries to convince themselves otherwise is funny.

The words are the same. One isn't any more positive than the other. It is a racial term that has just been used so much that everyone uses it. That doesn't mean it is no longer a racial term in my eyes. It is still a racial term.

So if everyone started using a derogatory word for Asians so much that in 100 years, black people are saying it to Asians, does that mean it is no longer a racial term? No, it just means that everyone is using that term.

Nobody should use it at all and it bothers me that black people have convinced themselves that it isn't negative anymore because it ends with an A and not an ER.

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Mr Marcus

latinos have this elitist attitude like they're above african americans when in reality they aren't.....its actually quite funny 

Every other minority group thinks they're above African Americans, including African immigrants. Foolish pride FTL.
dont get me started on africans....honestly they might be worse then any other group when it comes to that.......the older native africans
.....the ones my age who grew up in america are cool tho 
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I just hate how the world has conditioned themselves to believe the word is any less derogatory than it was 150 years ago. As if people in the South didn't end words in A instead of ER. It is called dialect. It isn't like -A came after slavery or something. So the whole idea of -A and -ER are different is a big JOKE. And anyone that tries to convince themselves otherwise is funny.

The words are the same. One isn't any more positive than the other. It is a racial term that has just been used so much that everyone uses it. That doesn't mean it is no longer a racial term in my eyes. It is still a racial term.

So if everyone started using a derogatory word for Asians so much that in 100 years, black people are saying it to Asians, does that mean it is no longer a racial term? No, it just means that everyone is using that term.

Nobody should use it at all and it bothers me that black people have convinced themselves that it isn't negative anymore because it ends with an A and not an ER.
Serious Question, which I would like an actual answer to.

[h2]Definition of DEROGATORY[/h2]

: detracting from the character or standing of something —often used with to, towards, or of


: expressive of a low opinion : disparaging <derogatory remarks>

Given this definition (you may reject it if you like) how is this word considered derogatory when it is used as a greeting, or sign of friendship?

 I will grant you that it is used sarcastically which may warrant a derogatory meaning, or it is often used is the strict definition of derogatory (i.e You're a "%%%+*%"); However, the use of this word in an expressive, academic, friendly, loving or even satirical context shouldn't be outlawed; whereas the use of it in the former context should be outlawed in all cases, even if sad by blacks.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I just hate how the world has conditioned themselves to believe the word is any less derogatory than it was 150 years ago. As if people in the South didn't end words in A instead of ER. It is called dialect. It isn't like -A came after slavery or something. So the whole idea of -A and -ER are different is a big JOKE. And anyone that tries to convince themselves otherwise is funny.

The words are the same. One isn't any more positive than the other. It is a racial term that has just been used so much that everyone uses it. That doesn't mean it is no longer a racial term in my eyes. It is still a racial term.

So if everyone started using a derogatory word for Asians so much that in 100 years, black people are saying it to Asians, does that mean it is no longer a racial term? No, it just means that everyone is using that term.

Nobody should use it at all and it bothers me that black people have convinced themselves that it isn't negative anymore because it ends with an A and not an ER.


I can only talk from the outside looking in because i'm not black but the way I see it, the word N'a will only stop being used when it starts with musicians and other "celebrity" african-americans stop using it.  It's no lie that the celeb african americans who are musicians,actors and what not have a deep impact on other races, so when they stop using the word in music or on t.v. that's when you'll really see the end of the word being used....if they should stop using it right now I think the 90's generation would have been the last to still use it and it would die with us.

The word N'er on the other hand is an obvious racial slur...anyone who uses it in conversation is using it for only one slander a person.  That word will probably last alot longer than N'a as long as people like the KKK still exist and skinheads and other racist subgroups.  On one end of the extreme you have dudes like DC that don't want to hear it at all and then you got someone like Henzo on the other end that doesn't mind it.  Whatever and whomever the case is I think DC was right when he didnt make a big deal out of it when he was playing that pick-up game.  If you keep agitating the situation by reacting violently everytime the word gets put out there, imo your just gonna make the other person/group want to say it more and proliferate the word among their friends.

I really don't know why I have written so much about this in this thread 
 probably because i'm trying to defend how the word N'a is used in my eyes how I grew up in the 90' tell you the absolute truth my thinking about N'a is more akin to the word brother(as in family) than a friend.  In NYC the word N'a is used so intrinsically that i'm telling you it's an almost 2nd nature and I doubt the vast majority of NYC non-blacks that use it are using it to degrade someone....If you really want to look at word that has transcended/ascended it would be N'a...absolutely positively.

I'm really only trying the justify the use of the word N'a because I feel that african-americans must realize that contrary to popular belief, the word doesn't mean what it used to mean in any way these days...and given time the word will die out.  I'm definitely not gonna pass the word down to my kids because their generation is gonna have their own word...who knows if it might be "kraker" or something
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Mr Marcus

latinos have this elitist attitude like they're above african americans when in reality they aren't.....its actually quite funny 

Every other minority group thinks they're above African Americans, including African immigrants. Foolish pride FTL.

I mean Ninjahood> everyone
Originally Posted by Im Not You

the whole "a" vs "er" theory is a joke to me too.
I mean the fact that people rationalize one being a term of ENDEARMENT is what gets me.

And to dude above that said as long as these rappers just opens it up for global usage, I agree. As long as they use it in popular music, of course everyone will think they are allowed to use it.

But I just can't comprehend why some of you think the word with two different ending variations are two different words. Where do you think the word N'a came from? It can from people that were linguistically lazy saying the word N'er. So it IS the same word. It isn't like black people got together one day and said we will use this in a positive way. I am sure some slavers were called it so much that they started calling each other N's.

I just wish people would cut it out.
It isn't about the ending to me, it's about the word itself. The word has changed connotation through the years, kinda like the word gay has.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

It isn't about the ending to me, it's about the word itself. The word has changed connotation through the years, kinda like the word gay has.
And the word gay is still offensive to some. Hell didn't Method man ban using the word on here? So I don't think that is a valid reason to use it.
Originally Posted by LLCoolMichael

Who cares, tho

Peep game.. my great grandfather's parents were actual SLAVES folk. Like real life, less-than-human in the eyes of whites SLAVES. And this is a man I had the luxury of having my first 5 years on this earth with. And he once told me as a child, "Boy... you're smart as Martin Luther King Jr.". Now analyze that. Is there a bigger compliment? A man born BEFORE 1900...told ME.... he thought I was as smart as the "Black Messiah" yeah...I care. If not personally, then for every relative I have that cares. Some on HAS to. And the last time I had a small twinge of whatever that anti-racist retaliatory feeling is called, the white guy that was pummeling the black lady in the mall that asked for my help left with a shattered eye socket, a number 7 where his nose bridge was, and a mouth full of blood and loose teeth. I'm no hero... but I'm no white guy's N-word either. Just saying... Play wit it if you choose to.. Some of us ain't afraid to BUCK.
One of my non-black friends says it A lot. He is also married to a black chick and now has a mixed son. I can't front I kinda give him the pass

Now my 60 year old white step mother who grew up in Rural Iowa and WI I would freak if I ever heard her say it... Thats life

In the scheme of things tho I prolly do't care enough
I'm black and I've stopped using it. I'm not one to get bent out of shape over a word but it just seems mad ignorant and disrepectful to my ancestors to use it as a "term of endearment". However, I think it's a deeply personal decision for every black person. I have very educated peers that use it as liberally as I used to, and I have equally educated peers who are disgusted by it and cringe every time they hear it or see it.

The arguement that "n***a" and "n***er" are two different words is complete and utter BS. You know how I know? Because if a white person uses "n***a" black folks will be just as offended as the would be if they said "n***er". Ironically, the people that get the most offended by white people using it are the ones that use it the most. As far as I'm concerned you have no right to get mad at someone for doing something you do yourself.

In response to the OP though, I don't think it'll ever be universally acceptable for ANYBODY to use the word. Right or wrong, I think there will always be a segment of the population that will feel strongly about this.
Originally Posted by sneakaprince

One of my non-black friends says it A lot. He is also married to a black chick and now has a mixed son. I can't front I kinda give him the pass

Now my 60 year old white step mother who grew up in Rural Iowa and WI I would freak if I ever heard her say it... Thats life

In the scheme of things tho I prolly do't care enough
Well, he's a fool.  Not only is he BLATANTLY disrespecting his wife, but also his own child.  
i try to fall back on saying it as I get older and become more and more professional in all aspects...

but I wont front when i get around my boys or just the element or convo is probably saying it

im in the South tho, whites sayin the N word on the greeting/friendship tip is a rarity

has the word lost its sting over time, yes...should others be allowed to use it...i say no but with reservation for music...I feel like if u of the culture of hip-hop like really really of it, u get a pass...prolly comes off stupid as hell but i cant really explain it
Originally Posted by Ace Rawstein

has the word lost its sting over time, yes...should others be allowed to use it...i say no but with reservation for music...I feel like if u of the culture of hip-hop like really really of it, u get a pass...prolly comes off stupid as hell but i cant really explain it
1. Why should music be separated from reality? I mean it is part of reality in my eyes.

2. If someone is part of the hip-hop culture, what does that even mean?
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by sneakaprince

One of my non-black friends says it A lot. He is also married to a black chick and now has a mixed son. I can't front I kinda give him the pass

Now my 60 year old white step mother who grew up in Rural Iowa and WI I would freak if I ever heard her say it... Thats life

In the scheme of things tho I prolly do't care enough
Well, he's a fool.  Not only is he BLATANTLY disrespecting his wife, but also his own child.  

Just like the millions of individuals who use this word daily to describe themselves
I chill w/ Albanians and they drop the N word like crazy ... I dont mind tho cuz they got my back whenever something is going down lol ... Albos don't play
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