Post pics of your girl. show her off!

Many man would happily accept dudes punishment.

Rammed co-worker for a month, got caught, been having marathon sex with limited contact ever since. Lol.
OP, what are you even talking about "take him back"? You talking FB status or what cause since he got exposed:
- you still let him smash like clockwork
- you still talk to him regularly
- you still share meals with him

Dude got caught and getting that VIP doghouse treatment :lol:
Da cliffs?
Edit cuz war I meant is disks da cliffs?
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If I see one more dude say 'I cheated on the love of my life' one more time...I just might pass out from laughing so much
have you ever been cheated on pepper?

Yes, many many many times.
Even by the "good" guys. Or guys I thought were decent enough to respect the relationship.

AND I completely agree that a monogamous relationship is hard to maintain, it does not give your partner the right to misuse your trust.
Nobody wanna talk ish out anymore. It's "I wasn't entirely happy so I just HAD to cheat." No, you didn't.
Stop making excuses for the crappy behavior. Be honest, be open.
:lol: Don't try to flip this on her.... if she didn't get that suspicious feeling, she wouldn't have found out that he was ******* around. :smh:

Guys can make **** so obvious some times (i'm definitely guilty of this).
Suspicious feeling? She never mentioned that, says randomly checked his email(who does that)? So you're cool with girls going through your email for no reason?
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have you ever been cheated on pepper?
Yes, many many many times.
Even by the "good" guys. Or guys I thought were decent enough to respect the relationship.

AND I completely agree that a monogamous relationship is hard to maintain, it does not give your partner the right to misuse your trust.
Nobody wanna talk ish out anymore. It's "I wasn't entirely happy so I just HAD to cheat." No, you didn't.
Stop making excuses for the crappy behavior. Be honest, be open.
what are you doing about it? 'many many times' can't be good?

have you ever been the one doing the cheating?
^She needs to take a hard look in the mirror. Good chance she went into most of those relationships with trust issues. Men can smell a insecure woman from a mile away and always ends with more cheating.
Shocked NTs

haven't gotten computers


any educated black NTrs, i got a single sister who just got accepted into a PA program, she is 26 years old got her mind right

ill shoot you her info you if any serious, dudes always hit on her like females have always hit on me
How many people hit you so far?
lol you know how I can tell this thread is fishy, this is how a lot of people get caught cheating on "Real World". No cheating man is that careless. And who are these people macking women VIA hotmail? That's a thing? At least it made sense on real world cause they couldn't use phones, but what 20-30 yr old bags women over email?


They would text (iMessage) she was stored under a guys name, and also they would talk through gmail chats. Pics of her *** and her on the bed were on his email. They were send from his phone... To keep as a souvenir probably lol and pics of weed being sent to her for bragging purposes.
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Suspicious feeling? She never mentioned that, says randomly checked his email(who does that)? So you're cool with girls going through your email for no reason?
I did say that during the time he was cheating I felt weird and I just knew deep down that something was off.
I'm gonna assume OP's pic and the co-woker's pics have been posted by now, right my fellow NTers? :nerd: You know before I go through all the pgs

Hi everyone, so I have been a lurker for awhile on these forums and I have probably posted like 2-3 times.
I have been thinking about posting about this very personal topic and finally decided to do it!
So basically, my boyfriend of 2 1/2 years cheated on me with his coworker.

I found out by randomly just checking his email one day and there were emails between them and later on found out that they actually slept together. The first time they slept together was when I had a celebration for my acceptance into dental school, which was the most effed up part in my opinion.

Their fling was going on for a month and a half until i found out.

So anyways, I found out and caught him on multiple lies after that because he tried hiding the fact that they actually slept together at first.
I found out, smacked him, left him, ignored him and started talking to someone.

But lately he has been going above and beyond to try and get me back. The other day I told him we need to not talk at all and that I have given up on us he had a full on breakdown and started crying... which i am not going to lie, broke my heart even though i have all that anger and hate for him.

I just don't know if he deserves a second chance... i just look at him differently now, kind of like i lost respect? maybe love. I don't know if i can ever fully move on from this.

so my question is, what do i do? Any men in here cheated on the girl they love and regretted it? did you regret it? do men cheat because they don't love their women? why did you cheat? tell me your story.

also for the women in this forum...did your man ever cheat on you? did you take him back?

oh and it's been a month ever since i found out and he hasn't given up trying for a month.
Take him back, then like a week in when he's doing everything to show you he's a better bf make sure he catches you smashing another guy. Two dudes if you're willing.

I don't get in to committed exclusive relationships. I smash who I want, it's usually pretty obvious that I don't have to tell them this is fwb or an open relationship or w/e else. Most times dudes don't cheat cuz they don't love their S/O, they cheat cuz they want to experience new strange. The jump in amount of girls that want to get with you once you're taken is crazy.

There are some dudes who don't just physically cheat but emotionally as well and fall in love with their mistresses and want to leave their S/O and love them less. I wouldn't know much 1st hand experience about that.


Well **** that.
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