Post intimidating sports pictures

I wouldn't care, because there would be good chance he would hurt himself on the next play.


Karate Tournament I was at:


Wildcat, I see your Albert Belle and raise you:


Various intimidating photos:



This picture has to be fake:

No one can throw a ball that bad.

I mean, that ball is thrown at absolutely NOBODY in the picture. Like, the QB had to have seen somebody on the other side of that warehouse and decidedhe'd be wide open, then after he chucked it, ol' dude in the blue was like 'Nah, I got this.'

I can honestly say, I never thought I'd see someone else on these forums post something related to rugby.

It is a very nice surprise.
Originally Posted by Respect21

I can honestly say, I never thought I'd see someone else on these forums post something related to rugby.

It is a very nice surprise.
rugby is a tough sport. grew up watching quite a bit of it as a kid, esp the all blacks
their intimidation as a team is something that'll never be touched by anyother team in any other sport. and once the whistle blew, they straight up beast on dudes. its too bad that rugby gets pretty much no coverage here
Originally Posted by Respect21

I can honestly say, I never thought I'd see someone else on these forums post something related to rugby.

It is a very nice surprise.
Yeah well New Zealand is dominated by Rugby.. growing up here its all they damn talk about haha. The worst was France last year, losing to themin '99 was bad enough, but last year was terrible.

Im pretty sure Rugby is probably as important as tomorrows elections
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