Post pics of your girl. show her off!

All these social network out there and you don't wanna drop a pic on a forum..... And got people really giving out real advice smh

A lot of people know me, and I have shared a lot of detail regarding my personal life which I don't share with people I know personally/colleagues/family members
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OP, what are you even talking about "take him back"? You talking FB status or what cause since he got exposed:
- you still let him smash like clockwork
- you still talk to him regularly
- you still share meals with him

Dude got caught and getting that VIP doghouse treatment :lol:
All these social network out there and you don't wanna drop a pic on a forum..... And got people really giving out real advice smh

A lot of people know me, and I have shared a lot of detail regarding my personal life which I don't share with people I know personally/colleagues/family members

Damn you too? And you're middle eastern? Let me guess... you hiding out in LA with a forearm tattoo.

No shots are you Yousef... you cool! You make more moola than me in one video :x
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Don't take him back. It will make life miserable. His kisses won't be the same, or his hugs, or anything for that matter. Nothing will feel genuine. You don't want to grow old with somebody like that. :-/ ....


You want to hear people stories so it seems ok to forgive him but the truth is that it's not ok. Cheating isn't ok, but sometimes we just want to be hopeful of the situation and believe things even tho deep down inside we know it's wrong. I been in the situation (and I look like a model too) lol jk :frown: good luck tho OP
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Small percentage of men are faithful. But to say all men is a generalization...

I've already addressed the fact that not all men cheat. But I do think that all men are cheaters waiting to happen given the opportunity and circumstance.

Dr. Toote be like I hope this one's nice. I hope he's not going to do what he's going to do. :lol:

You can say that about everybody brother :lol: Females also.
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other than the obvious, respect, trust, loyalty, honesty, etc.

love to me is just accepting the person you're with, and loving them for who they are, not who you want them to be.
and even though he smokes weed, decided to drop out of school, i still loved him for who he is, and i fell in love with his family and his family asked me to be his cousins godmother and i said yes (last year).
I supported his decisions and helped him make sure that this is what he really wants and not some impulsive idea.

don't get me wrong he always supported me as well and was a good boyfriend, and that is why it was such a shock to me when i found out that he cheated.

i guess it's so hard for me now i feel like i know what i am supposed to do, which is leave him, but at the same time our relationship meant so much to me and was so much... eh idk we'll see what happens.
I see this thread is still up and lurking. Now I see and I'm starting to see that your a poor judge of character. I agree on most of your definition of love but the fact he doesn't fit all the things you described and your still with him makes you abit of a hypocrite.

Respect:He didn't respect you by cheating
Trust: He can't be trusted cause he can step out again
Loyalty: He wasn't loyal
Honesty: he was lying at every turn

I could see if he got drunk and fed a chick then told you. I can see forgiveness in that. but damn girl.

It seems you didn't fall in love with him but everything around him. You like his family mostly and not him. Drop the man and move on. Go to the gym get right for the summer and do some shopping therapy and find someone new.
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caught up, still no pic 
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Why did you go through his email? That was trifling in itself, you clearly lacked respect and trust for him.

:lol: Don't try to flip this on her.... if she didn't get that suspicious feeling, she wouldn't have found out that he was ******* around. :smh:

Guys can make **** so obvious some times (i'm definitely guilty of this).
OP, what are you even talking about "take him back"? You talking FB status or what cause since he got exposed:
- you still let him smash like clockwork
- you still talk to him regularly
- you still share meals with him

Dude got caught and getting that VIP doghouse treatment :lol:
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